How was she digusting she barely did anything lol
don't you call fat girls disgusting for the same reason
disgusted a stupid ass word though.
i just thought musically the performance wasnt all that entertaining and a step down from previous years.
something seriously wrong with these niggas.
Nigga walk around in panties rubbing his ass cheeks on niggas face then come say stupid s*** like this
He wasn't sayin that when he got his ass whipped
f***in dumbass
disgusted a stupid ass word though.
i just thought musically the performance wasnt all that entertaining and a step down from previous years.
he not talking bout musically tho
he not talking bout musically tho
ah okay. tbh its pretty hard to decipher what he is precisely talking about with that quote, it's pretty vague.
The problem is why the f*** do these news outlets care what Goldberg had to say, everyone knows what they’re doing. It didn’t have to be broadcasted at all, people just love the outrage marketing. Disgusting
Goldberg was one dimension as a wrestler and Rihanna’s performance was meh. Both legends tho
very few understand Undertaker vs Goldberg
they would rather see kenny omidga do a 1800 splash from the top rope
damnnn never knew this
Wrestle a real gorilla? Get @Synopsis on the phone