First things first many of us are getting scammed so flagrantly it’s disrespectful. Making this s*** mandatory is such a curse. Im not sure if this is a universal issue in America or other countries but the tristate peoples on here know what I’m talking about. HOWWWWWW is it legal to charge somebody with no accidents in 5 years over $200 a month, let alone the fact my s*** just increased b 83% to what will be $360 a month because of a bullshit reckless driving ticket that I got from a bored bitter police officer (another issue but that’s neither here nor there I guess) . It’s only my 2nd or 3rd ticket with points in the last 5 years I believe I have six points … maximum
HOW IS THIS ALLOWED, war on the working class is so crazy
First things first many of us are getting scammed so flagrantly it’s disrespectful. Making this s*** mandatory is such a curse. Im not sure if this is a universal issue in America or other countries but the tristate peoples on here know what I’m talking about. HOWWWWWW is it legal to charge somebody with no accidents in 5 years over $200 a month, let alone the fact my s*** just increased b 83% to what will be $360 a month because of a bullshit reckless driving ticket that I got from a bored bitter police officer (another issue but that’s neither here nor there I guess) . It’s only my 2nd or 3rd ticket with points in the last 5 years I believe I have six points … maximum
HOW IS THIS ALLOWED, war on the working class is so crazy
Depending on what state you're in, you could just be paying for the other drivers on the road
Since insurance is mandatory, you can't just refuse coverage to someone legally. So, what some states do is for the high risk driver's premium be distributed amongst other drivers of that state
Also, that's a hell of a lot of points
But yes the insurance industry is rooted in racism, and hoarding assets
Maybe you shouldn't drive recklessly?
Officer pulled me for speeding despite that I slowed down to 25 mph when the signs signaled a limit change, but claimed I was still going the speed of the previous speed limit,
It’s funny I just made this thread last month and I completely agree OP. Honestly been tempted to just stop having insurance and taking the risk
It’s kinda crazy that people are allowed to make money off of the risks that you are forced to take as a member of society
Like, you can’t exist without a car in America and you can’t exist without car insurance, but there isn’t really anything stopping an insurer from just charging u thru the roof
I was once a feminist until I found out that women pay much less towards car insurance than men on the sole basis of gender
I heard somewhere nj charges one of the highest prices for insurance
Also 6 points is crazy
It’s terrible nowadays. I know niggas in Toronto with a $700 car note + $500 monthly for car insurance. That should be illegal.
I work in auto insurance
Are you under 25? + yes bruh 3 driving tickets in the past 5 years are going to impact your rates LMAO what type of question is this you’re lucky you’re paying >400 /mo for that wtf
Talking about “war in the working class” with 3 driving tickets boy if you don’t auto insurance is mandatory cause of ppl like you bruh if you f*** someone else up and are uninsured you’re not gonna have the potential tens of thousands to pay out of pocket for their property and medical expenses. Everybody hates insurance until they need it - which is understandable if you never need it - but everybody does at some point
Imagine if the tables were turned. Somebody f***s your s*** up you have to go to the ER and your car is totaled. The other person is a cheap bum with no job or insurance. Now you gotta get a lawyer and sue this broke for something they don’t got and you’re stressed as f*** for the next x years trying to recover from this. That’s not fair is it?
I’m sure other countries have some other public insurance system or something but the point is it’s necessary
when i drive my car i feel like those lift operators at Home Depot like im doing a job
I was once a feminist until I found out that women pay much less towards car insurance than men on the sole basis of gender
Not true, but a great narrative
Continue cooking
u got 3 tickets bro
rates are going up across the board tho it sucks
nothing good with it
idk how ur bill got so high, maybe try progressive
its definitely good to have insurance both legally and just to be safe
i went a few months without insurance
got into an accident
couldnt get my car inspection passed due to accident
repairs cost 3k
i didnt get it repaired, went to a friend for the inspection to pass it
car gets stolen 2 months later
got 8k from insurance
didnt have to pay to get car fixed, used 8k to get new better car, life is great
insurance is good
Imagine if the tables were turned. Somebody f***s your s*** up you have to go to the ER and your car is totaled. The other person is a cheap bum with no job or insurance. Now you gotta get a lawyer and sue this broke for something they don’t got and you’re stressed as f*** for the next x years trying to recover from this. That’s not fair is it?
I’m sure other countries have some other public insurance system or something but the point is it’s necessary
This isnt what happens, if the hypothetical victim is insured then they get their bag