People were saying it’s awkward to pronounce and that probably white people came up with that when it’s been a thing for a while
Those are both common academic criticisms of it tho
EDIT: for clarity the latter criticism is more about it being a US term not common in Latin America rather than specifically a white thing
Latino = masculine
Latina = feminine
They change the last letter to x for a variable, its not that crazy
Its stupid though because the whole language is like that so who gives a s*** really
Its stupid though because the whole language is like that so who gives a s*** really
My old Peruvian landlord lady in Miami would’ve had a field day with this if I told her she hates the internet as it is lmao
Its stupid though because the whole language is like that so who gives a s*** really
Not me im not really for it or against it, i was just explaining
It's only used by over-educated under-intelligent clowns that have somehow conflated human gender with grammatical gender, possibly on purpose to signal how progressive they are
Those are both common academic criticisms of it tho
EDIT: for clarity the latter criticism is more about it being a US term not common in Latin America rather than specifically a white thing
But it IS common in Latin American. It’s been like that for a minute over here.
like dead ass Who tf besides college student online says that
Still seeing it all over twitter
It sound completely white washed
Tf is the x, they mutants or sumn now
Edit: oh s*** the x is a variable
Better than “people of color” give that silly s*** 2 more years and we’ll be back to being called coloreds. This woke s*** corny.
I'm not the only one? thought I was bugging.
Get so annoyed when mfs get mad at me for referring to MYSELF as colored
like dead ass Who tf besides college student online says that
Still seeing it all over twitter
It sound completely white washed
thank you for letting me know, i will start using this word now out of respect :D
My old Peruvian landlord lady in Miami would’ve had a field day with this if I told her she hates the internet as it is lmao
Did you smash?
Idk tbh as a Latina myself, I never liked it, but I understand the contact behind it
You guys are projecting your hatred of white people in this thread.
It's simply a gender neutral spelling on Latina/latino.
The term latinx was first coined by a Puerto Rican professor.
Lol racists
Now nigga I know you didn’t just try to be woke and pull the racism against whites card in one fell swoop