Could post alotta athletes. Promise I ain’t gay
Just expect more and feel like we’re distorted
just say you admire athletic physique lmao
that’s not what fashion houses are looking for
european features of beauty have to be present on them
What do you mean by this cos I’ll prolly argue it
Everyone OP posted is gorgeous and clearly model material. The only think that stands out about them compared to what we’re used to seeing is how African their features are. So OP just exposed his eurocentrism, ironically so
fashion houses like tall skinny ppl cause everything looks good on them of course theyre not using athletes
Zesty ass thread
niggas cock watching pocket watching model watching
the state of men
biden’s america
I’m talking about models here btw. They’re supposed to be stupidly good looking
Not in 2022. I watch hollands next top model and these days they look for someone unique/different looking with a lot of personality. Pretty/commercial looking people rarely make it into the finals
Everyone OP posted is gorgeous and clearly model material. The only think that stands out about them compared to what we’re used to seeing is how African their features are. So OP just exposed his eurocentrism, ironically so
they use plenty of weird looking white models
diffence is you know the good looking white models names so you notice them more
What do you mean by this cos I’ll prolly argue it
like the european standards of what they look for in beauty
look up what the most “attractive people” are according to them and you’ll see
First of all the dudes you posted are attractive
Secondly they basically on the exact same vibe as Harry Styles literally what are you on???
Baffled by this.
I dont know either why but some magazines are just on that wave of having kinda twink more feminine dudes as their models
Go to any vanilla conventional brand and you will see the guys op clearly wants
white counterparts follow a white/western beauty standard*
so you want your black models to look like how a white person would want their ideal black model to look like?
one of the reasons i hate korean beauty standards is cause it’s all based on western/white preferences.
yup, they commission something called a white monkey in China too
”White monkey is a term for the phenomenon of white foreigners or immigrants in China being hired for modeling, advertising, English teaching, or promotional jobs on the basis of their race.1 The phenomenon is based on the perception that association with foreigners, specifically white foreigners, can signify prestige, legitimacy, and international status.“
s*** is pretty wild + interesting, i did an speech + outline on beauty standards for college awhile ago
Not in 2022. I watch hollands next top model and these days they look for someone unique/different looking with a lot of personality. Pretty/commercial looking people rarely make it into the finals
I do find “European feautures” more attractive if that’s what you call symmetry and refined features
But I feel a black person should be able to have these without them being called European.
Don’t get me wrong African features can look great too
I’m African btw
This some veiled racism cause you mad that they use dark skin black people? lol
This some veiled racism cause you mad that they use dark skin black people? lol
I’m pretty dark myself my guy
I do find “European feautures” more attractive if that’s what you call symmetry and refined features
But I feel a black person should be able to have these without them being called European.
Don’t get me wrong African features can look great too
I’m African btw
I’m starting to understand you’re not black and you’re just a weirdo
I’m starting to understand you’re not black and you’re just a weirdo
prob a coon tbh
idk why the mods haven’t taken his thread making ability away, he just s***posts whatever is on his mind