corporate mfs, help me to feel better about taking off friday and now monday last minute.
boss was cool with it but i feel bad cause i s*** he’s gonna have to cover for on monday
i know jobs dgaf about you and will replace you in a sec, and i feel dumb af for feeling guilty but can’t help it
i think it’s cause i did monday last minute today (friday was planned weeks ago)
You're scum for letting your loving boss & colleagues down. That's how you treat family? God..
You're scum for letting your loving boss & colleagues down. That's how you treat family? God..
damn you’re right i’m a peasant
Why do folks care about references so bad lmao
You see me, you already talked to one folk so why do you need 2 more
I dont be connecting with nobody
same. i’m f***ed when it comes to references. i do good work but i don’t really connect with anyone on a personal level
I’ve been handed a great professional opportunity but I’m not grateful for it at all and have zero interest in playing the game. 2 years ago my best prospects were working at a small business for 40k and now that I’m where I’m at I’m fumbling and quiet quitting
So the women at the office get to wear shoulderless tops but I’m unprofessional for wearing crocs to work
so awkward when my coworkers start crying ab some bullshit like there third divorce or there dogs surgery a cubicle away from u
so awkward when my coworkers start crying ab some bullshit like there third divorce or there dogs surgery a cubicle away from u
Man u still got cubicles? I want a cubicle
next job i want 4 day week
I'm so annoyed doing 6 days right now. Only 3 hours on Saturday but I want to just drop that client at this point
Took a redeye flight to make it back to work in person this morning bc my team meets in the office on thursdays. Been up all night couldn't sleep on the plane so played zelda for hours and just slamming coffee to make it thru the day. Idk who i'm doing this for or why but here we are. Tired of having these jobs where i get nothing to do on most days and i'm sitting here lazing around. Would rather use it on myself and my own work but alas i'm deeply entrenched in this 9-5 shi