  • Nov 20, 2023
    3 replies

    I have a nuanced opinion on Fantano

    On one hand I definitely see how tone deaf and pretentious he can be especially in his older days, and people definitely take his opinions as the law and adopt his beliefs which is corny as f***

    But he has some entertaining content and I appreciate his passion for music.he helped a lot of great artist get a bigger platform and ive found music through him before. I think hes cool if u dont take him too serious

  • Nov 20, 2023

    i used to be a fan of his content when i was in middle school and high school and he put me on to many great artists, but he’s become insufferable these past couple of years imo. i just can’t take him seriously since he started dumbing down his content. he’s a try hard tbh

  • Nov 21, 2023
    mr get dough

    I have a nuanced opinion on Fantano

    On one hand I definitely see how tone deaf and pretentious he can be especially in his older days, and people definitely take his opinions as the law and adopt his beliefs which is corny as f***

    But he has some entertaining content and I appreciate his passion for music.he helped a lot of great artist get a bigger platform and ive found music through him before. I think hes cool if u dont take him too serious

    Fair and valid take

  • Nov 21, 2023

    I can respect his grind tbh. Nobody else is doing it like him. Dude has been consistently reviewing every album for over a decade

    But yeah I don’t value his actual opinions at all

  • Nov 21, 2023

    dont agree with him most times but its his opinion. he atleast talks about the music and why he likes or dislikes something

  • Nov 21, 2023
    2 replies

    yeah fantano is mostly only good for ppl just getting into non-mainstream music n trying to discover new s*** + occasionally if he's super passionate about a project he'll have a lot to say.

    but especially since he started going all in on his second channel, it's clear his time n energy is stretched too thin 2 b truly insightful consistently

    but even then he has little to nothing to say of substance about the music itself. he's obviously not a well versed musician at all, as much as he tries to flaccidly give that image with his occasional below mid bass playing. The way he talks about music is devoid of any understanding of how music actually works or should be talked about. that goes for basically all music reviewers in general lol. listening to a music reviewer instead of listening to the album itself to begin with is crazy to me. unless someone is actually a composer or music teacher or versed in any kind of theory or music production at all and can actually break down the music for you in a way that is actually useful you should not be listening to that mf for anything music related because they are literally no more qualified than you are

    this right here is what im talking about. this man is 110% qualified to talk about music, let alone rock music like Velvet Underground, and he ain't even pretentious even though he kinda sounds like he might be lol. he praises it for what it is after appraising and a***yzing it. this is an a***ysis but this is what music "reviews" should actually take after but instead it's a bunch of unqualified media personalities talking bout how the latest s*** is "woefully uninterested in its own potential subversiveness" or has "dazzlingly bright textures and sounds" or some other completely meaningless pseudo intellectual verbose fluff that is completely unhelpful lmfao. reviewers like fantano and P4k somehow finding any kind of success, rapport or respect and actually being able to have sway in the industry are just the inevitable consequence of a post Reagan world where the average person has literally no music education whatsoever, which was not always the case.

  • Nov 21, 2023
    1 reply

    Why is this in the Kendrick section?

  • Nov 21, 2023

    he makes too many reviews nowadays for them to have any substance, he uses the same couple critiques/praise for everything

  • Nov 21, 2023
    1 reply

    but even then he has little to nothing to say of substance about the music itself. he's obviously not a well versed musician at all, as much as he tries to flaccidly give that image with his occasional below mid bass playing. The way he talks about music is devoid of any understanding of how music actually works or should be talked about. that goes for basically all music reviewers in general lol. listening to a music reviewer instead of listening to the album itself to begin with is crazy to me. unless someone is actually a composer or music teacher or versed in any kind of theory or music production at all and can actually break down the music for you in a way that is actually useful you should not be listening to that mf for anything music related because they are literally no more qualified than you are


    this right here is what im talking about. this man is 110% qualified to talk about music, let alone rock music like Velvet Underground, and he ain't even pretentious even though he kinda sounds like he might be lol. he praises it for what it is after appraising and a***yzing it. this is an a***ysis but this is what music "reviews" should actually take after but instead it's a bunch of unqualified media personalities talking bout how the latest s*** is "woefully uninterested in its own potential subversiveness" or has "dazzlingly bright textures and sounds" or some other completely meaningless pseudo intellectual verbose fluff that is completely unhelpful lmfao. reviewers like fantano and P4k somehow finding any kind of success, rapport or respect and actually being able to have sway in the industry are just the inevitable consequence of a post Reagan world where the average person has literally no music education whatsoever, which was not always the case.

    my thing is, there's a way to write meaningfully about music without knowing any theory but fantano fails even in that regard. His reviews just blend together in a way that's insane for someone of his popularity

  • Nov 21, 2023
    1 reply

    my thing is, there's a way to write meaningfully about music without knowing any theory but fantano fails even in that regard. His reviews just blend together in a way that's insane for someone of his popularity

    i agree, but to me that doesn’t really qualify as an actually valuable review that should sway people away from actually listening to something themselves. more like a treatise or just a poetic reinterpretation. i love the way mark fisher writes about James Blake and burial in ghosts of my life, for example. it's beautiful, insightful and useful, just not in a way that's necessarily theoretically and musically useful.

  • Nov 21, 2023
    1 reply

    i agree, but to me that doesn’t really qualify as an actually valuable review that should sway people away from actually listening to something themselves. more like a treatise or just a poetic reinterpretation. i love the way mark fisher writes about James Blake and burial in ghosts of my life, for example. it's beautiful, insightful and useful, just not in a way that's necessarily theoretically and musically useful.

    that's exactly who I had in mind, though I do think he's a little on the deep end when it comes to that style of music writing. I think there's a middle ground that can be struck to write about music without resorting to just bland comments on the sonics like you mentioned which fantano uses like a crutch

    If we had to pick between the 2 extremes I think I rather everyone attempt to wax poetic about something they love instead of treating it like a statement of facts which honestly tells me just as little as the poetic interpretation but at least the latter has some semblance of value

  • Nov 21, 2023
    Assadot Dhakur

    Why is this in the Kendrick section?

  • Nov 21, 2023
    2 replies

    He’s a white man. His opinion worth 2 jars of pickled pig feet especially when it comes to black music

  • Nov 21, 2023
    Not Like Josuke

    He’s a white man. His opinion worth 2 jars of pickled pig feet especially when it comes to black music

  • Nov 21, 2023

    people always hate on him for his ratings
    but his commentary is genuinely garbage on 90% of reviews

  • Nov 21, 2023

    damn that divorce did him dirty

  • Nov 21, 2023
    mr get dough

    I have a nuanced opinion on Fantano

    On one hand I definitely see how tone deaf and pretentious he can be especially in his older days, and people definitely take his opinions as the law and adopt his beliefs which is corny as f***

    But he has some entertaining content and I appreciate his passion for music.he helped a lot of great artist get a bigger platform and ive found music through him before. I think hes cool if u dont take him too serious

    This is a great take

  • Nov 21, 2023

    I’ll never forget when niggas were camping in the Fantano thread waiting for DONDA and CLB scores

  • Nov 21, 2023

    that's exactly who I had in mind, though I do think he's a little on the deep end when it comes to that style of music writing. I think there's a middle ground that can be struck to write about music without resorting to just bland comments on the sonics like you mentioned which fantano uses like a crutch

    If we had to pick between the 2 extremes I think I rather everyone attempt to wax poetic about something they love instead of treating it like a statement of facts which honestly tells me just as little as the poetic interpretation but at least the latter has some semblance of value

    yes, 100% agree with this, but i would add that i wouldn’t want that to be for all intents and purposes the only form of music a***ysis/critique available on a mainstream level. we need guys like Samuel Andreyev the guy i posted earlier who can actually educate folks about music on a large scale while also a***yzing and thereby reviewing music. these sorts of a***yses/discussions can coexist equally and should, otherwise you get the absolutely awful current state of music criticism.

    it should also be noted that these two ideas are not mutually exclusive. samuel discussed the lyrics in his a***ysis and can definitely wax poetic, and there’s no reason Mark Fisher couldn’t have learned some theory in his lifetime either. also numerically scoring pieces of music is utter cringe and should die immediately

  • Nov 21, 2023

    recently watched some of his older reviews again and how tf did i not notice this s*** take back then lmaoo

  • Nov 21, 2023
    2 replies

    but even then he has little to nothing to say of substance about the music itself. he's obviously not a well versed musician at all, as much as he tries to flaccidly give that image with his occasional below mid bass playing. The way he talks about music is devoid of any understanding of how music actually works or should be talked about. that goes for basically all music reviewers in general lol. listening to a music reviewer instead of listening to the album itself to begin with is crazy to me. unless someone is actually a composer or music teacher or versed in any kind of theory or music production at all and can actually break down the music for you in a way that is actually useful you should not be listening to that mf for anything music related because they are literally no more qualified than you are


    this right here is what im talking about. this man is 110% qualified to talk about music, let alone rock music like Velvet Underground, and he ain't even pretentious even though he kinda sounds like he might be lol. he praises it for what it is after appraising and a***yzing it. this is an a***ysis but this is what music "reviews" should actually take after but instead it's a bunch of unqualified media personalities talking bout how the latest s*** is "woefully uninterested in its own potential subversiveness" or has "dazzlingly bright textures and sounds" or some other completely meaningless pseudo intellectual verbose fluff that is completely unhelpful lmfao. reviewers like fantano and P4k somehow finding any kind of success, rapport or respect and actually being able to have sway in the industry are just the inevitable consequence of a post Reagan world where the average person has literally no music education whatsoever, which was not always the case.

    Music theory

  • He’s dope. I’m sorry he beefed with your dad, Drake

  • mr get dough

    I have a nuanced opinion on Fantano

    On one hand I definitely see how tone deaf and pretentious he can be especially in his older days, and people definitely take his opinions as the law and adopt his beliefs which is corny as f***

    But he has some entertaining content and I appreciate his passion for music.he helped a lot of great artist get a bigger platform and ive found music through him before. I think hes cool if u dont take him too serious

    This real

  • Nov 21, 2023
    1 reply

    Music theory

    ignorant niggas like you

  • Nov 21, 2023
    1 reply

    ignorant niggas like you

    how do you feel about 90% of music creators (in hip hop especially)being ignorant to music theory
