This is how he expresses himself and we can’t ask for anything other than his true current self
Why not say this why use such language in title & op
Makes u sound real insensitive couldnbring ur point accross more tactfully but whatever
No we SHOULD expect him to have a comeback and get his s*** together. We should expect him to deliver inspiring music and for him to speak to our souls and give us his heart and mind in a clear way. You mfers get it so twisted and don’t understand that NO ONE WANTS LATE REGISTRATION 2. We want Donda but we want it to be great fully realized music that encompasses exactly where Kanye is at in an artfully presented way. Yes plz Kanye do your bipolar narcissistic billionaire s*** but make it into great art. EXPLAIN HOW YOU FEEL! Give us your heart and mind. This is not that, this album is empty bad music!
I don't think you understand how badly bipolar disorder affects peoples behavior
I don't think you understand how badly bipolar disorder affects peoples behavior
Yeah u right I don’t. I know he’s f***ed up rn. I’m not saying it’s not sad but I can’t help but feel this way
Yeah u right I don’t. I know he’s f***ed up rn. I’m not saying it’s not sad but I can’t help but feel this way
Yeah that's what we all want i think but it's not that easy unfortunately
He’ll put out like 5 or 6 more albums like this but when he’s 60 he’ll come with a late career masterpiece like Bowie Dylan Jay
No we SHOULD expect him to have a comeback and get his s*** together. We should expect him to deliver inspiring music and for him to speak to our souls and give us his heart and mind in a clear way. You mfers get it so twisted and don’t understand that NO ONE WANTS LATE REGISTRATION 2. We want Donda but we want it to be great fully realized music that encompasses exactly where Kanye is at in an artfully presented way. Yes plz Kanye do your bipolar narcissistic billionaire s*** but make it into great art. EXPLAIN HOW YOU FEEL! Give us your heart and mind. This is not that, this album is empty bad music!
At a loss for words but you couldn’t stop yourself from making this BS post
OP had 141 words
I’ve been a fan of Kanye West since my mom would play the college dropout in the car when I was 6
But OP’s exactly right
People keep making excuses because to them, Kanye is bigger than just music. He represents a part of their lives. He was their best friend. So they’re going to defend him till the end - which I get.
Admitting that he’s fallen off would be like admitting there’s no Santa.
Feel you my guy but Everyone grows up and realizes that santa is fake. Time to grow up :(
See your confusing critiquing and not liking the music with having high expectations. A lot people have already stated they don't expect anything crazy, just sum they can enjoy. And he didn't deliver, they have the right to be upset
nah this album is a classic it’s already shifting the culture i can feel the intense energy
Sad Kanye make me sad too :'(
Cus some of these braindead takes are making me question if any of you even know or care about Kanye outside of him releasing rap verses you enjoy
Like what the f*** did you expect from this album I have to f***ing know
Did you expect him to be normal in the head and rap like late registration?
He will never ever ever be the Kanye he was pre-TLOP and I really thought we all just understood that at this point
He is a completely different artist now. We have so many of the actual best albums of all f***ing time by him in our libraries already
There are zero artists that can ever even attempt to keep a streak like that going
I’m just at a loss for words at every other take I see in the donda thread
op projecting his biases part 253,
welcome to kanye to the, where people circle jerk kanye., and anti-fans circle jerk their agenda.
never seen this thread before. great job!
Oh yeah we just gonna ignore millions of people stanning ”cokehead-and-all-other-drug-imaginable” rockstars playing their music in their 60-70s
Ye ain’t no different, but still different in his delivery
Cus some of these braindead takes are making me question if any of you even know or care about Kanye outside of him releasing rap verses you enjoy
Like what the f*** did you expect from this album I have to f***ing know
Did you expect him to be normal in the head and rap like late registration?
He will never ever ever be the Kanye he was pre-TLOP and I really thought we all just understood that at this point
He is a completely different artist now. We have so many of the actual best albums of all f***ing time by him in our libraries already
There are zero artists that can ever even attempt to keep a streak like that going
I’m just at a loss for words at every other take I see in the donda thread
OP tell me who is your favorite artist apart from Kanye and I tell you who are really stanning