I don't really care about FPS. But I'll most likely skip it til it has a price drop. Most next-gen games that come out don't really seem worth their price tag.
would have to be something crazy visually
there are games with fully ray traced lighting that run at stable 60fps on console now i dont see much excuse to launch with only 30
Shut up yes they are next gen was leaps and bounds better than previous gen + SSD’s + massive massive CPU improvement
You ain’t gotta cap for a corporation that don’t care about you bro
It’s okay to admit you wasted $500 on the PS5 just to play PS4 games lmao
After 2 years of pretty much every game having an option between Fidelity and Performance mode, games are coming out with no 60fps option. It could be because we were mostly getting cross gen games, but I believe they've already set the tone that having a 60fps option is standard. Are Next Gen consoles still too weak to have good graphics and frame rate going forward?
okay for sure vgc has terrible taste they gave plague tale requiem a 2/5 but gotham knights 4/5? lmao
I just want good gameplay mechanics I am going to be honest with you. Obviously ideally yes 60fps but I grew up gaming 30fps games with great mechanics that were fun . They weren't 4k either.
the gaming community caring more about 4k and 60fps over actually fun gameplay is sad
Hmm...I'd say yea because I was never used to 60fps until I got my gaming laptop, but even then it doesn't matter as much as far as I can tell. To me at least.
Thought it was hard to go back to 30 fps. But playing Zelda on Switch hasn’t bothered me 🤔
only? no. I am fine if that is the target, but there should always be options.
not just two options, but many to let people get the experience they want. its fine if the devs default and target to a specific setting, but that should then be the setting that is used in all marketing.
Quote me in 2 years when the "next gen" game still is 30fps and they promised 4k60
Watch the excuses be how the game is too good to run on a 2020 console then
Didn't even take a whole year
I just want good gameplay mechanics I am going to be honest with you. Obviously ideally yes 60fps but I grew up gaming 30fps games with great mechanics that were fun . They weren't 4k either.
you won
would never play a new game at 30fps unless it's a special game like Starfield or Skate 4
only? no. I am fine if that is the target, but there should always be options.
not just two options, but many to let people get the experience they want. its fine if the devs default and target to a specific setting, but that should then be the setting that is used in all marketing.
this, we're at the point where options should be in all games, given they're "next gen".