  • Apr 18, 2023

    @ToPimpAPennyStock brought this up in the Ralph Yarl thread and I didn’t think the conversation should continue in there.

    What are your thoughts on ‘teaching children about drag queens’? And Mr Penny Stock, can you expand on that? Are we talking about sitting em down and having a long talk about the history of drag, or are we just talking about the possibility of a drag queen library reading?

  • Apr 18, 2023

    Personally I could absolutely see where you wouldn’t want your child to see a drag show if it was supposed to be pretty raunchy, since some are. But I don’t think drag is exclusively raunchy.

    My daughter has seen little bits of Ru Paul’s Drag Race and it doesn’t bother me at all. I really have no more thoughts on it than that lmao. She has gay and trans family so the LGBTQ+ community is not a taboo in our household.

  • Apr 18, 2023
    2 replies

    honestly have never encountered drag queens throughout the entirety of my life outside of that one arc in one piece

  • Apr 18, 2023
    1 reply
    MVP Pinhead

    honestly have never encountered drag queens throughout the entirety of my life outside of that one arc in one piece

    one of em stole my amazon package a while back

  • Apr 18, 2023

    one of em stole my amazon package a while back

  • AR15 💯
    Apr 18, 2023
    1 reply

    My kids wont grow up in america so idc

  • Apr 18, 2023
    5 replies

    idk but i'll definitely shield them from furries

  • Apr 18, 2023
    3 replies

    I mean no I'm not out here trying to expose my 4 year old to 21+ drag shows but I'm also not going to shield my kid from the existence of drag queens or speak poorly of them. They're just people living their lives.

  • Apr 18, 2023
    1 reply

    I mean no I'm not out here trying to expose my 4 year old to 21+ drag shows but I'm also not going to shield my kid from the existence of drag queens or speak poorly of them. They're just people living their lives.

    I think this is fair. If you found out your girl took your kid to a drag queen library reading, would you be upset?

  • Apr 18, 2023

    I don't think they'll care about drag queens, let alone know about them until later on in their adult years.

    As long as they learn to treat everyone like a human being, I've done my job.

  • Apr 18, 2023
    1 reply

    idk but i'll definitely shield them from furries

    Post to username+pfp+bio is INSANE

  • Apr 19, 2023

    My kids wont grow up in america so idc

    Where do you intend on raising your children?

    I’d imagine drag exists in some form in pretty much any part of the world where it isn’t illegal lol.

  • Apr 19, 2023
    2 replies
    MVP Pinhead

    honestly have never encountered drag queens throughout the entirety of my life outside of that one arc in one piece

    If your girl took your kid to see a drag queen reading children’s books in a library, would you be bothered?

  • Apr 19, 2023
    1 reply

    No. I was fortunate enough to grow up in a diverse family and seeing my uncles in drag never made me or any of my cousins gay or grow up to be into that stuff. I'm surprised how many people are starting to speak up against that stuff now it's literally just clothes

    Now a drag show is different because those could get ranchy but if your kid has Instagram or tiktok they're already exposed to women and men half naked everyday but you don't hear nearly as many people complaining when it's just as bad. At least when you go to a drag show you know what you're getting but tiktok algorithms target our children

  • Apr 19, 2023
    1 reply

    Y’all don’t go outside enough if you think drag queens are just out here at every turn

  • Apr 19, 2023
    The Darkest Angel

    No. I was fortunate enough to grow up in a diverse family and seeing my uncles in drag never made me or any of my cousins gay or grow up to be into that stuff. I'm surprised how many people are starting to speak up against that stuff now it's literally just clothes

    Now a drag show is different because those could get ranchy but if your kid has Instagram or tiktok they're already exposed to women and men half naked everyday but you don't hear nearly as many people complaining when it's just as bad. At least when you go to a drag show you know what you're getting but tiktok algorithms target our children

    The latter half of your post reminds me of the way people are always talking about not wanting children to be exposed to sexuality whenever there’s a LGBTQ+ couple in some show or film, yet they take no issue with the endless M+F couples across children’s media.

  • Apr 19, 2023
    1 reply

    If your girl took your kid to see a drag queen reading children’s books in a library, would you be bothered?

    They ain’t really out here like that lmao but in this context yea I would not let it happen

  • Apr 19, 2023

    I think this is fair. If you found out your girl took your kid to a drag queen library reading, would you be upset?

    Not at all, I think they're pretty cool and as an English teacher I'm pretty open to whatever encourages literacy.

    Just, yeah, I have friends who do drag and have seen some pretty raunchy stuff and that's not something my kid should be seeing at her age.

  • Apr 19, 2023
    1 reply

    Y’all don’t go outside enough if you think drag queens are just out here at every turn

    Only reason my toddler knows of drag queens is because my girl loves the show.

  • Apr 19, 2023

    They ain’t really out here like that lmao but in this context yea I would not let it happen

    What about it do you personally disagree with?


    Only reason my toddler knows of drag queens is because my girl loves the show.

    My son isn’t super into gender norms because we aren’t so he just sees them as people wearing clothes

  • Apr 19, 2023

    There's way worse things your kid could be and most likely will be exposed to

    Why not talk to your child instead of shielding them? Same people complaining about participation trophies are afraid to let their kids live in the real world

  • Apr 19, 2023

    As in show/culture? No but i wouldnt "blast it in their face".

    Not because its not something they "shouldnt" know about, but because its not something I oersonally attend or keep up on.

    If they want to be into it then all means its fine.

    But they will def know the existence of trans people in general, just like they will know the existence of other cultures, religions, races, sexuality etc. wheb its appropriate but also from myself sense its something that interests me & something i keep up on.

    Such as news, social problems & in general respecting others that respect you.

  • Apr 19, 2023
    2 replies

    In some countries like the UK, drag has long been a part of family entertainment, pantomime dames (men in drag playing female characters) have been a part of festive performances for years

    That being said I probably wouldn't take my kid to a drag queen story hour, mainly because I'm a good enough storyteller and would want to bond with my kid over stories, dumping them somewhere else to have someone read them stories just feels lazy to me, the drag aspect doesn't bother me but I also don't see what it adds in that situation, but in no way would I want to hide the concept of drag queens from my kids

  • Apr 19, 2023

