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  • Jun 7, 2021
    The Minds Throne

    Doctors are some of the most valuable people on the planet. I haven’t had a bad experience with doctors however, the 2 times I was sick, they didn’t know what the hell was wrong with me.

    I had h1n1 type symptoms but didn’t have it.

    Another illness too but the diagnosis came up empty.

    Through this, I’ve learned to trust in God, repent and get back under his covering.

    Deep post
    Thank you for sharing such a personal story

  • Jun 7, 2021
    2 replies
    CLB Fractions

    i think you would still need hospitals tho even if u allowed freelance doctors etc


  • Jun 7, 2021
    2 replies
    The Minds Throne

    Doctors are some of the most valuable people on the planet. I haven’t had a bad experience with doctors however, the 2 times I was sick, they didn’t know what the hell was wrong with me.

    I had h1n1 type symptoms but didn’t have it.

    Another illness too but the diagnosis came up empty.

    Through this, I’ve learned to trust in God, repent and get back under his covering.

    Please stay on topic

  • Jun 7, 2021
    8 replies

    Did the doctor who invented medical school go to medical school?

  • valenciaga


    what country are you in?

  • Jun 7, 2021
    1 reply

    The cost of surgery would be minimal if the cost of becoming a surgeon wasnt so expensive

    remove hospitals, employ a self taught/freelance surgeon and doctor regime and we will accomplish the following

    Lower cost of surgery
    Government isnt controlling our health care
    Lower cost of medicine and treatments
    Cancer rates would go down (this is a personal anecdote so I could be wrong)

    The pros are outweighing the cons as far as freelance med care/non government mandated health care

    Self-taught surgeons? Doctors need education from a proper university, what do you even mean by self-taught, they have to save lives not edit a video for youtube. How do you even propose practicals and lab-work for practice of students aspiring to become doctors being done without proper infrastructure and a proper establishment. Not just universities, even hospitals are learning grounds for medical interns.

    1. How would you obtain a lower cost of surgery? Tell me something, does watching a movie in a theatre full of people costs more or renting a whole theatre for yourself does? Does hiring a private educator cost more or studying in an institute where a person teaches to multiple students. If individual clinics become a prominent thing, doctors will likely wont have enough space to even accomodate patients let alone operate on them.During times like COVID, doctors were taking care of over 20 patients here which is only possible in a hospital, in a single clinic you won't be able to have so many people in a place together and it would cost more for a person to get treated, not less.

    2. In my country, we have government hospitals which operate for low or no cost and in cases like covid government had put a cap on prices of private hospitals too. You don't want government to not control stuff, you want them to control it well and in a way it benefits you all not the hospitals.

    3. Please elaborate on the last 2 points.

    Not to mention all this is too impractical, do you have any case study related to your proposal on a massive scale. We had such a thing called Mohalla clinics here basically meaning neighbourhood clinics and it was a massive failure.

    Most importantly, for most surgeries you need multiple experts like Anesthesiologist and Radiologist which won't fit in the framework mentioned by you at all.

  • Jun 7, 2021

    Did the doctor who invented medical school go to medical school?

    Fr lmao people are just resistant to change

  • Jun 7, 2021

    Whole hospital have their issues that should be addressed people nowadays will cling to anything just so set themselves apart from everyone else.

  • Jun 7, 2021

    Did the doctor who invented medical school go to medical school?

  • Jun 7, 2021
    1 reply

    Did the doctor who invented medical school go to medical school?

    He didnt lol

    Somebody just randomly said “hey give me 500k and ill teach you what i know”

    and they kept the process going and now guys like me have to pay well over 3k to get stiches because my sister kicked me in the eye when i was 8 years old

  • Jun 7, 2021
    1 reply

    Abolish hospitals???

  • Jun 7, 2021

    Please stay on topic

  • Smoofer

    Abolish hospitals???

    these guys don't get it lmao

    we just need single payer

  • Jun 7, 2021
    2 replies
    Noah Parker

    we’re getting scammed

    most people in usa arnt actually paying 100k. also best hospitals and doctors in the world are in the usa. also they pay taxes toward healthcare so amount an individual their pays over a few years could be higher than their lifetime hospital spending

  • CLB Fractions

    most people in usa arnt actually paying 100k. also best hospitals and doctors in the world are in the usa. also they pay taxes toward healthcare so amount an individual their pays over a few years could be higher than their lifetime hospital spending

    i pay 0 on all healthcare expenses with good insurance


  • Jun 7, 2021
    2 replies

    matter fact abolish healthcare institutions all together

    lets just start healing ourselves type

  • Jun 7, 2021


    hospitals as in large collection of operating rooms and doctors etc. call it what u want lol

  • Jun 7, 2021

    Did the doctor who invented medical school go to medical school?

  • Jun 7, 2021

    Fire Fauci

  • Jun 7, 2021
    Noah Parker

    we’re getting scammed

    the mental gymnastics some people go through is insane when it's so obvious we're being scammed and pharma and insurance execs are pocketing all our money

  • Jun 7, 2021

    I’ve heard before that the gvt has call of duty type syringes for multi purpose use but doesn’t give them to the people to keep big hospital in business

  • Jun 7, 2021
    2 replies

    i don't get this thread

  • Jun 7, 2021

    Did the doctor who invented medical school go to medical school?


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