  • I’ve been hearing this narrative for a while now but just recently decided to look into it. Apparently in 2023 only around 700k children were born with a 120 million population. If it was a smaller country with like 4 million people or something this wouldn’t be a issue but I’m genuinely confused as to how 120 million people can’t even f*** enough to have a million kids.

  • All that hentai and jav means japan has insane number of gooners who's less likely to engage in real s***
    Also like 30% of the population are 65+ yo. These people are not gonna contribute to the national birth rate

    Combined with the worldwide effect where almost everywhere the birth rate is declining

  • bc nobody leaves their house lol

  • Mar 31
    3 replies

    The idea that Japan’s birth rate is extraordinarily low is an old meme, the combination of Japan/East Asia being ahead of the curve on fertility/population decline, and the popular conception of Japan as “weird” - already multiple posts in this thread implying it is due to special Japanese cultural/social factors. In fact, today Japan has the same birth rate as Spain, Ukraine, Thailand, Puerto Rico, Italy, and Jamaica, a higher birth rate than China, Hong Kong, Singapore, and South Korea, and is just below Portugal, Greece, Finland, and Mauritius. Clearly, then it’s not a problem specific to certain countries, parts of the world, or cultures - places like Spain are almost diametrically opposed to East Asia in terms of cultural norms and social forces. Soon, the United States will have a similar birth rate, so I’d question whether a declining fertility rate or even a slow, natural population decline is bad - certainly, as Japan shows having experienced it for longer, it’s not disastrous.

  • Kenig 💭
    Mar 31
    3 replies

    Very conservative and sexist society that basically s***s on women that have children

  • Mar 31
    2 replies

    The idea that Japan’s birth rate is extraordinarily low is an old meme, the combination of Japan/East Asia being ahead of the curve on fertility/population decline, and the popular conception of Japan as “weird” - already multiple posts in this thread implying it is due to special Japanese cultural/social factors. In fact, today Japan has the same birth rate as Spain, Ukraine, Thailand, Puerto Rico, Italy, and Jamaica, a higher birth rate than China, Hong Kong, Singapore, and South Korea, and is just below Portugal, Greece, Finland, and Mauritius. Clearly, then it’s not a problem specific to certain countries, parts of the world, or cultures - places like Spain are almost diametrically opposed to East Asia in terms of cultural norms and social forces. Soon, the United States will have a similar birth rate, so I’d question whether a declining fertility rate or even a slow, natural population decline is bad - certainly, as Japan shows having experienced it for longer, it’s not disastrous.

    the population of some of those countries isnt as high as japans so not sure why they being brought up lol

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Mar 31
    2 replies

    if they start paying foreigners to come and rise their birthing rate imma be first in line

  • Mar 31
    1 reply

    Very conservative and sexist society that basically s***s on women that have children

    Literally 90% of the countries are sexist and conservative and there are plenty who have way higher birth rates

  • Cyhi

    the population of some of those countries isnt as high as japans so not sure why they being brought up lol

    Yea Jamaica has like 2-3 million people tops

  • Mar 31
    1 reply

    Conservative and Openly Xenophobic to foreigners.

  • Mar 31
    1 reply

    the population of some of those countries isnt as high as japans so not sure why they being brought up lol

    Birth rate not number of births

  • Kenig 💭
    Mar 31
    1 reply

    Literally 90% of the countries are sexist and conservative and there are plenty who have way higher birth rates

    But in a different way lol

  • Mar 31
    1 reply

    Birth rate not number of births

    758,631 babies with a 5.1% decrease from last year

  • Mar 31
    1 reply
    Willie Wildcat

    758,631 babies with a 5.1% decrease from last year

    Yes and while of course there are far fewer children born in Jamaica, when you take into account its much lower population, it is at a similar proportion of births to people as Japan

  • anime

  • Ronin

    Yes and while of course there are far fewer children born in Jamaica, when you take into account its much lower population, it is at a similar proportion of births to people as Japan

    This guy had to explain percentages

  • Mar 31

    trend is just early in Asia and parts of Europe will spread West than all over the world

    already is

    has to do with people moving into major cities where having a kid is a burden among other things

  • They advanced too much in their Hentai evolution

  • Kenig

    Very conservative and sexist society that basically s***s on women that have children


    Women aren’t interested in living the lifestyles of their mothers

    Same thing happening in Korea

  • Mar 31
    1 reply

    Japan in most aspects according to a lot of experts has always been stagnating since the 90s

    There’s little change, work culture is harsh, domestic lifestyle isn’t very fulfilling — people are depressed and not wanting to continue on the trend

  • They don’t be f***in enough

  • Mar 31
    1 reply
    Birdie 2

    Japan in most aspects according to a lot of experts has always been stagnating since the 90s

    There’s little change, work culture is harsh, domestic lifestyle isn’t very fulfilling — people are depressed and not wanting to continue on the trend

    US suicide rate higher than Japan this year for the first time ever

    Japan is just 30 years ahead the rest of world people will see in time

  • Mar 31
    1 reply

    US suicide rate higher than Japan this year for the first time ever

    Japan is just 30 years ahead the rest of world people will see in time

    Japan is just a very extreme example of mass industrializations, rapid mobilizing economy that crashed very hard. Society followed suite.

    US is more of a slow moving massive aircraft carrier that’s sinking compared to Japan which crashed and burned — currently trying to cry out the hole

    US decline probably will mirror the Ottoman or Roman empires than something like Japan

  • Mar 31
    1 reply

    misogyny. women don’t want to have children with the way they’ve been treated. if my daughter could be the victim of revenge p*** just for using the public restroom i wouldn’t want kids either.