His opinion is bad but Goldberg was the goat once upon a time
Lmaoo they just picked him to be in that position. As we saw with Brock (who is the best version of that archetype) Batista and Ryback you can put anyone competent at wrestling and has muscles in that position
Rock Austin Cena were actual masters of ceremony who could control a crowd/do a great promo
He wasn't sayin that when he got his ass whipped
That Goldberg theme song
Lmaoo like he needs to thank whoever in WCW who made the call to make it “him” bc he’s literally had f*** ups like this every stage of his career lmao
rihanna really did the bare minimum considering she pregnant as f*** rn w all the dancer doing all the handy work and we supposed to give her an A+ passing grade on a world stage that has higher standards
Lmaoo they just picked him to be in that position. As we saw with Brock (who is the best version of that archetype) Batista and Ryback you can put anyone competent at wrestling and has muscles in that position
Rock Austin Cena were actual masters of ceremony who could control a crowd/do a great promo
His mic work was mediocre but he was the beast. He carried WCW on his back alone at one point.
I had Goldberg toys and shirts and s*** growing up and DDP too but he was everywhere.
rihanna really did the bare minimum considering she pregnant as f*** rn w all the dancer doing all the handy work and we supposed to give her an A+ passing grade on a world stage that has higher standards
So what was disgusting about it?
His mic work was mediocre but he was the beast. He carried WCW on his back alone at one point.
I had Goldberg toys and shirts and s*** growing up and DDP too but he was everywhere.
Yeah because they picked him out of all the other agile guys with muscles to make undefeated and build up as the savior from the nWo. Lmao you could have put anyone with muscles over 6 feet and could pull off the move set he had and you would have had their action figures too. Wrestling booking s*** is fascinating like that cuz his whole life is changed just off of them “picking” him lol. As opposed to Austin/Rock/etc forcing their way into their legacy with their personas and mic skills
His opinion is bad but Goldberg was the goat once upon a time
goldberg is no one's goat
Whoopi cousin?