  • Apr 16, 2021
    1 reply

    Maybe this is a joke but nobody thinks this s*** bro. I'm talking about middle schoolers man

    I knew a lot of kids in hs who made social media accounts only because they thought they couldn't get into good schools or get a job if they didn't have one

    I get what ur saying is different but still people feel like its becoming necessary to have one

  • Apr 16, 2021

    real weirdo s***

  • Apr 16, 2021

    We are on page 3 if you still think they are going to give DM access to a 4 year old please stop posting itt

  • Apr 16, 2021

  • Apr 16, 2021

    Tik Tok wasn’t enough huh

  • Apr 16, 2021

    Ofc, but creating a whole new app for them is worse, it's only gonna make kids more insecure at a younger age and possibly be invaded by pedos and s***traffickers

    I think things have to be approved by the parents anyway. So as long as it’s safe I don’t have an issue with the concept

    I have no way of telling how it’s gonna make people more insecure tho. I think if you’re insecure because of social media then you were already that way irl and shouldn’t be on it at all.

  • Apr 16, 2021
    rhyming rhino

    I knew a lot of kids in hs who made social media accounts only because they thought they couldn't get into good schools or get a job if they didn't have one

    I get what ur saying is different but still people feel like its becoming necessary to have one

    I mean I did too, but man we were the alpha testers for that noise. I don't feel comfortable with kids running around on a social media platforms of their own.

    Like go outside and kick a ball, life is too short to be spent on a social media platform made by a weirdo that doesn't care about privacy or security in any fashion.

    But I get your point though.

  • Nayuta 🐯
    Apr 16, 2021

    I mean that's okay I guess? Yall acting like children can't already have IG accounts

    At least this way they not seeing any adult content and have any weirdos doing pedo s***

    On top of that at the end of the day if you a parent and you don't want your kid on IG then they not gonna be on f***ing IG

  • Apr 16, 2021

    the devil strikes again

  • Apr 16, 2021

    Can't wait for Kiddie QAnon

  • Apr 16, 2021
    rhyming rhino

    This already exists. You see these cars? Your parents don't love you enough to buy these.


    This little boy a gazillionaire.

  • Apr 16, 2021

    I feel bad for the future generation

  • Apr 16, 2021

    Nothing will come of this. Bad idea that sounds like a bad idea.

  • Apr 16, 2021

    Okay but how are you gonna keep pedos and other creeps out

  • Apr 16, 2021

    Now I understand why people say they‘re some pedoagendas behind big companies like FB

  • Apr 16, 2021

    What is censorship

  • Apr 16, 2021

    i mean this already exists on youtube

    the most subbed channel on the site is some kid who reviews toys

    How about little Jimmy watching still images of Peppa Pig Marvel finger family waving back and forth on their tablet while mommy and daddy have a quite dinner at Olive Garden

  • Can someone explain to me how this is bad?

    It would be a kids space, nothing sleazy happening, hell kids had their own spaces before

  • loading 🧊
    Apr 16, 2021
    stream evangelion

    Imagine being a kid and seeing a kid influencer with all the toys you want which they received for free but you have no way of knowing that.

    you are BEHIND

  • Apr 16, 2021

    man F*** facebook

    @DAVIDP you hear about this disastrous idea?


    Social media needs to just get f***ing banned already

    Disastrous effects

  • Apr 16, 2021

    nothing wrong with getting kids addicted to follower counts and likes, negative self image, and farmed for data as young as possible

  • Apr 16, 2021

    thinking about it more this mite work. we were making myspaces in like 5th/6th and that s*** was unsafe af so i bet kids are still making ig. having a kids ver with stricter guidelines/ways to catch creeps would be a good alt to the actual site.

    u should still probably just not have ur kids on social media tho tbh.

  • Apr 16, 2021

    this is mad unnecessary

    there's no positives to this, they just wanna advertise s*** to kids and make a profit

  • Apr 16, 2021

    They finna start grooming kids with a whole bunch ads for toys, games , shows . They already got the blueprint to f*** up the minds of future generations

  • Apr 16, 2021

    bro this ain’t it

    smH Zuck