Imagine being disgusted by a pregnant woman singing and dancing
Makes me nauseous ngl bro
more KTT likes than twitter likes for a twitter post is crazy
A white man saying a black woman disgusted him, will never sit well with me tho. Don’t care what context it’s in.
It’s hard taking a professional wrestler being disgusted about anything seriously
This lol
Whites aged 50+ generally only like the music thats in your avi and hate music made by black people, and theyre a portion of super bowl viewers
Under appreciated post right here
white senior citizens are at it again
He gives off MAGA vibes. He ain’t Stone Cold
The nigga was Stone Cold's equal tbh not no bootleg or nothin
But he trippin here and I don't respect it.
His opinion is bad but Goldberg was the goat once upon a time
Gillberg clears