  • Dec 29, 2020
    2 replies

    I’ve seen about half the movie and its not as bad as people are saying

    yea it has a certain gimick to it big deal

    y’all acting like this is JL/Green Lantern bad

  • Dec 29, 2020

    I’ve seen about half the movie and its not as bad as people are saying

    yea it has a certain gimick to it big deal

    y’all acting like this is JL/Green Lantern bad

    Lol to some people it is and i think expectations coming from that first movie influenced that

  • Dec 29, 2020

    I've been following along with the Binge Mode Marvel podcast and can assure you that not all superhero movies are as s*** as WW84

    People just be talking

  • Dec 29, 2020

    the lead villain is an allegory for trump wanting to play fortnite with baron

  • Dec 30, 2020

    The new narrative is that she is a rian Johnson, who subverted and took a bold chance that fans didn’t like

    Nah ur movie just sucks B 😭

  • Dec 30, 2020
    2 replies

    This movie is just FINE. Y’all out here making me think this is Green Lantern/Dark Phoenix level bad bruh

    I guess seeing the god awful atrocious superhero movies makes it easier to point out the average ones lmaooooo

    Like yeah there’s issues throughout, it’s a little too long, and the pacing is off but man wtf is the reaction on the entire Internet

    Makes me think y’all would hate Donner’s Superman or Raimi’s Spider-Man if it came out today cause those (especially Superman) clearly influenced this.

    The first one is better on all accounts but bruh, y’all can’t call this the worst thing when f***ing Suicide Squad exists IN THE SAME FRANCHISE.

    It’s like a 5.5/10 overall. If I was generous it would be a 6.

  • Dec 30, 2020

    Side note about visual effects, I think they always look worse on streaming

    Looked fine on the big screen to me

    Also that Mayan guy scene felt straight out of a Transformers movie tho

  • Dec 30, 2020

    Just watched it, it's really average. Doesn't push Diana's character to any new limits, with it being the second movie i was expecting her character to be explored more but it was nothing new.

    Patty and Johns wrote a terrible screenplay, so much cheese. Only kids below 10yrs old will enjoy this.

    CGI was mid af, Patty uses the slow mo s*** way too much and way too much lasso use. Makes her look like spider woman or some s***

  • Dec 30, 2020

    And from Spider Woman, she goes to Superwoman

  • Dec 30, 2020

    movie a 10 yall just cant handle strong women

    She wasn't a strong woman in the movie... She was a weak ass crazy b****... Hardly Wonder Woman.

  • Deelights_

    Also why every male character in this movie a s***offender?

    Because low IQ woke pseudo feminist trash...

  • Dec 30, 2020
    1 reply
    rich scouser

    S*** was trash but not really more trash Than most super hero s*** so not see the big prob

    Really? Name the modern superhero movies that are worse.

  • Freight

    I've been following along with the Binge Mode Marvel podcast and can assure you that not all superhero movies are as s*** as WW84

    It's definitely one of the worst superhero movies ever

  • Shady

    half hour into the movie. corny af

    It gets WORSEEEE... Significantly

  • WeezyFthugga

    I’ve seen about half the movie and its not as bad as people are saying

    yea it has a certain gimick to it big deal

    y’all acting like this is JL/Green Lantern bad

    Justice League was better than this garbage

  • Dec 30, 2020
    8 replies

    Really? Name the modern superhero movies that are worse.

    Thor 2
    Iron Man 2
    Green Lantern
    Hellboy (2019)
    Suicide Squad
    Josstice League
    Jonah Hex
    Dark Phoenix
    X-Men: Apocalypse
    Fantastic Four
    Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengence

  • Dec 30, 2020
    1 reply

    The first 2 on the list are MCU

  • Dec 30, 2020
    1 reply

    But you’re out here saying that Suicide Squad is better than this??

  • Dec 30, 2020
    4 replies

    But you’re out here saying that Suicide Squad is better than this??

    I don’t see how ppl on here say suicide squad is trash but think winter soldier a masterpiece

  • I only saw four movies in theatres this year, and this was the worst by an absolute landslide.

    And one of the other 3 was the new Liam Neeson movie.

  • Dec 30, 2020

    What the f*** I just watched.. Justice league ww was much better.

  • Dec 30, 2020
    1 reply

    Thor 2
    Iron Man 2
    Green Lantern
    Hellboy (2019)
    Suicide Squad
    Josstice League
    Jonah Hex
    Dark Phoenix
    X-Men: Apocalypse
    Fantastic Four
    Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengence

    You tripping with that list homie.

  • Dec 30, 2020

    Thor 2
    Iron Man 2
    Green Lantern
    Hellboy (2019)
    Suicide Squad
    Josstice League
    Jonah Hex
    Dark Phoenix
    X-Men: Apocalypse
    Fantastic Four
    Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengence

    Agree with this list
