So why do you have a problem with dark skin models? All the models you showed aren't ugly, they're just dark skin
because op has internalized eurocentrism
So why do you have a problem with dark skin models? All the models you showed aren't ugly, they're just dark skin
I think they’re not model material
So why do you have a problem with dark skin models? All the models you showed aren't ugly, they're just dark skin
1st looks ashy. His lips looks like he’s smoked for 10 years
2nd doesn’t looks too feminine
3rd looks like a security guard
I think they’re not model material
these are handsome dudes with sharp, regal features
you just have a poor taste for aesthetic + some eurocentrism
you need to expose yourself to some more art or something dawg
I think they’re not model material
What do you consider model material then? Please drop some examples so I can understand ur reasonin
What do you consider model material then? Please drop some examples so I can understand ur reasonin
Everyone I’ve posted in this thread
What do you consider model material then? Please drop some examples so I can understand ur reasonin
He did and they handsome but don't look like models in 2022
1st looks ashy. His lips looks like he’s smoked for 10 years
2nd doesn’t looks too feminine
3rd looks like a security guard
yo huh? he looks feminine because he’s in pink or what bro?
What do you consider model material then? Please drop some examples so I can understand ur reasonin
Be honest with me
Do you think girls universally look at the 1st 3 dudes I posted and find them really attractive? I could even test this
Whereas everyone else I posted I guarantee they’d find them very attractive
OP wouldve had one if this thread was about the erasure of beards in modelling
I go to South Africa and see chicks with Beckford like features
They just got you f***ed up by calling the feautures European
I just see symmetrical refined features
yo huh? he looks feminine because he’s in pink or what bro?
yeah second guy does not look feminine lmao
Generally the women picked to be models, any race, aren't usually my type because I like rounder faces with subtle chins and fashion houses usually go for more angular faces with sharper features
Still, I get that they're traditionally beautiful and deserve to be models
Be honest with me
Do you think girls universally look at the 1st 3 dudes I posted and find them really attractive? I could even test this
Whereas everyone else I posted I guarantee they’d find them very attractive
Models aren't supposed to be universally attractive. They're supposed to model clothing and fit the aesthetic that the designer is going with. You literally look at any models these days, they aren't usually conventionally attractive. Most of them have a unique look to them, not just black models. Like this is a model for balenciaga
Models aren't supposed to be universally attractive. They're supposed to model clothing and fit the aesthetic that the designer is going with. You literally look at any models these days, they aren't usually conventionally attractive. Most of them have a unique look to them, not just black models. Like this is a model for balenciaga