He's just saying casts and a good diet work well lmaoo
Yeahhhhhhh i thought i was gonna see something different than what is already practiced in hospitals smh
Like some blueberries healing a broken arm smh
Why drop stacks on hospital bills when you can just buy a vagina egg to stick up your ass?
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Yeahhhhhhh i thought i was gonna see something different than what is already practiced in hospitals smh
Like some blueberries healing a broken arm smh
Yeah I should’ve went to Whole Foods for my broken arm so they could marinate me in flax seed and oatmeal
Okay this is pretty interesting. The only thing I'd say is the scope of hospital medical services is really broad, so I figure these mom and pop centres would need to specialise?
Okay this is pretty interesting. The only thing I'd say is the scope of hospital medical services is really broad, so I figure these mom and pop centres would need to specialise?
That would kill so many people because the services wouldn’t be right there to help them when they needed it
That would kill so many people because the services wouldn’t be right there to help them when they needed it
Facts. Op just called me a troll because I asked how u gonna replace immediate access to a dozen different surgeons, highly advanced medical imaging devices, etc.
That would kill so many people because the services wouldn’t be right there to help them when they needed it
So in terms of scalability, who says it's possible?
Okay this is pretty interesting. The only thing I'd say is the scope of hospital medical services is really broad, so I figure these mom and pop centres would need to specialise?
Smart man
Facts. Op just called me a troll because I asked how u gonna replace immediate access to a dozen different surgeons, highly advanced medical imaging devices, etc.
He called me Jessie Pinkman and ends up being on meth all night
Nothing makes sense
So in terms of scalability, who says it's possible?
What’s possible?
What’s possible?
OPs idea that hospitals can be replaced by mom and pop centres
Smart man
So we need a huge increase in ambulances right? Because like in my case where i need immediate orthopedic surgery but also advanced imaging on my brain injury those are not in the same building. They could be across town. And those minutes spent in transport could mean the difference between a successful recovery and living with permanent damage.
So in terms of scalability, who says it's possible?
A lot of ppl on social media (and now me, after researching it more)
Think of it like this
A city like LA or NY is going to have all specializations needed at all times just because of the population and demand, a small town won’t have them but most small towns don’t have hospitals anyway
Most of these surgeries that are performed don’t need to be as expensive as they are but the price is gouged so they can gouge the insurance companies and make money
Take the money incentive away and all that’s left is open market healthcare for the people by the people
OPs idea that hospitals can be replaced by mom and pop centres
Him and Twitter I guess
I have never heard of this before in my life.
Granted we do need insurance reform in regards to getting single payer or something of that sort
He is right that things can be expensive for a large segment of the population because of that
Sounds like op advocating for universal healthcare but doesn't realize it.
Mom and pop shop surgery sounds hilarious to me. They either gonna f*** your whole s*** up or have to charge much more than standard hospitals
So we need a huge increase in ambulances right? Because like in my case where i need immediate orthopedic surgery but also advanced imaging on my brain injury those are not in the same building. They could be across town. And those minutes spent in transport could mean the difference between a successful recovery and living with permanent damage.
Ambulances ideally would be replaced by a uber type system but they have mounted lights
Ambulance rides are insanely expensive and most people won’t even call an ambulance simply because of the cost
Why pay $500 for a ambulance ride when you can pay $20 (12~ + a good tip)
Mom and pop shop surgery sounds hilarious to me. They either gonna f*** your whole s*** up or have to charge much more than standard hospitals
It’s been done reasonably in the past
Ambulances ideally would be replaced by a uber type system but they have mounted lights
Ambulance rides are insanely expensive and most people won’t even call an ambulance simply because of the cost
Why pay $500 for a ambulance ride when you can pay $20 (12~ + a good tip)
You're saying that with ten fractures and tbi that imma get taken to another mom and pop shop by an Uber....
You're kidding right
You're saying that with ten fractures and tbi that imma get taken to another mom and pop shop by an Uber....
You're kidding right
You’d get taken to the nearest fracture and tbi specialist
You’d get taken to the nearest fracture and tbi specialist
By a dude who has absolutely no medical expertise. What happens if i start having a seizure due to my tbi?