u literally just dont understand what we mean by exploitation lol
you're using the everyday use of the term and that's not what it means
the action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work.
then leave?
It comes from the fact that if you don’t work, you cant provide a living for yourself and you die. Your options are to take the work available or starve and companies know this
It comes from the fact that if you don’t work, you cant provide a living for yourself and you die. Your options are to take the work available or starve and companies know this
There’s going to always be another company willing to pay you more to do less work lol
what’s the point in having a discussion about this if you don’t even understand the basic terminology
u literally just dont understand what we mean by exploitation lol
you're using the everyday use of the term and that's not what it means
No, i understand what you’re trying to say but it’s still ridiculous
The salary I make would probably take me 200+ hours a week to generate on my own, but because the business I’m employed by already provides me with resources, I can do it in 40 hours
There’s going to always be another company willing to pay you more to do less work lol
so obvious ur whole conception of work comes from libertarian subreddits lmao this is absolutely not the case wtf?
so obvious ur whole conception of work comes from libertarian subreddits lmao this is absolutely not the case wtf?
No - it comes from real life experience lol
There’s going to always be another company willing to pay you more to do less work lol
Wage labor is always exploitation no matter how nice ur boss is
Otherwise no profits would be possible if the worker received the full value of his labor
Wage labor is always exploitation no matter how nice ur boss is
Otherwise no profits would be possible if the worker received the full value of his labor
Company wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for profit motive.
I wouldn’t work if it weren’t for $$$ motive. It’s literally the same thing. Stupid argument.
No, i understand what you’re trying to say but it’s still ridiculous
The salary I make would probably take me 200+ hours a week to generate on my own, but because the business I’m employed by already provides me with resources, I can do it in 40 hours
wait so you're saying that the capitalist mixes these "resources".. maybe like the "means of production" with labor to make a profit how interesting i wonder if some german fella wrote a book about this whole thing
No, i understand what you’re trying to say but it’s still ridiculous
The salary I make would probably take me 200+ hours a week to generate on my own, but because the business I’m employed by already provides me with resources, I can do it in 40 hours
Economy of scale exists, yeah we know
It's easier to do stuff cooperatively, yeah we know
There’s no point in arguing with these 2 clowns lol wait until synopsis gets back ITT and it’s going to be absolutely unbearable
No - it comes from real life experience lol
bro just go work for a boss who will pay u more for less.. poverty destroyed
Company wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for profit motive.
I wouldn’t work if it weren’t for $$$ motive. It’s literally the same thing. Stupid argument.
Of course a capitalist company would not exist without the profit motive, this is the DNA of capitalism.
bro just go work for a boss who will pay u more for less.. poverty destroyed
Supply and demand exist but not in the labor market - Bill Ackman
Bill Ackman will not win this argument unless he's willing to reject the moral underpinnings of his interlocutors' ideology
Supply and demand exist but not in the labor market - Bill Ackman
Demand greatly outweighs supply right now hence my point
Demand greatly outweighs supply right now hence my point
Depends entirely on the industry, geography etc
Even if so, the wage workers do not own any significant capital (otherwise they wouldnt be workers) and dont have the same leverage in negotiations hence always getting the shorter end of the stick
Unless they can collecitvely organize...sound familar?
Demand greatly outweighs supply right now hence my point
and it will outweigh supply FOREVER - bill cackman
Of course a capitalist company would not exist without the profit motive, this is the DNA of capitalism.
Yes and I would rather work for the company motivated by profits than a group of idiots like yourself more focused on making sure everybody makes the same amount of $
Depends entirely on the industry, geography etc
Even if so, the wage workers do not own any significant capital (otherwise they wouldnt be workers) and dont have the same leverage in negotiations hence always getting the shorter end of the stick
Unless they can collecitvely organize...sound familar?
Absolutely not true but whatever there’s no sense in arguing with someone like you
Yes and I would rather work for the company motivated by profits than a group of idiots like yourself more focused on making sure everybody makes the same amount of $
You fundamentally dont understand what socialism means if this is your point
No socialist has ever denied that capitalism.is driven by the profit motive
Actually it is coping capitalists talking about muh stakeholder economy who deny this more and more