weird things? tf? your mom gotta be a f***ing virgin
I think she didn't want to make it awkward so she said it implicitly
with my dad yes, not with my mom, but even then I’d only be embarrassed cause I’d have a hard d*** out in front of him, if he saw my browser history or just saw me casually watching p*** (no d*** out) then it wouldn’t be a big deal for me
with my dad yes, not with my mom, but even then I’d only be embarrassed cause I’d have a hard d*** out in front of him, if he saw my browser history or just saw me casually watching p*** (no d*** out) then it wouldn’t be a big deal for me
(no d*** out)
I remember we found gay p*** on this dude phone and that’s how our whole football team found out he was gay
He didn’t know we saw his history
Felt bad for him
Such a toxic coming out
Jesus mate
Jesus mate
It was such a bombshell at the time because no one else was really out like that but he was also hyper masculine type
Just made it so much worse
with my dad yes, not with my mom, but even then I’d only be embarrassed cause I’d have a hard d*** out in front of him, if he saw my browser history or just saw me casually watching p*** (no d*** out) then it wouldn’t be a big deal for me
Why would it be less weird if it was your mom? Feel like it would be the opposite for most guys
na but some dude forgot to log out of his discord on the school laptop and he was in a bunch of hentai/futa servers LMAO
logged out for him and didnt tell anyone tho
na but some dude forgot to log out of his discord on the school laptop and he was in a bunch of hentai/futa servers LMAO
logged out for him and didnt tell anyone tho
very nice nerdg1n
I was on a camsite as a kid and my dad came in my room and i pretended to be surprised and did a 5 seconds late jerk reaction and I turned the power bar off with my foot
Couldn't have been more obvious
He pressed me hard abt it and I just kept saying you scared me that's why the computers off
He just told me I'm to young to view that stuff
na but some dude forgot to log out of his discord on the school laptop and he was in a bunch of hentai/futa servers LMAO
logged out for him and didnt tell anyone tho
I remember we found gay p*** on this dude phone and that’s how our whole football team found out he was gay
He didn’t know we saw his history
Felt bad for him
Such a toxic coming out
I got some stories where I almost got caught but I'm embarrassed to tell em cuz I'll end up looking like a coomer
na but some dude forgot to log out of his discord on the school laptop and he was in a bunch of hentai/futa servers LMAO
logged out for him and didnt tell anyone tho
thanks for that
I downloaded a p*** torrent when I was 15 and my ISP sent an email about copyright infringement to my dad's email, it had the title of the video and everything. one of the most embarrassing moments of my life.
Ik u remember the title