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  • Jul 6, 2020

    That’s your opinion, I don’t agree or disagree with it but I don’t see the problem with opening the door for people to live in a different way - and again I don’t see presenting the alternative as being the same thing as advocating the collapse of the nuclear family.

    And at this current time child abuse is overwhelmingly perpetrated by close relatives of the child who gain contact via the nuclear family structure.

    The sad reality is that no family structure will ever safeguard children from abuse. In truth I’d argue that a properly run commune could actually be a better solution to this problem - if there’s proper accountability then you’d imagine that child abuse in that structure would be much easier to spot than in the case of a small nuclear family where the abuser is more able to cut off contact between the child and the outside world

    i dont agree with you here man

    but i can respect where you're coming from for sure

  • Jul 6, 2020

    i like how you're trying to put words in my mouth

    people shouldn't even be in situation that would cause them to make such a decision, obviously

    social security is good thing, until there's too much of it and it can be abused

    Wasn’t my intention but it seemed to be the only logical conclusion to your previous statement.

    In this context there can’t be “too much” social security - you either give single parents child support for being the primary caregiver or you don’t.

    You appear to be advocating for the latter, if so the outcome would be exactly what I described

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    congratulations bro

    you think i havent read anything on this topic?

    is your thesis supposed to be the holy grail on this topic or something?

    f*** outta here, eat your breakfast

    If you had any semblance of reading comprehension you'd understand that me mentioning my thesis paper is more to express how easy it is to actually do research on the pitfalls of the nuclear family and why it's been some far off goal for black people to attain.

    If you actually did the readings like you claim and still hold onto your notions then that seems like you got more personal issues than anything and that ain't my problem.

    You also you sound b**** made and hurt, probably because of your lack of a pops in ya life, which is also a personal issue that ain't my problem, so I suggest you work on that too. Cheers!

  • Jul 6, 2020

    Family structures are, broadly speaking, necessitated by economic structures.

    In the hunter & gatherer ages, an entire village raised a child, because there was no rent to pay, the villages were small and the community was tight-knit.

    The "nuclear family" is a product of white Americans fleeing inner cities, but not taking their grandparents with them, who they instead left in retirement homes.

    A great family model is the multi-generational family, having 3 generations in one place, maybe even more. But if you look at the rent prices and property prices in the USA, who can afford having a household of 10 people or more, except in the most rural places?

    In China, the current urban 20 somethings were almost exclusively raised by their grandparents, because their parents had to work in the big cities while leaving the children behind in the villages.

    Of course you need a mother and a father to procreate, but how this family is organized is really not a biological fact but a social one.

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply
    Smacked Voodoo

    If you had any semblance of reading comprehension you'd understand that me mentioning my thesis paper is more to express how easy it is to actually do research on the pitfalls of the nuclear family and why it's been some far off goal for black people to attain.

    If you actually did the readings like you claim and still hold onto your notions then that seems like you got more personal issues than anything and that ain't my problem.

    You also you sound b**** made and hurt, probably because of your lack of a pops in ya life, which is also a personal issue that ain't my problem, so I suggest you work on that too. Cheers!

    a black man and a black woman get married and have a kid

    there's a nuclear family

    was that so hard to make?

    im just astounded that you can even try to argue against such a thing, keep telling yourself whatever helps you discredit the facts

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    the point here is who would not want to grow up with a mum and dad who love them?

    there's literally no argument against that, its what everybody wants

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    try telling that to the hundreds of people who like like us dying in Chicago every year. if im a coon for caring about black people then f*** it. peace, man

    you're not a coon for caring about that. the way you titled this thread is problematic and makes you come off as one. you're either very ignorant or baiting. people have explained both issues and how we should acknowledge them itt. linking them is groundless

    edit: i didn't see the previous op. sounds like you had a poor choice of wording so it was that too

  • Jul 6, 2020

    When a cop kills a black person 9/10 times it’s for no other reason than the fact they are black.

    Gang violence in the black community is a symptom of a lot of issues that go back decades.

    That being said it’s a huge problem that I wish was addressed more

  • Jul 6, 2020
    2 replies

    the point here is who would not want to grow up with a mum and dad who love them?

    there's literally no argument against that, its what everybody wants

    100% agree but I think you have to accept that’s an ideal and not the reality, and the reality is what you have to plan for and accommodate.

    Without going back to an age where women were basically treated as property, you can’t help the fact that relationships will break up.

    Kids will be born accidentally, people will fall out of love, people will do something relationship ending like cheating, partners will be (or gradually turn) abusive/violent, unexpected dealbreakers will emerge in the course of even a happy marriage.

    The culmination of all this will mean a decent amount of kids will not grow up with their mum and dad living in the same household.

    Banging the drum of “a nuclear family is good for kids” just doesn’t achieve anything imo, even tho it’s likely true.

    I’d rather create safety nets for struggling single parents than try to take away existing incentives or provide new ones to encourage people to stay in unhappy/unhealthy relationships

  • Jul 6, 2020

    The main factor of violent crimes in high density populated areas is poverty not race.

  • Jul 6, 2020

    100% agree but I think you have to accept that’s an ideal and not the reality, and the reality is what you have to plan for and accommodate.

    Without going back to an age where women were basically treated as property, you can’t help the fact that relationships will break up.

    Kids will be born accidentally, people will fall out of love, people will do something relationship ending like cheating, partners will be (or gradually turn) abusive/violent, unexpected dealbreakers will emerge in the course of even a happy marriage.

    The culmination of all this will mean a decent amount of kids will not grow up with their mum and dad living in the same household.

    Banging the drum of “a nuclear family is good for kids” just doesn’t achieve anything imo, even tho it’s likely true.

    I’d rather create safety nets for struggling single parents than try to take away existing incentives or provide new ones to encourage people to stay in unhappy/unhealthy relationships

    fair enough

    i can agree with all of this tbh man

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    100% agree but I think you have to accept that’s an ideal and not the reality, and the reality is what you have to plan for and accommodate.

    Without going back to an age where women were basically treated as property, you can’t help the fact that relationships will break up.

    Kids will be born accidentally, people will fall out of love, people will do something relationship ending like cheating, partners will be (or gradually turn) abusive/violent, unexpected dealbreakers will emerge in the course of even a happy marriage.

    The culmination of all this will mean a decent amount of kids will not grow up with their mum and dad living in the same household.

    Banging the drum of “a nuclear family is good for kids” just doesn’t achieve anything imo, even tho it’s likely true.

    I’d rather create safety nets for struggling single parents than try to take away existing incentives or provide new ones to encourage people to stay in unhappy/unhealthy relationships

    i guess i just feel its an ideal that isn't aspired too enough in modern culture, which i guess is a whole different topic

  • OP
    Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    you're not a coon for caring about that. the way you titled this thread is problematic and makes you come off as one. you're either very ignorant or baiting. people have explained both issues and how we should acknowledge them itt. linking them is groundless

    edit: i didn't see the previous op. sounds like you had a poor choice of wording so it was that too

    if i could change the title of the thread i would cuz with this thread i realized my wording got in the way of what i was really tryna say

  • VVV

    if i could change the title of the thread i would cuz with this thread i realized my wording got in the way of what i was really tryna say

    yeah i realized what you were getting at after reading some more. no worries bro

  • Jul 6, 2020

    i guess i just feel its an ideal that isn't aspired too enough in modern culture, which i guess is a whole different topic

    oh yeah totally agree with you there. The people who see marriage and a nuclear family as their ultimate goal are often the ones having kids on a whim and contributing to a 50%+ divorce rate.

    Definitely need to rethink what our actual goals and beliefs are as a society

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    a black man and a black woman get married and have a kid

    there's a nuclear family

    was that so hard to make?

    im just astounded that you can even try to argue against such a thing, keep telling yourself whatever helps you discredit the facts

    Again, if you had any semblance of reading comprehension you'd understand that I'm not inherently attacking the nuclear family. Moreso calling out the pitfalls of it and its difficulty in attaining and maintaining it.

    Anyone can f*** someone and pop a baby out. That's some s*** that's been happening. However, especially moreso in today's time, it's maintaining that structure where the issues arise. There are many factors that make maintaining your nuclear family difficult to keep in places. Factors such as unemployment, divorce, bad job market, bad housing market, wealth gaps, the cost of living, the cost of raising a child/children, the student debt, etc. These are factors that aren't even exclusive to black people, these are things that have now began to impact most Americans.

    In regards to black families, the nuclear family (A working husband and stay at home wife, 2.5 children, white picket fences, maybe a dog and/or pool), is some idealized family structure that when proposed initially in like the 40s-50s, kept black people out the picture of attaining it. In today's society it is much easier to attain the nuclear family, however because of today's s*** economic situation, it shows the nuclear family isn't even the most effective family structure. The best family structure for the black family (honestly families as a whole) is the extended family/generational family.

    If you want to keep your fantasy of the perfect nuclear family by all means. But giving my personal experience having grown up in it, the s*** is overrated, it ended up falling flat on its face around the time I was ten years old due to one of the many factors I stated earlier, the extended family structure helped keep my family afloat, Extended/generational family structures >>>>>>>>>> nuclear family structure in 2020.

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply
    Smacked Voodoo

    Again, if you had any semblance of reading comprehension you'd understand that I'm not inherently attacking the nuclear family. Moreso calling out the pitfalls of it and its difficulty in attaining and maintaining it.

    Anyone can f*** someone and pop a baby out. That's some s*** that's been happening. However, especially moreso in today's time, it's maintaining that structure where the issues arise. There are many factors that make maintaining your nuclear family difficult to keep in places. Factors such as unemployment, divorce, bad job market, bad housing market, wealth gaps, the cost of living, the cost of raising a child/children, the student debt, etc. These are factors that aren't even exclusive to black people, these are things that have now began to impact most Americans.

    In regards to black families, the nuclear family (A working husband and stay at home wife, 2.5 children, white picket fences, maybe a dog and/or pool), is some idealized family structure that when proposed initially in like the 40s-50s, kept black people out the picture of attaining it. In today's society it is much easier to attain the nuclear family, however because of today's s*** economic situation, it shows the nuclear family isn't even the most effective family structure. The best family structure for the black family (honestly families as a whole) is the extended family/generational family.

    If you want to keep your fantasy of the perfect nuclear family by all means. But giving my personal experience having grown up in it, the s*** is overrated, it ended up falling flat on its face around the time I was ten years old due to one of the many factors I stated earlier, the extended family structure helped keep my family afloat, Extended/generational family structures >>>>>>>>>> nuclear family structure in 2020.

    the nuclear family opens the door for the extended family, there's nothing wrong with extended/generational families at all. they're extensions of the nuclear framework

    im against these weird communal structures, aka 'villages' as put forward by BLM

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply
    The Infinite M

    No it's not. You cannot actually believe that more than half of the police workforce, that has about 30% of minorities working there too, so which leaves around 70% to be white, is racist.

    You must not know cops then

    Every cop i know except my Aunt is outwardly racist. When my Aunt was in training camp there were other cops saying they were excited to start shooting black people.

    Anyone can be a cop, and you often get some of the lowest of the low who have power trips and want a pension for it

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    the nuclear family opens the door for the extended family, there's nothing wrong with extended/generational families at all. they're extensions of the nuclear framework

    im against these weird communal structures, aka 'villages' as put forward by BLM

    You realize that these communal structures/"villages" have been structures in place among black people for a very long time right? What BLM is suggesting isn't new...and it's hope is to reduce violence that happens within black communities and promote communal responsibility. By raising youth in a "village" structure, you're instilling in them the idea of not harming their own village because of they do then that means they are damaging their own family. It'll also lead to more community policing, and if police are actually defunded and the money is appropriately distributed to the schools, parks, community upkeep, and community policing, the result it should lead to is a safer environment for black youth and people in general, which will then in turn lead to more of that healthy nuclear family you dream of.

    There's a reason why sayings like "It takes a village to raise a child" or "The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth" have been so prevalent for generations...

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply
    Moody mann

    You must not know cops then

    Every cop i know except my Aunt is outwardly racist. When my Aunt was in training camp there were other cops saying they were excited to start shooting black people.

    Anyone can be a cop, and you often get some of the lowest of the low who have power trips and want a pension for it

    Don’t waste your time. One of the worst posters on this site. I saw him defending Trumps role in the Central Park case and defending Trump using the term Kung Flu

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Don’t waste your time. One of the worst posters on this site. I saw him defending Trumps role in the Central Park case and defending Trump using the term Kung Flu

    LOL oof thats bad

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply
    Smacked Voodoo

    You realize that these communal structures/"villages" have been structures in place among black people for a very long time right? What BLM is suggesting isn't new...and it's hope is to reduce violence that happens within black communities and promote communal responsibility. By raising youth in a "village" structure, you're instilling in them the idea of not harming their own village because of they do then that means they are damaging their own family. It'll also lead to more community policing, and if police are actually defunded and the money is appropriately distributed to the schools, parks, community upkeep, and community policing, the result it should lead to is a safer environment for black youth and people in general, which will then in turn lead to more of that healthy nuclear family you dream of.

    There's a reason why sayings like "It takes a village to raise a child" or "The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth" have been so prevalent for generations...

    I understand the sentiment, but this isn’t much different to having healthy functioning neighbourhoods and communities

    Why do you talk about black people as though they’re different to white people in some way, sounds kinda divisive

  • Moody mann

    LOL oof thats bad

    He’s literally the tucker Carlson of this site. I’m shocked he hasn’t been banned yet tbh

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply
    RX Nigerian Pastor

    If you don’t mind me asking What job do you have in social work?

    I’m a social work major rn. I’m going to try to become a VA case manager. I feel like people who work for the CJ system and CPS deal with so much more hardships and stress that doesn’t really show in the check

    Bachelors or Masters?

    I'm a community-based clinician. I pretty much provide community and home-based behavior therapy services for youth.

    Nice to see a fellow male social worker, lol. I just graduated with my MSW with a concentration in school social work (dunno if that's where I want to be though).

    And yeah...fuck CPS, lol. I'm not dealing with that much stress. If you aren't 100% passionate and committed, then you're taking years off your life, lol.

    I know the VA pays well. Everybody wants to either work for the VA or in a hospital it seems. Good and secure money. Try to fight hard as hell for a VA internship though if you can.

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    I understand the sentiment, but this isn’t much different to having healthy functioning neighbourhoods and communities

    Why do you talk about black people as though they’re different to white people in some way, sounds kinda divisive

    "Why do you talk about black people as though they’re different to white people in some way, sounds kinda divisive"

    Because the sad reality of things is that black people are different from white people. The fact that many of these issues exist in the first place is based on black people being treated as if they are different from white people.

    S***, the rich/well off black family, let's call em the Huxtables or the Banks as an example, are still treated differently from white people. It's not to be divisive. It's just pointing out the reality that we live in a very racist society.

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