You keep people in a hospital because if they require immediate care they are seconds away from getting it if they were just chilling at home waiting on house calls they’d be f***ing dead and there’s no way u can just send doctors and nurses to all of these peoples houses to monitor them 24/7 it’s why we have f***ing wards
Americans the first people in human existence banning hopsitals before guns.
Go America first 💪💪💪💪💪 Make it happen
Let your immune system take care of that lung cancer
F***ing MRIs? Diagonistics? Ultrasounds? X-rays? Catheters? Literally all the equipment that gets centralized to a hospital because there is no other logistically feasible way of giving access to a high volume of people without putting it in one building? U realize hospitals costs hundreds of millions of dollars before u staff them right?
A lot of that stuff can be streamlined still with my proposition
You’re mad for no reason, we’re just having a discussion lil bro
You keep people in a hospital because if they require immediate care they are seconds away from getting it if they were just chilling at home waiting on house calls they’d be f***ing dead and there’s no way u can just send doctors and nurses to all of these peoples houses to monitor them 24/7 it’s why we have f***ing wards
Not once did anybody say to have doctors make house calls lmfao
A lot of that stuff can be streamlined still with my proposition
You’re mad for no reason, we’re just having a discussion lil bro
No it cant. It literally f***ing cannot be. Ull never be a doctor because ur too f***ing stupid and u should just accept this thread as proof of that and go on working menial labour for the rest of ur life because u lost the genetic lottery and got a brain that was two steps behind in the evolutionary ladder
A lot of that stuff can be streamlined still with my proposition
You’re mad for no reason, we’re just having a discussion lil bro
I think there’s a middle ground tbh
I think there’s a middle ground tbh
There’s no middle ground op has brain damage and thinks he has better solutions than ten thousand years of our culture trying to solve this problem. If hospitals aren’t the best solution then why do we have them on every city on the planet? Wouldn’t someone have thought of something better by this point?
No it cant. It literally f***ing cannot be. Ull never be a doctor because ur too f***ing stupid and u should just accept this thread as proof of that and go on working menial labour for the rest of ur life because u lost the genetic lottery and got a brain that was two steps behind in the evolutionary ladder
go “raise ur t levels” and stop overcompensating by being a angry weirdo on here
And stop getting off topic please
I think there’s a middle ground tbh
realistically ya, there is a middle ground between completely forfeiting over to freelance/local health care and continuing on as is
Could probably do something like individual people picking what they want to do and freelancing it that way
certain people will have specific qualifications for whatever medical procedure needs done but regardless it isn’t mandated or regulated by the government so it works
There’s no middle ground op has brain damage and thinks he has better solutions than ten thousand years of our culture trying to solve this problem. If hospitals aren’t the best solution then why do we have them on every city on the planet? Wouldn’t someone have thought of something better by this point?
every city doesn’t have a hospital btw
if ur argument was true everybody in cities without a hospital would be dead
realistically ya, there is a middle ground between completely forfeiting over to freelance/local health care and continuing on as is
Could probably do something like individual people picking what they want to do and freelancing it that way
certain people will have specific qualifications for whatever medical procedure needs done but regardless it isn’t mandated or regulated by the government so it works
This sounds like it would work as long as everyone buys in
This sounds like it would work as long as everyone buys in
I agree
One ant cant moved a banana but a colony of ants can move 600 bananas
We all gotta contribute and make the transition if it were to work; which judging by the public reaction to this thread might not be possible in our lifetimes lol
Equipment such as?
Tourniquets, anti septic/bacterials, incision makers and stitches / bandaging, sedatives and anesthesia
what other equipment would drive the cost up?
Yall let this bumble f*** post this.
Even for a troll thread this is dumb
Have you ever been to an eye clinic?
Everything in there cost a grip 🤣
F*** the lenses they use are the cheapest things they have an they run up to 300 hundred dollars plus
Poor countries can barely afford to do the diagnostics they do in American hospitals
You guys are clowns.
How dis s*** get this long
The middle of the thread is about capitalism, crypto technology, communism, etc. etc.
The middle of the thread is about capitalism, crypto technology, communism, etc. etc.
Bro the weirdos in this forum need to stop lmao. This is literally a troll OP.
Also these guys arguing that they pull the plug on poor people in America LMAO.
The people in this thread are so dumb. Doctors in America have to provide care if you are on life support regardless of whether you can afford it or not
Bro the weirdos in this forum need to stop lmao. This is literally a troll OP.
Also these guys arguing that they pull the plug on poor people in America LMAO.
The people in this thread are so dumb. Doctors in America have to provide care if you are on life support regardless of whether you can afford it or not
The 14th post should be the OP & the thread would have run smoother
People are most likely talking about abolishing the system that hospitals abuse to make money, ie, charging thousands of dollars for medicine and basic care because it gets charged to the insurance company and not the individual. Which is inherently classist because if you can't afford insurance then you are left with tens of thousands of dollars of debt, or don't receive care because you know you can't afford it.
I highly doubt there are that many people out there saying that hospitals themselves should no longer exist.
It's the same thing as saying "abolish the police". Sure there are some anarchists and libertarians out there who think there shouldn't be a police force, but 99% of people who say "abolish the police" are talking about abolishing a system which gives the police too much power and freedom to harass and kill innocent people.
This post
This post
That post is actually good and the actual problem with America's Healthcare system. Those are access to care issues
People do not go to Hospitals for a myriad of reasons and one of the major ones is being saddled with medical debt for a chronic illness.
Especially in a setting where you have to come every couple weeks or months and get a diagnostic test.
If you don't have insurance you end up getting f***ed hard.
Also America should work on its preventative care in order to mitigate the amount of people who develop serious maladies.
However OP is a dumb troll, Hospitals as in the building and infrastructure are necessary.
wym insinuating lol Hospitals are known to pull plugs on people they deem a waste of tax dollars or leeching the system
I can't believe yall let this nigga post this.
Hospitals absolutely don't pull plugs on people they "deem to be a waste of tax dollars".
You are beyond cracked if you think this.
Also the problems with America's Healthcare system is literally insurance companies
Yall let this bumble f*** post this.
Even for a troll thread this is dumb
Have you ever been to an eye clinic?
Everything in there cost a grip 🤣
F*** the lenses they use are the cheapest things they have an they run up to 300 hundred dollars plus
Poor countries can barely afford to do the diagnostics they do in American hospitals
You guys are clowns.
How am I trolling tho I’ve presented a decent amount of information to go off of and i even said in the op that there was discussion happening on social media
I understand where you’re coming from but I don’t think you read any of the posts pages 1-4/5 or else you wouldn’t be so rude
Im sorry if you are in a poor country and took offense to my post but that was neither my intentions nor does that have anything to do with the proposition outlined in the title and the posts following