  • Apr 16, 2021
    3 replies

    Sounds cool to me. It's needed fr

  • Apr 16, 2021
    1 reply
    rhyming rhino

    This already exists. You see these cars? Your parents don't love you enough to buy these.


    Tbf I don’t really think kids minds work this way, i never heard of a kid having that type of reaction to the stuff on YouTube, I’ve heard more concerns about the dopamine implications of watching toys get opened over and over or something to do with the reveal/surprise

  • Apr 16, 2021

    he must be stopped

  • Apr 16, 2021

    Sounds cool to me. It's needed fr


  • Apr 16, 2021

    Sounds cool to me. It's needed fr


  • Apr 16, 2021
    2 replies

    Sounds cool to me. It's needed fr

    Why are people replying to this negatively? It is needed

  • Apr 16, 2021
    rhyming rhino

    Instagram is like 99% fitness girls showing their ass cheeks off in yoga pants

    If I had a kid i would rather them be on a dedicated kids app than looking at that


    I think we still need more details on this service

  • Apr 16, 2021
    rhyming rhino

    Why are people replying to this negatively? It is needed

    they’re automatically thinking some pedo s*** cus of minor only IG

  • Apr 16, 2021

    Damn, Matt Gaetz must be fuming.

    Gonna miss out on the payload.

  • Apr 16, 2021

    I mean they have YouTube Kids. Hopefully it teaches kids to spell & read properly.
    And if done right it’ll stop over sexualization of kids. or make it worse

  • Apr 16, 2021

    Kids getting zucc’d

  • Apr 16, 2021
    rhyming rhino

    Why are people replying to this negatively? It is needed

    Idk. Them niggas not have lil ass cousins and s*** on Instagram.

  • Apr 16, 2021
    1 reply

    my kids won't be using any social media until high school if I can keep them from it f*** this s***

  • Apr 16, 2021
    stream evangelion

    Imagine being a kid and seeing a kid influencer with all the toys you want which they received for free but you have no way of knowing that.

    Idk why this just sounds funny to me. Still f***ed up

  • Apr 16, 2021

    Tik Tok got Zuckerberg shook.

    IG for Kids gonna be full of "kids" like this:

  • Apr 16, 2021
    1 reply

    my kids won't be using any social media until high school if I can keep them from it f*** this s***

    You gotta realize kids today are born in the social media age. They know how to navigate that s***. They are much more proficient than you or I.

    For a kid, social media is a fact of life and has always existed as long as they have been alive. It's as natural to their world as air.

    And that's just kids today.

  • Apr 16, 2021

    Tbf I don’t really think kids minds work this way, i never heard of a kid having that type of reaction to the stuff on YouTube, I’ve heard more concerns about the dopamine implications of watching toys get opened over and over or something to do with the reveal/surprise

    Probably not if youre like 3

    I think i was 10 when evantube started popping off and nothing made me angrier I would fr click off youtube if they even recommended me one of his videos

  • Apr 16, 2021
    3 replies

    You gotta realize kids today are born in the social media age. They know how to navigate that s***. They are much more proficient than you or I.

    For a kid, social media is a fact of life and has always existed as long as they have been alive. It's as natural to their world as air.

    And that's just kids today.

    yeah and I don't want my kids to live that way lmao. It's an awful way to live and it can be avoided. You're not forced to live in that world as a 13 year old. Suicide rates and depression are way up for teens and social media has been a big cause of that. Not to mention the fake/misleading information. These people are addicted. It's so toxic man

  • Apr 16, 2021
    · edited

    yeah and I don't want my kids to live that way lmao. It's an awful way to live and it can be avoided. You're not forced to live in that world as a 13 year old. Suicide rates and depression are way up for teens and social media has been a big cause of that. Not to mention the fake/misleading information. These people are addicted. It's so toxic man

    That's one way you can choose to look at it.

    · edited

    yeah and I don't want my kids to live that way lmao. It's an awful way to live and it can be avoided. You're not forced to live in that world as a 13 year old. Suicide rates and depression are way up for teens and social media has been a big cause of that. Not to mention the fake/misleading information. These people are addicted. It's so toxic man

    Facts kids already on phones and ipads too much already

  • Apr 16, 2021
    stream evangelion

    Imagine being a kid and seeing a kid influencer with all the toys you want which they received for free but you have no way of knowing that.

    You mean like this ?

  • Apr 16, 2021
    rhyming rhino

    This already exists. You see these cars? Your parents don't love you enough to buy these.


    Ah u beat me to it

  • Apr 16, 2021
    1 reply
    · edited

    yeah and I don't want my kids to live that way lmao. It's an awful way to live and it can be avoided. You're not forced to live in that world as a 13 year old. Suicide rates and depression are way up for teens and social media has been a big cause of that. Not to mention the fake/misleading information. These people are addicted. It's so toxic man

    People are going to think your kids made racist tweets and deleted the account to cover it up

  • Apr 16, 2021
    1 reply
    rhyming rhino

    People are going to think your kids made racist tweets and deleted the account to cover it up

    Maybe this is a joke but nobody thinks this s*** bro. I'm talking about middle schoolers man

  • Apr 16, 2021

    sometimes i think everything will work out in the world and then i forgot marx suckberg exists and i immediately want to die and go off the grind.