Yeah I'm pretty sure he lived with MIKE and them in New York for a time
I remember when SRS dropped niggas was saying SRS was inspired by DOOM and not Slums
I think SRS might be the least DOOM inspired thing Earl had dropped under until that point lol
Obviously hes very influenced by DOOM but that sound is so different
He was going through a lot for SRS with his dad passing i believe
Pretty sure all of that album was completed by the end of 2017 aside from the last two tracks so I don’t know if his dad passing was a contributing factor to his stylistic switch up. Although I do think he delayed the album because of it
Slums may have influenced his switch somewhat but he was always heading down the path he’s on now. For example, wind in my sails was recorded in 2015, way before he met the slums guys in late 2016/early 2017. There’s also a ton of ureleased songs from that time that are a clear indication of where his music was gonna go. There’s also quest power and 45 from 2014
I think you can hear it as early as Moonlight from his debut tape.
There’s a difference between evolving and having a complete night and day difference when it comes to your flow and delivery though
kanye had a whole new delivery after CD
”While simultaneously dispelling one trick pony myths, isn’t he?”
Him and Vince on that track was insane
kanye had a whole new delivery after CD
I don’t know if I agree with that. Late Registration got more lyrical, but I wouldn’t say the delivery really switched up.
The big shift was from LR-Grad imo
I don’t know if I agree with that. Late Registration got more lyrical, but I wouldn’t say the delivery really switched up.
The big shift was from LR-Grad imo
wym his voice is completely new on LR. on CD he sounded like he was tryna rap in a deep voice
To be fair,we are missing an album at least in between the two albums just from all the unreleased s*** he was doing inbetween
wym his voice is completely new on LR. on CD he sounded like he was tryna rap in a deep voice
Ive never thought about this, I’ll have to listen with that in mind next time
he got sent to samoa at like 14 being a bad ass kid and came back to what im sure is an insane amount of fame for a 16 year old
i think IDLS to SRS seems like a major shift (because it was) but in reality it's a kind of delayed maturation that maybe if things had played out differently we would've seen earlier
also it's basically 4 years between IDLS to SRS which is a long ass time in general
also it's basically 4 years between IDLS to SRS which is a long ass time in general
Yeah but I’m mostly fascinated by which point did he fully transition styles
Because he recorded SRS from December 2015-sometime in 2018.
To be fair,we are missing an album at least in between the two albums just from all the unreleased s*** he was doing inbetween
I agree
As I was telling a user earlier, you can hear his delivery from IDLSIDGO on December 24 and Loosie from SRS, assuming those were probably the first 2 tracks recorded for the album.
I definitely prefer the older, faster style
Did you f*** with this track?
Did you f*** with this track?
Hell yeah