As someone who spent 8 days in hospital and 10 days in a rehab hospital this year whoever suggests they should be abolished is the next evolution in smooth brain idiocy
God help us
Public Hospitals are the places that accept s*** like Medicare.
The hell did they do to you?
They also tend to serve as teaching hospitals for residents.
Not to mention Hospitals are usually huge areas where you can see and drop off a multitude of patients.
Also freelance surgeons? What?
Do you think surgeries are done in thin air?
Surgeries are done usually in the OR room of a Hospital, usually with a team of techs and nurses on standby helping alongside the surgical attending.
What the f*** is a freelance surgeon. Is this the plot of Mad Max?
Also what the f*** is a government mandated surgeon? Every physician in any country is a government mandated physician if they have a license to practice medicine.
The contrary to a government mandated physician is someone illegally performing procedures on people
you just listed all the reasons why hospitals are necessary and OP still wants to go “I still don’t see why they’re needed”
Lock this trash thread up
Did this all start on twitter? It seems like any stupid idea can gain traction on there now. Its very concerning
Every physician in any country is a government mandated physician
And that’s the problem lol
I’d be okay with leaving a few hospitals in major cities like LA, NY etc but for the most part I don’t see why health care can’t be handed over to the people rather than people who are rich enough to work in it and the federal government
(500K+ to become a medical doctor in a hospital. which is objectively classist and limits who can pursue that career)
Bro you honestly just shouldn’t be speaking on this cause you obviously have no clue how healthcare works
Bro you honestly just shouldn’t be speaking on this cause you obviously have no clue how healthcare works
I can speak on anything I want buddy lol
How do you replace dozens of specialists, incredibly advanced machines, and hundreds of nurses all ready 24/7 to take care of the worst health problems you've ever seen in your life. Does every mom and pop shop have a CT scanner, MRI, orthopedic surgeon, neurosurgeon, team of ER nurses, etc?
You are an absolute fool. An idiot.
The only thing that need be abolished is insurance. That's the real blood sucking middle man here.
I also like how op is the people he is questioning in the thread title
the hospital experience been woat. they save lives tho
Exactly not a single soul like going to the hospital
Localized and freelanced health care can save lives too
Hope this is bait @op cause otherwise...
It’s obviously not
Read pages 1-5~ for the best summarization of what’s being discussed
trolls derailed it debating politics and crypto for like 10 pages
Exactly not a single soul like going to the hospital
Localized and freelanced health care can save lives too
I adore going to the hospital.
Who else can handle 10 fractures, one requiring surgery, and a traumatic brain injury all in the same building.
Please lock your thread.
As someone who spent 8 days in hospital and 10 days in a rehab hospital this year whoever suggests they should be abolished is the next evolution in smooth brain idiocy
God help us
Acting like ablishing hospitals means u wont get sirgery
Acting like ablishing hospitals means u wont get sirgery
Explain to me how u replace an or room in hospital when it's mom and pop s***. It takes dozens of people to make sure a surgery goes well.
abolish hospitals
wtf lol
i mean they are certainly understaffed and stressed but that’s the budgets fault not the workers
we need hospitals lol
just more money dedicated to them
Anyone who hates the hospital gotta check their gratitude. Y'all prolly hate the grocery store too, and tap water, and public transit. Spoiled kids.