  • Dec 28, 2020

    movie a 10 yall just cant handle strong women

    The problem with these movies is the same problem with female body builders

  • Dec 28, 2020

    I thought Diane would loose her powers if everyone didn’t give back their wish. That’s why her friend needed to give back her new powers. But then to realized it was just personal and she needed to give up her wish so why was she on her friend about giving it back if she was doing the same

  • Dec 28, 2020

    Straight to streaming was the right move for this movie, it was so bad there would have been major backlash if theaters were packed to see it

    As it stands people will just forget about it and move on

  • Dec 28, 2020
    2 replies

    Also why every male character in this movie a s***offender?

  • Dec 28, 2020

    Pascal's performance, Gadot's beauty and the anticipation of Barbara turning into cheetah made it watchable

  • Dec 28, 2020
    1 reply

    S*** was trash but not really more trash Than most super hero s*** so not see the big prob

  • Dec 28, 2020
    Fulci Burnett

    I loved the corny Donner/Lester vibes of the mall scene.

    Yeah the mall scene plus the introduction of a magic wishing rock had me thinking they were going to lean heavily into the 80s movie schtick and I was here for it. It just wasn't sustained throughout the film though...amid a number of other problems

  • Dec 28, 2020
    2 replies

    I've been following along with the Binge Mode Marvel podcast and can assure you that not all superhero movies are as s*** as WW84

  • Dec 28, 2020
    Fulci Burnett

    I loved the corny Donner/Lester vibes of the mall scene.

    worst scene of the movie

  • Dec 28, 2020

    I went to a premiere screening a couple weeks ago that I think was primarily for some of the press. There was this entire 20 minute long cringy ass intro to the movie where Patty and Gal talked to fans on Zoom about the movie and showed clips. The whole thing was terrible.

    I didn't even realize there was a credits scene because after making me sit through that only for the next two and a half hours to be some mid...I left the theater as fast as possible

    Edit: found that lame ass intro they made us watch

  • Dec 28, 2020

    15 minutes into the movie, and whoever is responsible for the visual effects really needs the sack

  • Dec 28, 2020

    nah even Pedro couldn’t save this.
    This movie is rotten

    Good actor, s***ty villain

  • Dec 28, 2020
    1 reply

    half hour into the movie. corny af

  • Dec 29, 2020
    free world

    gal gadot is a model turn actor

    not good either..

  • Dec 29, 2020
    1 reply

    forced myself to watch this

    this was legit the worst thing i’ve ever watched. not only is Gal Gadot an emotionless actor, but the entire plot and dialogue are horrible liberal/IDF propaganda. So much so that I legitimately believe that some intelligence agency had a hand in it

  • Dec 29, 2020

    Is this better than the OG

  • Dec 29, 2020

    forced myself to watch this

    this was legit the worst thing i’ve ever watched. not only is Gal Gadot an emotionless actor, but the entire plot and dialogue are horrible liberal/IDF propaganda. So much so that I legitimately believe that some intelligence agency had a hand in it

    Don't think it's intentional propaganda. You're just seeing how toxic and problematic White Feminism truely is. This movie puts on full display its worst characteristics.

  • RoomOnFire

    movie a 10 yall just cant handle strong women

    please say sike

  • Dec 29, 2020
    1 reply

    it was good has a great msg we can all learn from, needed more action though, also i heard there will be a 3rd one

    Whats the message?

  • Dec 29, 2020
    1 reply

    Whats the message?

    watch it

  • Dec 29, 2020
    1 reply

    watch it

    I did

  • Dec 29, 2020
    1 reply

    I did

    sometimes what you wish for comes at a price

  • Dec 29, 2020
    1 reply

    sometimes what you wish for comes at a price

    Oh so like one of those kid movies messages

  • Dec 29, 2020

    Oh so like one of those kid movies messages

    lol i guess the movie sucked

  • Dec 29, 2020

    Also why every male character in this movie a s***offender?

    Twitter helped with the script
