You can hear remenants of his delivery from IDLSIDGO on December 25 and Loosie from SRS, so I would assume there was probably more material recorded during that late 2015/early 2016 period that reflects the transition that he just didn’t release.
“Bad acid” premiered around december 2016 on that knx radio
Tbh I think it really started with him making beats off the sp404 and hanging around knx. That was around 2015
I never knew hearing Grief on first listen is something I needed
I suppose I don't know how he would "identify." there's never been a moment where he came out and said "I'm x" like noname. but he seems much more politically attuned than he waas before 2015 and he's definitely got an interest in and affinity for ideas, books, ways of thought that are Marxism-adjacent
He had a very distinctive style in this era for his 2nd album from 2014-2015 that saw a much more energetic sharp delivery and flow that he completely abandoned afterwards, never revisiting it. Why do you think he switched up so drastically from IDLSIDGO to SRS?
Was it because of his involvement with Slums?
I’m in the minority apparently with Earl fans but that era of his music is just so much more appealing to me. Production that feels like you’re lost in a hazy dark cloud with really biting delivery. The songs actually felt fuller with hooks and energy. So much of what he’s doing now feels like these tired run on sentences over interesting instrumentation, but that lacks any progression or even just enough time to let what’s there sink in. I think of stuff like Centurion on Doris as being able to conjure up such a distinct feeling and atmosphere—that he sadly just has no interest in recapturing or building upon. Even something really short from IDLSIDGO like Off Top is so much more immediately engaging than a lot of what he’s putting out now. I really wish I could take the pill that’s making people fall in love with this newer stuff, but I’m just not seeing it. Although I think the framing by his fans that this new sound is more “mature” or sophisticated to be totally junk.
Everything after IDLSIDGO has been horrible and I genuinely cannot listen to it. He’s just talking offbeat while the instrumental is also too loud.
i disagree but this hilarious
Random but at first I didn’t like the deep voice and flow he had when he came home from samoa. I liked his energy more on IDLS but he sounded like he had a cold on Oldie and some of Doris. Now I love it and it took me a long time to warm up to the SRS switch up but I’m happy to witness his growth as a creative
I like earls new stuff but I still feel a little weird about the deep voice. Sometimes it just comes off like he’s clearly forcing it
I’m in the minority apparently with Earl fans but that era of his music is just so much more appealing to me. Production that feels like you’re lost in a hazy dark cloud with really biting delivery. The songs actually felt fuller with hooks and energy. So much of what he’s doing now feels like these tired run on sentences over interesting instrumentation, but that lacks any progression or even just enough time to let what’s there sink in. I think of stuff like Centurion on Doris as being able to conjure up such a distinct feeling and atmosphere—that he sadly just has no interest in recapturing or building upon. Even something really short from IDLSIDGO like Off Top is so much more immediately engaging than a lot of what he’s putting out now. I really wish I could take the pill that’s making people fall in love with this newer stuff, but I’m just not seeing it. Although I think the framing by his fans that this new sound is more “mature” or sophisticated to be totally junk.
you actually captured how ive been feeling about most of his post-SRS work, most of his stuff nowadays doesn’t feel fully fleshed out even though the production is pretty and he can obviously still rap
i do think his sound nowadays compared to Doris per se is a lot more “mature” and his lyrics are a bit more introspective/poetic though
I’m in the minority apparently with Earl fans but that era of his music is just so much more appealing to me. Production that feels like you’re lost in a hazy dark cloud with really biting delivery. The songs actually felt fuller with hooks and energy. So much of what he’s doing now feels like these tired run on sentences over interesting instrumentation, but that lacks any progression or even just enough time to let what’s there sink in. I think of stuff like Centurion on Doris as being able to conjure up such a distinct feeling and atmosphere—that he sadly just has no interest in recapturing or building upon. Even something really short from IDLSIDGO like Off Top is so much more immediately engaging than a lot of what he’s putting out now. I really wish I could take the pill that’s making people fall in love with this newer stuff, but I’m just not seeing it. Although I think the framing by his fans that this new sound is more “mature” or sophisticated to be totally junk.
Someone said it on here before but I really appreciate that era's directness. You could clearly tell that his execution aligned with his intentions if you get what I mean (on IDLSIDGO at least). Very focused. He's rapping his ass off on Voir Dire and I like the album a lot, but I can only really "connect" with a few bars here and there