whats the last game that ran at 30fps? I honestly dont remember what 30fps feels like
only time I'd cop a game that solely runs 30 fps is if it's a switch game cause you know that thing is almost a decade old. I got Gotham knights for $20 and while it's not terrible by any means least they could've done is give a performance mode option.
whats the last game that ran at 30fps? I honestly dont remember what 30fps feels like
redfall, gotham knights and before that watch dogs legion which got a performance mode at least
redfall, gotham knights and before that watch dogs legion which got a performance mode at least
Plague Tale as well, but that also got a 60 fps patch
Idk how Bethesda gets away with shocking people they are dropping Starfield at 30fps on consoles
Their dev studio has always dropped absolute dog s*** performance on console. Always.
Great games, but yeah idk how anyone is surprised by this.
That said I would play 30fps if I love the game, doesn’t bother me. Anything that is fast paced 60fps is obviously preferred
I just want good gameplay mechanics I am going to be honest with you. Obviously ideally yes 60fps but I grew up gaming 30fps games with great mechanics that were fun . They weren't 4k either.
30FPS doesn’t matter to me
If the game is fun, it doesn’t matter. Starfield’s backlash is unwarranted as long as the game is good and it does look good
My issue is this current new gen (Xbox Series, PS5) was sold to us on a lie
The fact there’s 8K on the PS5 box lmao
I don’t want to have to chose 4K at 30 or lower quality at 60
It just felt like we were promised a baseline of 4K @ 60FPS and we can’t even hit that
The fact the most powerful consoles can’t do that when they sold that to us is some con s***
This new gen of systems were out too early. They just seek like Xbox One XL and PS4 Pro+
This gen is just super disappointing and pointless so far
the gaming community caring more about 4k and 60fps over actually fun gameplay is sad
Real Devs
lol in hindsight this is funny
would never play a new game at 30fps unless it's a special game like Starfield or Skate 4
yeah exactly primarily the special ones
People who harp on 60 fps reminds me of “I’ll only listen to music if it’s lossless” audiophiles, especially when they go on and on about how a game is “literally unplayable” if it has some frame dips.
Get a PC if it’s that much of a focal point for you.
I enjoyed that game
I know some did some didn't . It definitely looked and ran well eventually though
idk, maybe? cause 30fps make my head hurt. right when it begins i usually stop asap never pushing thru so idek if i could adjust or not
if i could with no headaches then yes ofc but as it stands rn, above 30 all i can handle
30fps is equivalent to 720p in 2023 nobody is playing on that if they can help it
I usually don’t care if I’m enjoying the game. If it’s making the game unenjoyable then nah but it’s not that deep for me
idk, maybe? cause 30fps make my head hurt. right when it begins i usually stop asap never pushing thru so idek if i could adjust or not
if i could with no headaches then yes ofc but as it stands rn, above 30 all i can handle
What games were you playing before 60fps became more common lol