might be worth it to make its own thread, but how many of yall ever feel like cussing your manager out?
Who tf greenlit that
Gonna break $200k/yr
Mama I made it
Damn fr what do you do? What kind of education behind that? Dope s***
Damn fr what do you do? What kind of education behind that? Dope s***
My degrees are in public relations & communications, but what I do is a swiss-army knife of website s***:
All the s*** listed above is self-taught and was free to learn for the most part
My degrees are in public relations & communications, but what I do is a swiss-army knife of website s***:
All the s*** listed above is self-taught and was free to learn for the most part
hire me
My degrees are in public relations & communications, but what I do is a swiss-army knife of website s***:
All the s*** listed above is self-taught and was free to learn for the most part
That is super dope s***. Hope your living your best life and have good work life balance
That is super dope s***. Hope your living your best life and have good work life balance
Appreciate it fam
Currently taking a meeting from pool side with a couple seltzers
hire me
Hit me up in like 4 months
At my new job, we're starting a new department and need to get the foundations in place
Hit me up in like 4 months
At my new job, we're starting a new department and need to get the foundations in place
yeah my new tm hates me and is a bit ageist i feel. i always get good performance reviews from other peers and compliments/my old TM, but this new one keeps tacking on new responsibilities that were not in my job description and gets mad if I don’t do a certain thing. they also started randomly asking weird s*** on Teams like “hey just wondering as I want to learn more… where did you work prior to ___ or this is your first job out of college”
yeah my new tm hates me and is a bit ageist i feel. i always get good performance reviews from other peers and compliments/my old TM, but this new one keeps tacking on new responsibilities that were not in my job description and gets mad if I don’t do a certain thing. they also started randomly asking weird s*** on Teams like “hey just wondering as I want to learn more… where did you work prior to ___ or this is your first job out of college”
leave em on read
they see you in the hallway I bet you they wont mention it
leave em on read
they see you in the hallway I bet you they wont mention it
i work remote so I just stopped directly replying as much on teams and just started emailing them my completed while cc’ing the rest of the team
it also makes no sense to me to have to the head of the team’s QA engineering be my tm and not the product manager as a business a***yst since that’s who i work with 80% of the time anyway
I have been working for 12 hours and I am now in my second meeting tonight I want to die
Appreciate it fam
Currently taking a meeting from pool side with a couple seltzers
mind if i dm you? I'm interested in something similar if that's cool with you
mind if i dm you? I'm interested in something similar if that's cool with you
Yeah, go ahead
Hit me up in like 4 months
At my new job, we're starting a new department and need to get the foundations in place
what is the department and how much is the salary roughly? if it's interesting and permanent, i'm curious.
what is the department and how much is the salary roughly? if it's interesting and permanent, i'm curious.
In-house web development & design + SEO. Base is $135k and with bonuses lands around $160k.
Building something from the ground up is a new challenge for me. Gotta figure out intake, account management, SLAs with clients, figure out other hiring needs, designing templates, etc.
The goal from what I've been told is to sale the company in the next 24-36 months. I'm fully vested from day one, so I'll be cashing out then and go from there