Healthcare is expensive due to blood sucking middlemen called insurance providers. Eliminate them and the price vanishes. Just look at any other first world nation.
By a dude who has absolutely no medical expertise. What happens if i start having a seizure due to my tbi?
My mom had something very serious happen in the last year she would be absolutely DEAD without having a plethora of different services available
I mean this is a WILD perspective
By a dude who has absolutely no medical expertise. What happens if i start having a seizure due to my tbi?
I haven’t thought that through but just as an on the spot idea
You can order other specialists to ride with you
So if you think you may have a seizure your driver will pick up a seizure specialist on the way
IV specialist, Blood loss specialist etc
again, the cost would be waaaay lower than receiving any of those in a ambulance
This has not been discussed on social media from what I’ve seen so this one is my own personal view
Im personally against hospitals and like to take a more hollistic approach when it comes to medical needs i cured my gonorrhea with some asparagus and beetroot powder recipes
You're saying that with ten fractures and tbi that imma get taken to another mom and pop shop by an Uber....
You're kidding right
I haven’t thought that through but just as an on the spot idea
You can order other specialists to ride with you
So if you think you may have a seizure your driver will pick up a seizure specialist on the way
IV specialist, Blood loss specialist etc
again, the cost would be waaaay lower than receiving any of those in a ambulance
This has not been discussed on social media from what I’ve seen so this one is my own personal view
Oh my god I'm crying
Imagine being in the back of the ambulance dying and you have to pick 3 guys from their house for each issue they THINK you're having
there even could be more
My experience with hospitals in canada has been trash. The waiting times are ridiculous. Last time i was at a hospital couple months back i waited 7 hours to see a doctor and a further 2 hours to get my results back. And this would be the same case pre covid. Factor in the racism that is rampant throughout the system with black and indignenous people having actually died because of negligence and having discriminatory remarks hurled at them,fuck it.
Im personally against hospitals and like to take a more hollistic approach when it comes to medical needs i cured my gonorrhea with some asparagus and beetroot powder recipes
Hall of fame post
I'm sure that beetroot and asparagus is going to help when you're legs are both broken from a car accident
No medicine no surgery no good care,just flax seeds grains and vibes
You’re being facetious but in a ideal world, that would be good
Not plausible tho so let’s discuss the topic at hand instead
No medicine no surgery no good care,just flax seeds grains and vibes
just like they taught me at Woodstock!
i had 3rd degree burns on my face I just loaded up a good old mud mask and was ready to go!
You’re being facetious but in a ideal world, that would be good
Not plausible tho so let’s discuss the topic at hand instead
Dude this is CRAZY, when is the last time you slept?
Abolish everything reform nothing!!! No more money no more food no more houses nothing! None of it is good we should all just die because capitalism is evil
Healthcare is expensive due to blood sucking middlemen called insurance providers. Eliminate them and the price vanishes. Just look at any other first world nation.
Abolish everything reform nothing!!! No more money no more food no more houses nothing! None of it is good we should all just die because capitalism is evil
Strawman: The Post
Feel like everyday recently when i get on social media i see people on my timeline wanting to abolish hospitals
I do agree that it’s a flawed system but getting the older crowd to abolish hospitals would be tough. I’m seeing a lot of talk about mom and pop clinics and freelance medical care/surgeries etc
Cutting the middle man out of health care could be revolutionary for america. People dont seem to want the government regulating, mandating and controlling their health
What do KTT2 ppl think? Hospitals: Yes or No? Is reform needed?
Strawman: The Thread
My experience with hospitals in canada has been trash. The waiting times are ridiculous. Last time i was at a hospital couple months back i waited 7 hours to see a doctor and a further 2 hours to get my results back. And this would be the same case pre covid. Factor in the racism that is rampant throughout the system with black and indignenous people having actually died because of negligence and having discriminatory remarks hurled at them,fuck it.
So anyone going against what I’m saying probably hasn’t been to a hospital too many times
And using the time it takes to get to the localized health care specialists won’t even be as long as hospital waits
Ambulances ideally would be replaced by a uber type system but they have mounted lights
Ambulance rides are insanely expensive and most people won’t even call an ambulance simply because of the cost
Why pay $500 for a ambulance ride when you can pay $20 (12~ + a good tip)
OP must be taking the piss
You cannot be serious
You're saying that with ten fractures and tbi that imma get taken to another mom and pop shop by an Uber....
You're kidding right
OP is a troll, stop responding to him bro