  • Mar 31
    Birdie 2
    · edited

    Japan is just a very extreme example of mass industrializations, rapid mobilizing economy that crashed very hard. Society followed suite.

    US is more of a slow moving massive aircraft carrier that’s sinking compared to Japan which crashed and burned — currently trying to cry out the hole

    US decline probably will mirror the Ottoman or Roman empires than something like Japan

    yeah or the British empire and don't disagree, I think Japan was the fastest to industrialization in cars & electronics post WW2 than America/Korea/Taiwan out competed them in the high end and China in the low end after the 80s

    also countries like the US & Germany get a higher birth rate cause they allow in immigrants

    from the data I've seen first gen immigrants usually have 2 to 1 kids per couple

    while locals usually are under 1 to 1 (replacement)

  • crakc 💤
    Mar 31
    2 replies

    Very conservative and sexist society that basically s***s on women that have children

    The countries with high birth rates are not exactly progressive

    Women’s role being mothers is a fundamental conservative idea

    In developed countries kids are more work for their parents

    In developing countries kids are less work for their parents bc they can help w farming and making clothes and stuff

  • Niggamortis 👨‍🚀
    Mar 31
    1 reply

    ain’t book my flight yet

  • Mar 31
    1 reply

    misogyny. women don’t want to have children with the way they’ve been treated. if my daughter could be the victim of revenge p*** just for using the public restroom i wouldn’t want kids either.

    this ain't only Japan though, this is all over the world

  • Mar 31
    1 reply
    Shrek Kennedy

    this ain't only Japan though, this is all over the world

    their toilets are different so the issue is unique

  • Mar 31
    1 reply

    their toilets are different so the issue is unique

    we're literally living in caveman times over here on the west, with stinky butts

  • Mar 31

    ain’t book my flight yet


  • Shrek Kennedy

    we're literally living in caveman times over here on the west, with stinky butts

    I carry wet wipes dude that’s yall 😭

  • Ronin

    The idea that Japan’s birth rate is extraordinarily low is an old meme, the combination of Japan/East Asia being ahead of the curve on fertility/population decline, and the popular conception of Japan as “weird” - already multiple posts in this thread implying it is due to special Japanese cultural/social factors. In fact, today Japan has the same birth rate as Spain, Ukraine, Thailand, Puerto Rico, Italy, and Jamaica, a higher birth rate than China, Hong Kong, Singapore, and South Korea, and is just below Portugal, Greece, Finland, and Mauritius. Clearly, then it’s not a problem specific to certain countries, parts of the world, or cultures - places like Spain are almost diametrically opposed to East Asia in terms of cultural norms and social forces. Soon, the United States will have a similar birth rate, so I’d question whether a declining fertility rate or even a slow, natural population decline is bad - certainly, as Japan shows having experienced it for longer, it’s not disastrous.

    Worded that perfectly. It's a global problem but people like to point to East Asians cause of some weird cultural xenophobia

  • I need a Japanese traditional woman.

  • Kengi 💭
    Mar 31

    The countries with high birth rates are not exactly progressive

    Women’s role being mothers is a fundamental conservative idea

    In developed countries kids are more work for their parents

    In developing countries kids are less work for their parents bc they can help w farming and making clothes and stuff

    the women dont want to marry men and into families that force them to live their life a certain way and decide against it and decide for their own life.

    Thats how conservative values in countries where women have basic human rights end up hurting birth rates.

  • Kengi 💭
    Mar 31
    1 reply

    the work culture is also f***ing insane there

  • Kengi

    the work culture is also f***ing insane there

  • Mar 31

    Something about there’s so much to do in the city’s, like going out with friends, clubbing, karaoke etc. that they don’t want to get married and have kids, they see that as being miserable.

  • Mar 31
    1 reply

    Actual facts:

    • Work culture is crazy and the hours, perhaps the worst in a 1st world country of legal workforce

    • Small population already on an isolated island so a quarter of their pop is old people which obviously arent going to have babies

    • Women in japan are having their own social revolution since the early 2010s where they are focusing on themselves and their careers first while completely ignoring relationships for it

    • Japan has its own losers shutins movement in young men just like usa, and i dont mean having hard times getting s***or being an awkward nerd, i mean the ones that are on some phernology genetics racist s*** while s***ting on themselves and being mad at women - just like usa - so this combined with the already small population takes another percentage away - it is a niche there just like usa but the isolated small population it naturally has exacerbates these consequences, losers and old people etc., even more

    • And last but not least - Japan makes it really hard for foreigners to have legit residency in the country, so on top of their small population to begin with along with all the issues of a small isolated island population, they are barely having any permanent foreigners to "bolster the numbers" and to create genetic, population and relationship diversity. If im not mistaken - they have like the lowest amount of immigrant residence in a 1st world country. If not the lowest, its at least top 3. And again, their small isolated population and nation makes the consequences of that even more extreme than other countries in comparison.

    It is overblown in the media, to an extent, but there is truth to it even with japans own politicians and teachers talking about it legitimately and it being a social/political topic. This has been an issue in japan since the late 90s. Japan had a huge and prosperous economic system since the late 70s to the early 90s while the 80s being called the golden years of japan. They were world leaders in terms of living quality and money earning. The mid to late 90s that bubble crashed which led to a lot of issues today including the birthrate. Lot of people buckled down just for themselves (having less families due to the bubble crash), the workforce got super crazy and abusive - and social revolutions such as career only women and loser men were created. The mid 90s to late 2000s was hard for japan in this context after their world leading bubble bursted.

    Theres a real answer for you @op

    They are actually doing way way more better tho since the 2010s, hence the overblown and slightly outdated stereotype, although there are still issues and it is still a problem - it is doing better, especially in comparison.

    The main thing they need to do that politicians are also fighting for is more permanent foreign residency. But just like in usa and most other places, boomers ruin everything and drag things out for years/decades. The really old guard from around ww2 and prior do not want foreigner citizens while mostly everyone else does. Politic wars as usual.

  • Mar 31

    Shout out sociology and anthropology studies

  • Mar 31

    cuz I havent moved there yet

  • Mar 31

    Wow so much lowkey racism, outdated myths, niche issues being painted as the overall thing and stereotypes itt LMAO

  • Water Giver
    · edited

    Actual facts:

    • Work culture is crazy and the hours, perhaps the worst in a 1st world country of legal workforce

    • Small population already on an isolated island so a quarter of their pop is old people which obviously arent going to have babies

    • Women in japan are having their own social revolution since the early 2010s where they are focusing on themselves and their careers first while completely ignoring relationships for it

    • Japan has its own losers shutins movement in young men just like usa, and i dont mean having hard times getting s***or being an awkward nerd, i mean the ones that are on some phernology genetics racist s*** while s***ting on themselves and being mad at women - just like usa - so this combined with the already small population takes another percentage away - it is a niche there just like usa but the isolated small population it naturally has exacerbates these consequences, losers and old people etc., even more

    • And last but not least - Japan makes it really hard for foreigners to have legit residency in the country, so on top of their small population to begin with along with all the issues of a small isolated island population, they are barely having any permanent foreigners to "bolster the numbers" and to create genetic, population and relationship diversity. If im not mistaken - they have like the lowest amount of immigrant residence in a 1st world country. If not the lowest, its at least top 3. And again, their small isolated population and nation makes the consequences of that even more extreme than other countries in comparison.

    It is overblown in the media, to an extent, but there is truth to it even with japans own politicians and teachers talking about it legitimately and it being a social/political topic. This has been an issue in japan since the late 90s. Japan had a huge and prosperous economic system since the late 70s to the early 90s while the 80s being called the golden years of japan. They were world leaders in terms of living quality and money earning. The mid to late 90s that bubble crashed which led to a lot of issues today including the birthrate. Lot of people buckled down just for themselves (having less families due to the bubble crash), the workforce got super crazy and abusive - and social revolutions such as career only women and loser men were created. The mid 90s to late 2000s was hard for japan in this context after their world leading bubble bursted.

    Theres a real answer for you @op

    They are actually doing way way more better tho since the 2010s, hence the overblown and slightly outdated stereotype, although there are still issues and it is still a problem - it is doing better, especially in comparison.

    The main thing they need to do that politicians are also fighting for is more permanent foreign residency. But just like in usa and most other places, boomers ruin everything and drag things out for years/decades. The really old guard from around ww2 and prior do not want foreigner citizens while mostly everyone else does. Politic wars as usual.

    They going to have to loosen residency requirements eventually

  • I can’t explain it but Japan feels like if Life sxn was a country

  • Kengi

    But in a different way lol

    What flavor sexism yall got over there!?

  • proper 🔩
    Mar 31
    lil ufo

    if they start paying foreigners to come and rise their birthing rate imma be first in line

    pretty sure you will be second in line behind my dawg @Cody

  • bro signed off with the duck emoji like it was the State of the Pond address

  • Lot of racism itt but at the same time they hate black people over there

  • Because Japanese guys are too busy with manga hotels and VR waifus