  • May 9, 2023

    Why tf would you do this??? please tell me how did people react?

    dawg i posted this 2 years ago i only remembered that cause it was an intrusive thought that day

    i wanna say most people either were confused or didn't care, and like a couple people laughed at me but a person or two helped me move my props from class to class

    as for why I did it....I think its cause I was upset that I didn't have a good Halloween costume that year, and also cause a lot of the kids had parents that would clearly help them with their costume (i think one kid dressed up as a Facebook profile with like a bunch of cardboard info emulating a Facebook profile in color and stuff)

    its not like my parents never helped me with costumes tho, they did, it was more like i just couldn't think of anything good in time

    and i was like "fuck it, why not" and I think I lied and told people that it was the birthday of the creator of Top Ramen or some s***

    also I just really liked instant ramen as a kid
