It's more common, but to my knowledge it's expensive to keep up with and at least bodybuilders I've seen talk about it are like regularly in touch with their doctor
I can't speak for if everybody that's on something is at the least keeping their s*** in check with blood tests, and doctor visits, etc
I'm not really educated on how bad it is long term or short term, but ideally if people are gonna do it I hope they are regularly being monitored by a doctor for upkeep with that s***
I remember Xxxtentacion said in an interview that he took testosterone, not sure if thats the same as roids but he was pretty ripped. Made me want to try that s***
rip but theres no chance he weighed more than maybe 125 pounds
idk man you cant go on fitness reddit youtube or tiktok without seeing a huge part of the community promoting roids
obviously idk what the usage was back in the day but idk how something like steroids could be that easily marketed towards young people getting into working out
i also dont think theres a chance it could be easier for people to get on steroids than it is now
You're right about how common it seems from socials just unaure how relevant that is given we dont have that visibility for the past, and also Roid users posts are naturally gonna be more popular given they do make you bigger haha
I do think its a bad thing, cause you have youngins who want status and s***appeal (not that that goes away but when you're young you prioritize it) and they sacrifice their health as a result. It's especially bad because the risks are higher for youth
Undeniably, there's a portion of people who will use steroids as a result of social media posts who wouldn't have otherwise!
The solution is influencers taking responsibility for their content and influence on youth
So there's no solution
I remember Xxxtentacion said in an interview that he took testosterone, not sure if thats the same as roids but he was pretty ripped. Made me want to try that s***
He was also 5’6 and a black skinny kid
Plenty of kids on a JV team looked like him tbh
It is but it’s not lethal and after you cycle off you’d micro dose testosterone until your natural production has recovered
Doesn’t taking testosterone eliminate your ability to produce it? Mad confused by this thread lol
I think so but not an expert. I’m keeping dangerous to lethal side effects @Plankton
He was also 5’6 and a black skinny kid
Plenty of kids on a JV team looked like him tbh
U see kids walking around built like this?
Roids can change your facial structure for the worse or the better
I remember Xxxtentacion said in an interview that he took testosterone, not sure if thats the same as roids but he was pretty ripped. Made me want to try that s***
wtf when did he say that? I think the only interview of his I remember him saying something similar was about him just naturally being aggressive and violent without needing d**** because he was that's just who he was, had a lot of testosterone and aggression as a young boy. I didn't take that to mean he was supplementing testosterone though
Cause were all f***ed up
As much as our generation loves pointing to the flaws of others were all consumer ass nihilistic b****es
First time in 30 years smoking went up amongst youth since my year turned 18
So the shrunken testicles is a myth?
do steroids make your balls shrink?
Well, the answer is, yes they do, BUT, let me throw this at you...
Is that really a bad f***ing thing?
I don't know, let's break this s*** down!
So, visually and aesthetically, looking at,
would you prefer to see... a d*** hanging lower than the balls... or f***ing balls hanging lower than the f***ing d***?!
Of course you would rather see a d*** hanging lower than the balls.
Now, some guys are blessed and have big f***ing d***s, and some guys are F***ED and have little motherfucking d***s!
So, the guys that have balls hanging lower than their d***, I would think they would want their f***ing balls to shrink, because honestly, having balls hanging down below your d*** is not the best look, and it only makes your d*** look even smaller then it is .
I guarantee you every f***ing girl is gonna say the same f***ing thing, they'd rather see the d*** hanging lower than the balls.
So, in any way, I mean honestly, guys, do you guys think that girls are turned on by balls? I mean, I f***ing hope not I mean lemme ask you another question...
So when you see a pair, of hairy, saggy, wrinkled, shriveled up... f***ing BALLSACK hanging between a guys legs, does that s*** turn you on?
Not at all!
Do you know any girls out there that get turned on by a f***ing pair of balls?
No, okay so, having the balls shrink, maybe twenty to thirty percent is probably a good f***ing thing, in fact not probably, it IS a good f***ing thing, the higher your balls are, the bigger your f***ing d*** looks!
So, I'm just telling you, I tell s*** how the f*** it is, and my opinion is, I would rather have my balls shrink twenty to thirty percent, and my balls HAVE shrunk twenty to thirty percent, so my d*** looks even BIGGER then it did!
So, what the f*** is the problem here, right?
Balls shrinking, is a good f***ing thing, so again, Rich Piana, is f***ing telling you straight up, and I know everyone's like; 'Fuck, I never thought of it that way!!
Never thought of it that way!
Well, there you go, taking a little steroids, having your balls shrink up a little bit, is a good f***ing thing but I'm not telling you to take steroids, I don't reccommend steroids, stay natural, don't go down that f***ing road.
It's not the most, you know, glamorous road, you're gonna have problems, anything that has a positive is gonna have a negative, but, I don't know man, if you got f***ing, if your balls hang lower than your f***ing d*** maybe you better take some f***ing steroids.
This generation of young men 14-21 are fed up with all the contradictions of the modern dating landscape they exist in. So sadly they’re just saying f*** it and going for the quickest route to appearing mature with s***appeal: steroids. With the instant and infinite access to knowledge they possess through the internet + general young man’s shortsightedness, there comes an arrogance about the dangers of using enhancements. That “oh it won’t happen to me” mindset x100
wtf when did he say that? I think the only interview of his I remember him saying something similar was about him just naturally being aggressive and violent without needing d**** because he was that's just who he was, had a lot of testosterone and aggression as a young boy. I didn't take that to mean he was supplementing testosterone though
27:20 in this interview. U might be right though. Looking back on it I think he did mean it that way
I’ve noticed this too. Saw some teen looking dude on TikTok say “Trenything is possible”
U see kids walking around built like this?
Yes pictures makes you look bigger and he still looks small there
Look at videos of him next to people, he was very small
Roids can change your facial structure for the worse or the better