  • Nov 18, 2019

    I just hope the villain is just as interesting if not better than Killmonger, been reading up on Black Panther and dude has an interesting rogues gallery

    A Namor sequel would be dope af seeing how they've hinted at it already. In for whatever Coogler decides tbh

  • Nov 18, 2019

    I’m crying at this convo cuz my original pretty much boiled down to “I like the film but it is flawed imo”

  • Nov 18, 2019

    who is liking your cesspool comments bro?

  • Nov 18, 2019
    1 reply

    whites profiting off of black people oh my god oh wow dude what a surprise wow holy s***

  • Nov 18, 2019

    I just hope the villain is just as interesting if not better than Killmonger, been reading up on Black Panther and dude has an interesting rogues gallery

    It'll probably be Namor.

  • Nov 18, 2019
    1 reply

    im still trying to figure out how white people synthesizing the project makes their opinions somehow more valued on this topic

    im genuinely confused

  • Nov 18, 2019
    1 reply

    The movie is just painfully generic even if for MCU standards.

    Also i found it really embarrasing how easily Disney tricked yall with their marketing. This wasn't a big cultural milestone for black people, Disney just want you to believe that it was and they instrumentalized black people in full effect, so you would see the movie. Most of the money the movie made, went into the pockets of white executives.

  • Nov 18, 2019
    1 reply

    im still trying to figure out how white people synthesizing the project makes their opinions somehow more valued on this topic

    im genuinely confused

    Where did I say their opinions were valued??????

  • Nov 18, 2019
    1 reply

    The movie is just painfully generic even if for MCU standards.

    Also i found it really embarrasing how easily Disney tricked yall with their marketing. This wasn't a big cultural milestone for black people, Disney just want you to believe that it was and they instrumentalized black people in full effect, so you would see the movie. Most of the money the movie made, went into the pockets of white executives.

    Bro why you so negative lmfao

  • Nov 18, 2019
    1 reply

    And where did I say you can’t celebrate the black content in this film, I’m just saying the whole “durr Hurr whites mad” narrative lazy as f*** when this film lined up white peoples pockets. Most of the white people I’ve seen who are mad about this film are twitter trolls and edge lords.

    Plus myself and others in this thread have pointed out how a white CIA agent is vital in the third act of the film and how that rubs some of us the wrong way, cuz here you have this mostly black cast and one of the important dudes in the movie is STILL a white guy

    I said that in response to your "pro black" comment. Most people who praise this movie's blackness don't care about the money, it's the representation. I can only count on two hands, maybe even one how many comments I've implied that they thought this was a "black owned" movie. And all of them were old as f*** lol. I already addressed this. I also already said this thread is specifically about the people who hated the movie, so of course those who fit the bill will be discussed in this thread.

    I kinda get it, I didn't care as much cause he didn't overshadow any single one of the main cast and even a side character like M'Baku. To me, making a big deal of that is even worse than people complaining about the hate of the film cause at least it made sense and tied into T'Challa's growing trust of the outside world throughout the film.

  • Nov 18, 2019

    Its a fun movie bro, not a cult intellectual artsy movie, get out of the abyss.

  • Nov 18, 2019

    bro this like system gotta go lol

    I agree but I was about to shoot you a like for this lmao

  • Nov 18, 2019
    3 replies

    Bro why you so negative lmfao

    His feelings got mixed after this Scorsese + Joker thing. Probably a DC-stan.

  • Nov 18, 2019

    Average af

  • Nov 18, 2019
    1 reply
    no color

    I said that in response to your "pro black" comment. Most people who praise this movie's blackness don't care about the money, it's the representation. I can only count on two hands, maybe even one how many comments I've implied that they thought this was a "black owned" movie. And all of them were old as f*** lol. I already addressed this. I also already said this thread is specifically about the people who hated the movie, so of course those who fit the bill will be discussed in this thread.

    I kinda get it, I didn't care as much cause he didn't overshadow any single one of the main cast and even a side character like M'Baku. To me, making a big deal of that is even worse than people complaining about the hate of the film cause at least it made sense and tied into T'Challa's growing trust of the outside world throughout the film.

    The representation I can agree with, it’s important. I just feel like the shoehorning of the CIA agent character was the producers / studio doing a “Hey we can make it black but not TOO black” thing. I can understand why it doesn’t bother people but it felt out of place at times in my opinion.

  • Nov 18, 2019
    1 reply

    Where did I say their opinions were valued??????

    you obviously think they hold some weight if youre randomly bringing up that the money went to white executives.. its irrelevant to what we are even discussing.. the whites itt didnt make any money off of it..

  • Nov 18, 2019
    1 reply

    His feelings got mixed after this Scorsese + Joker thing. Probably a DC-stan.

    I mean, I stan DC lol I just don't get why niggas being all cynical for the smallest of things such as blockbuster flicks

  • Nov 18, 2019
    2 replies

    His feelings got mixed after this Scorsese + Joker thing. Probably a DC-stan.

    Yeah, because you can only be either a DC or Marvel stan. Joker wasn't also that amazing btw. Why do people get so hurt over calling Marvel movies generic? Its what they are.

  • Nov 18, 2019
    1 reply

    I mean, I stan DC lol I just don't get why niggas being all cynical for the smallest of things such as blockbuster flicks

    People been trying to look cool by overcriticizing these cap movies now.

  • Nov 18, 2019

    Yeah, because you can only be either a DC or Marvel stan. Joker wasn't also that amazing btw. Why do people get so hurt over calling Marvel movies generic? Its what they are.

    damn youre mad

  • Nov 18, 2019
    1 reply

    Yeah, because you can only be either a DC or Marvel stan. Joker wasn't also that amazing btw. Why do people get so hurt over calling Marvel movies generic? Its what they are.

    Marvel movies is real cinema. Get over it.

  • Nov 18, 2019
    1 reply

    you obviously think they hold some weight if youre randomly bringing up that the money went to white executives.. its irrelevant to what we are even discussing.. the whites itt didnt make any money off of it..

    No nigga, my whole point was that white people weren’t bothered by Black Panther much as y’all think.

    Literally the ONLY whites I’ve seen who’ve reacted negatively to this movie have been on the internet in small amounts compared to the overwhelmingly positive reaction this movie got.

  • Nov 18, 2019

    i didnt know film sxn had its own share of sandals like this

  • Nov 18, 2019
    1 reply

    No nigga, my whole point was that white people weren’t bothered by Black Panther much as y’all think.

    Literally the ONLY whites I’ve seen who’ve reacted negatively to this movie have been on the internet in small amounts compared to the overwhelmingly positive reaction this movie got.

    yes they were lol

  • Nov 18, 2019

    The representation I can agree with, it’s important. I just feel like the shoehorning of the CIA agent character was the producers / studio doing a “Hey we can make it black but not TOO black” thing. I can understand why it doesn’t bother people but it felt out of place at times in my opinion.

    I feel you. I'd agree 100% if it was a brand new white character. But the dynamic between Ross & T'Challa was even set up in Civil War so I was cool with it. Plus Ross was the most forgettable part of the movie to me.
