Nigga is literal rap royalty
This has been a hot topic on this site for five or more years what on earth do you hope to accomplish by making this thread
to me future is the GOAT and 3 albums in a year alone with a lot of heat throughout the 3 projects, he always feed the streets
I'd consider him in the conversation, but the two major factors I'd say are
1) he blew up after Drake/Cole/Kendrick, who feel like they all blew up around the same time
2) he lacks the technical rapping ability the three have. He's kinda in a completely different lane
There really is no definition of the big 3, they're just the 3 guys from the blog era with the biggest and loudest fanbases. Kind of a right place right time kind of thing
This basically
Future is a Legend but he’s been a solid 2nd tier rapper for the past 10+ years
Tyler I would put in a big 4 because he came up around the same exact time, he has the rapping ability, he has the mass appeal, the influence, the discography. But you're right Big 3 is not an active thing where rappers are rotated in an out, it was a blog era moment and can only be recreated organically.
I do like these conversations when they're giving guys like Tyler, Future, and Travis their flowers but it is meaningless beyond giving flowers
Future has a better rappiing ability than tyler lol
This is why we won't move forward in Hip Hop if we keep talking about the Big 3 at this point
So many developments and progress in Hip Hop culture taking place and y'all wanna keep talking about Big 3 and Hip Hop Is Dead bullshit
This has been a hot topic on this site for five or more years what on earth do you hope to accomplish by making this thread
There’s a thread considering Tyler top 3.
it’s cus album sales the main factor. and when the big 3 conversation started he wasn’t doing numbers like that he was a singles artist
he is apart of it, he a mumble rapper
i do believe southern rappers dont get taken serious it aint future tho
Mumble rapper
I'd consider him in the conversation, but the two major factors I'd say are
1) he blew up after Drake/Cole/Kendrick, who feel like they all blew up around the same time
2) he lacks the technical rapping ability the three have. He's kinda in a completely different lane
There really is no definition of the big 3, they're just the 3 guys from the blog era with the biggest and loudest fanbases. Kind of a right place right time kind of thing
Nah future blew up before Kendrick
Nah future blew up before Kendrick
He means blew up with the hipster crowd 🤭
Calling Future a mumble rapper is crazy
Isn’t the entire “mumblerap” subgenre just ripping off him and Thug?