Why do white b****es wear UGG boots & a Fleece just to put on short shorts in the winter?
Because they f***
You heard me.
Gotta be the lamest s*** i've ever heard. What do you think Gus and Eddy are stickin it to Jamal by showing they don't get cold as easily?
They are stronger than us
Gotta be the lamest s*** i've ever heard. What do you think Gus and Eddy are stickin it to Jamal by showing they don't get cold as easily?
I refuse to debate you on this because debating is an alt right recruiting tactic.
I refuse to debate you on this because debating is an alt right recruiting tactic.
You just sound like a crybaby college kid with a septum piercing but cool
It’s a racist dog whistle to wear shorts in the winter
I googled this for info and it just took me back to this thread
The same reason why they didn't wanna be told to wear mask during the pandemic.
The same reason why they didn't wanna be told to wear mask during the pandemic.
lol i worked in PG County (the most affluent African American county in the country) and black people were having massive pool parties and barbeques at the peak of the pandemic spring 2020.
I’m white but I don’t understand this
Neither do I but this thread needs to get locked for obvious reasons
lol i worked in PG County (the most affluent African American county in the country) and black people were having massive pool parties and barbeques at the peak of the pandemic spring 2020.
Okay, but this is about why white people do it. Not necessarily saying they were the only ones.
Okay, but this is about why white people do it. Not necessarily saying they were the only ones.
"The same reason they didn't want to wear masks" Cool bruh a s*** load of non-white people chin diapered 24/7 i don't get your point.