y’all say this and none of these niggas are even half as good
when did ktt become like this? i think around 2019, when GenZ took over
most of this userbase is mid to late 20s or even outright 30s
it is far from Gen-Z centered, there’s like a handful at best
y’all say this and none of these niggas are even half as good
Maybe so, still doesn’t change that that’s exactly what people said about Waka and Gucci 10 years ago
I won’t s*** on em
But I will say that they have nobody that is great
I guess Carti would be to them what Wayne was for us when I was in HS (I’m early 30’s)
the oldest gen z-ers are like 26 yrs old and the youngest about 13, yall should stop using it as buzz word
Also this
People will say “foh grandpa” but the actual kids born in the 2000’s miss the 90’s-2000’s quality of music and pop culture/fashion/media moments lol
and that’s facts my 16 year old brother going thru a 50 cent/ Eminem phase rn, my 15 year old cousin is literally obsessed with Kanye
and that’s facts my 16 year old brother going thru a 50 cent/ Eminem phase rn, my 15 year old cousin is literally obsessed with Kanye
that’s what happens when the music is good good
i had a huge Bowie phase when i was younger
I'm not hanging with high schoolers but they're just probably working with whatever is hot
Yeah Nettspend isn't as good as Kendrick, but no one is as good as him so I can't blame the youngins
most high schoolers like kendrick
that tier of artist tends to be the most popular across generations
@Melz shade 😭
it's only bad taste from ur perspective. all ur rlly saying is u don't get what kids listen to these days, which is fine
don't worry abt it and enjoy ur music
I guess Carti would be to them what Wayne was for us when I was in HS (I’m early 30’s)
Only difference is Wayne was actually constructing songs with bars and actual interesting metaphors. Same for Waka/Gucci etc. Niggas these days is literally only getting carried by melodies, how their voice sounds and the beat
I guess Carti would be to them what Wayne was for us when I was in HS (I’m early 30’s)
And that is an absolute tragedy
They just got this, they'll be ight
Best bar from this song?