  • Nov 18, 2019

    His feelings got mixed after this Scorsese + Joker thing. Probably a DC-stan.

    I’m a DC stan and Marvel got some heat in their selection too i think some people are just burnt out on the superhero trend rn

  • Nov 18, 2019

    People been trying to look cool by overcriticizing these cap movies now.

    They're crowdpleasers, eventually we're going to move outta this phase as with everything lol

  • Nov 18, 2019
    2 replies

    OP's comments are so innocent compared to what the thread turned into lmao. My bad bro.

  • Nov 18, 2019

    yes they were lol

    Well from personal experience, I’ve seen BP twice and both times my theaters had a lot more Caucasian folks in it than one would expect.

    I can’t name someone in real life who has a problem with this movie, only on the internet

  • Nov 18, 2019
    no color

    OP's comments are so innocent compared to what the thread turned into lmao. My bad bro.

    Y'all niggas crazy lol

    Op mad confused when he sees this

  • Nov 18, 2019
    no color

    OP's comments are so innocent compared to what the thread turned into lmao. My bad bro.

    That’s cuz most niggas can’t have a discussion on the internet without being catty about it sadly

  • Nov 18, 2019

    nobody hated it where I live

  • Nov 18, 2019
    1 reply

    Marvel movies is real cinema. Get over it.

    Im not mad. If you like Marvel movies, then do so but statements like this are why y'all get s***ted on.

    The way BP was hyped up by everyone and the lack of quality of the movie is just apparent. Ant Man gets s***ted on a lot for being the most boring Marvel movie while BP ain't nowhere better. Thats all.

  • Nov 18, 2019
    2 replies

    Im not mad. If you like Marvel movies, then do so but statements like this are why y'all get s***ted on.

    The way BP was hyped up by everyone and the lack of quality of the movie is just apparent. Ant Man gets s***ted on a lot for being the most boring Marvel movie while BP ain't nowhere better. Thats all.

    At the end of the day, films are subjective so don't know what you're tryna gain with that comment lol

  • Wahi

    At the end of the day, films are subjective so don't know what you're tryna gain with that comment lol

    If anything I feel like people should be mad at the monopolization that studios have on the film industry.

    I can’t be mad at superhero movies cuz they’re still fun theater experiences in my opinion, they shouldn’t be the only experience though

  • Nov 18, 2019
    1 reply

    At the end of the day, films are subjective so don't know what you're tryna gain with that comment lol

    ofc its subjective. how can i give an objective opinion? OP asked why people dislike BP and thats my answer. This post was so dumb idk what to tell you

  • Nov 18, 2019

    Good movie, but it’s not even top 10 MCU

  • Nov 18, 2019
    1 reply

    ofc its subjective. how can i give an objective opinion? OP asked why people dislike BP and thats my answer. This post was so dumb idk what to tell you

    "Ant Man gets s***ted on a lot for being the most boring Marvel movie while BP ain't nowhere better. Thats all." Sounds pretty definitive don't you agree? lol

    And no, Op didn't ask "why people disliked it" rather their hatred for it

  • Nov 18, 2019
    1 reply

    i actually didn't like CM cause the story sucked and what they did to Fury's eye story was shocking.

    I simultaneously hate and love the eye thing. Mostly hate it, but thinking that Fury was just bullshitting Cap HARD just to make a point (that ultimately backfired hard) is absolutely hilarious to me and kinda in character. But yea beyond that, it was stupid as f***.

    I take more offense to the SHIELD plot hole and Fury naming the Avengers after her. The movie in general almost retcons most of Phase 1 in a very annoying way too. Captain Marvel frustrates me because there was SO much potential but it just fell extremely flat. Especially after Infinity War. One of the biggest draws of the MCU is the interconnectedness of the universe and this one s***s all over a lot of that, during the worst time to do so.

    It's even more disappointing when she barely did jack s*** in Endgame Like she was cool, but everything that she did could've been solved by one of the OG's somehow. There was no reason at all to rush her movie and her role in the middle of the f***ing climax of the Infinity Saga.

  • Nov 18, 2019
    1 reply

    "Ant Man gets s***ted on a lot for being the most boring Marvel movie while BP ain't nowhere better. Thats all." Sounds pretty definitive don't you agree? lol

    And no, Op didn't ask "why people disliked it" rather their hatred for it

    Do i have the write 'imo' in every sentence to make it clear that its my opinion? Anyone can see that its an opinion.

    Just bc i used the word 'dislike' instead of hatred, doesn't change the fact that i answered OP's question.

    You are just grasping at straws dawg

  • Nov 18, 2019
    no color

    I'm here talking down on Killmonger to a white kid defending him, someone break the simulation

    it's not that serious

  • Nov 18, 2019
    1 reply
    no color

    I simultaneously hate and love the eye thing. Mostly hate it, but thinking that Fury was just bullshitting Cap HARD just to make a point (that ultimately backfired hard) is absolutely hilarious to me and kinda in character. But yea beyond that, it was stupid as f***.

    I take more offense to the SHIELD plot hole and Fury naming the Avengers after her. The movie in general almost retcons most of Phase 1 in a very annoying way too. Captain Marvel frustrates me because there was SO much potential but it just fell extremely flat. Especially after Infinity War. One of the biggest draws of the MCU is the interconnectedness of the universe and this one s***s all over a lot of that, during the worst time to do so.

    It's even more disappointing when she barely did jack s*** in Endgame Like she was cool, but everything that she did could've been solved by one of the OG's somehow. There was no reason at all to rush her movie and her role in the middle of the f***ing climax of the Infinity Saga.

    Yooo that’s my thing with Captain Marvel, I hate that retcon and I’ve seen so many people try to defend it.

    Like in avengers 1, It’s pretty much stated that the Avengers was formed cuz Thor and his situation made Fury realize there’s threats that the government can’t handle alone.

    So what happened did Fury forget about Captain Marvel and the shape shifting aliens he met in the 90’s???

  • Nov 18, 2019

    Do i have the write 'imo' in every sentence to make it clear that its my opinion? Anyone can see that its an opinion.

    Just bc i used the word 'dislike' instead of hatred, doesn't change the fact that i answered OP's question.

    You are just grasping at straws dawg

    I am. But at least I'm consistent I pointed that out earlier too so don't trip lol. We never seem to stay on topic here so for once let's just be laser focused in our discussions that's all

  • Nov 18, 2019
    1 reply

    Yooo that’s my thing with Captain Marvel, I hate that retcon and I’ve seen so many people try to defend it.

    Like in avengers 1, It’s pretty much stated that the Avengers was formed cuz Thor and his situation made Fury realize there’s threats that the government can’t handle alone.

    So what happened did Fury forget about Captain Marvel and the shape shifting aliens he met in the 90’s???

    Son I have no idea what they were thinking with that. I haven't even seen anyone defend that decision lmao but I stayed away from Captain Marvel discussion it was wayy too much. What were the excuses? My man Fury not only went to space but was in the middle of a full fledged intergalactic war.

    Not only the Fury thing but did nobody remember that fight on the train? Like one of the dudes stared a skrull in the EYE as he watched it transform into him? Unless Shield had Men In Black tech back then (which of course would've come in handy multiple times in the MCU before this point) that's complete bullshit lmao. She was out here shooting flames out her fist on the roof of a train during the morning rush and everyone was just like aight cool. There was just way too much to cover up.

    I hope when we see Monica again we get some kind of small off hand explanation about this.

  • Nov 18, 2019
    1 reply

    God awful cgi and 3rd act
    The entire story is essentially pro CIA as we are made to cheer for a white CIA agent bombing wakandans and murdering them. It also is very clearly anti Malcolm X as Killmonger feels like a cartoony version of him in the belief of how black people should start their own movement and not associate with whites. But instead Killmonger wants black people to kill everyone to a point where blacks are endangered as well.

    Its evident the film feels like CIA bait and is not truly a story about black empowerment when it was being hyped up to be by its white producers. It’s also evident why this film was made when you got Bob Iger bragging about his black film to tell Scorsese why Disney makes cinema.

  • Nov 18, 2019

    It was pretty overhyped. People acted like it transcended Marvel movies or something when it was just the same thing as the rest

  • Nov 18, 2019

    Most people don't actually hate the movie...they might think it's mid though. They hate the attention it received. Plus white folks hate seeing Black people happy about anything...

  • Nov 18, 2019
    no color

    Son I have no idea what they were thinking with that. I haven't even seen anyone defend that decision lmao but I stayed away from Captain Marvel discussion it was wayy too much. What were the excuses? My man Fury not only went to space but was in the middle of a full fledged intergalactic war.

    Not only the Fury thing but did nobody remember that fight on the train? Like one of the dudes stared a skrull in the EYE as he watched it transform into him? Unless Shield had Men In Black tech back then (which of course would've come in handy multiple times in the MCU before this point) that's complete bullshit lmao. She was out here shooting flames out her fist on the roof of a train during the morning rush and everyone was just like aight cool. There was just way too much to cover up.

    I hope when we see Monica again we get some kind of small off hand explanation about this.

    The excuses ranged from “Fury is a spy why would he tell the Avengers about the Skrulls” to “the skrulls were never a serious threat cuz they were mostly good guys and didn’t do much on earth”

    And you just reminded me about that whole train scene.. yeah I’m gonna need somebody to break that down for me

  • Nov 18, 2019

    Overrated superhero Marvel trash with a dangerous agenda

    “dangerous agenda” :word:

  • Nov 18, 2019

    It was overrated because of everything surrounding it. Just an average marvel movie that was propped up
