At the moment she didn't say anything but later told me to stop watching weird things on the internet
Dad got me a psp back in the day, he found p*** all on my s***, never saw that psp again 😢
At the moment she didn't say anything but later told me to stop watching weird things on the internet
Weird things
I downloaded a p*** torrent when I was 15 and my ISP sent an email about copyright infringement to my dad's email, it had the title of the video and everything. one of the most embarrassing moments of my life.
Dad got me a psp back in the day, he found p*** all on my s***, never saw that psp again 😢
damn he just like me
Dad got me a psp back in the day, he found p*** all on my s***, never saw that psp again 😢
Maaan me and the squad stayed on the psp p*** in middle school/high school
F***in middle of the day n s***
Passed the psp around during film study before football practice smh
never got caught
got extremely close to being caught like 10 times tho
At the moment she didn't say anything but later told me to stop watching weird things on the internet
When I was 8
Yep I was playing one of those flash s***cartoon games on my pc and there were 2 lesbians with big titties all on the screen at 6am in the morning.
My mom came into the room and then freaked out and told my dad.
Yep I was playing one of those flash s***cartoon games on my pc and there were 2 lesbians with big titties all on the screen at 6am in the morning.
My mom came into the room and then freaked out and told my dad.
I remember we found gay p*** on this dude phone and that’s how our whole football team found out he was gay
He didn’t know we saw his history
Felt bad for him
Such a toxic coming out
I used to beat it at like 1AM with the door behind me, pretty sure I got anxiety disorders because of that s***
Every little sound could've been my dad busting the door in & seein me like that
I remember we found gay p*** on this dude phone and that’s how our whole football team found out he was gay
He didn’t know we saw his history
Felt bad for him
Such a toxic coming out
dam that's tuff