this is a common conspiracy making the rounds rn. i know AI has ALWAYS been feared due to how we’ve portrayed it in Sci-Fi and due to its own powers of course but yea.
lotta the AI fear is being driven by borderline conspiracy stuff on tiktok.
AND imo lots of ppl say tiktok is super educational but i feel as if they are misled. lots of the information stated as fact on there isn’t reviewed, CAN be BS and invalidated and is sometimes just purely incorrext. lots of people watch a 5 minute tiktok on AI and basically leave saying wow we’re f***ed. ik this has happened since the internet, people like to know a little about a lot and pass off as a subject matter expert but i do think with how popular tiktok is this type of person has exploded
Wish I would get destroyed by a mf that would get took out by a glass of water y’all boys silly 😂
its not a conspiracy when its pretty predictable whats gonna happen
predictable meaning the AI overlords are going to outsmart us and take over?
Why don't you just start praying to it as your god, doofus?
Jason make a friendly post challenge
Y’all white people gotta chill racism literally been killing minorities for centuries but when do we go around saying the world gonna end cause of it
oh shut the f*** up with yall white peoplez already
i’m very adamant against creative AI, in terms of this fake music s*** and just about anything adjacent to that.
there are definitely use cases for AI to help us though ofc will our tech CEOs make sure to push it to those use cases? idk.
i also have heard worry about AI replacing low level like fast food jobs, saying this in a negative light but i thought like 4 or so years ago that was the goal of it all wasn’t it? drive people out of unfulfilling low wage jobs and try to either skill them up or find another more fulfilling position. what that may be idk and will it be implemented properly by the government and corporations? doubt it. but it COULD be used for good.
i was also told a story of AI convincing someone to kill themselves and laughed at it cause it reminded me of the tyler the creator tweet but was scolded for laughing
s***’s fascinating and scary though but if you’re in the tech field or damn near any field where AI can be applicable, it’s better to get up to speed on it now rather than let it pass you by
oh shut the f*** up with yall white peoplez already
Member since 2022
Why you asking instead of posting.... waste of time
Thought you get banned for doing that?
Yeah the humans saw s*** that would kill then in movies and decide to make them into their reality
its because so many other things are going wrong that its too much s*** to focus on
also very few people actually know how ai works so they dont think it will keep advancing super fast even tho it will
I'm curious to see how it gets used in the workforce. We're all gonna be moving weight when we start losing jobs.
this is the main thing,everyone things their job is too hard to be automated, they have no f***ing idea whats coming
its not a conspiracy when its pretty predictable whats gonna happen
they dont get it at all
theyll see soon
this is the main thing,everyone things their job is too hard to be automated, they have no f***ing idea whats coming
I've been using it to write copy for me and even do some very basic wireframes for marketing landing pages. It ain't safe out here.
this is the main thing,everyone things their job is too hard to be automated, they have no f***ing idea whats coming
The programming it can do is pretty crazy lol