for some reason this makes me think the hammer is gonna come down harder on Durk now
Hopefully he can afford the services of Brian Steele then
After tonight, the price went up for sure
Man Steele really wanted for this to go to the end
But like he says, no one can fault Thug
court resumes monday or something for the remaining 2 defendants, i think the mistrial without prejudice motion is still in the air and probably will be decided then
but ppl are speculating that she's going to declare a mistrial without prejudice, which means that the whole process will most likely start over again
so if i were thug, id consider that i couulllld get out right now today after having served 2.5 years.... or wait for another trial to start with a year long jury selection followed by a god knows how long trial to actually commence and have all those witnesses called again and everything for another god knows how long
if this all took 2.5 years, it could be another 2.5 years min without a trial end in sight..... so 2.5 + 2.5 = 5 years served just to maybe get a not guilty when at least one of the charges (possession of a machine gun) he almost definitely would have been found guilty of
rip to everyone that thug lost while locked up
his bm
rich homie quan
rip to trouble too
was business is business the first mainstream rap AI album?
Damn near all of it was actually him if I can recall
rip to trouble too
I don't understand how court stuff works
If he was sentenced to 5 years how does he go home
Was he in there for 5 years already
I don't understand how court stuff works
If he was sentenced to 5 years how does he go home
Was he in there for 5 years already
5 years commuted for time served = the 2.5 he was in for is enough and he can go home
So is he free or 5 years ?
5 years commuted for time served = the 2.5 he was in for is enough and he can go home
I work at a news station and my anchor just casually read this news off during a break and there was an extended moment of me shouting in the headset
So is he free or 5 years ?
Commuted means reduced it took a second for my stupid ass to comprehend basic law terminology
It's the numbers that were f***in me up though
5 years commuted for time served = the 2.5 he was in for is enough and he can go home
So it was technically 5 years
But they decided the 2.5 years was enough
What was even the point of the 5 years then that's wacky
5 years commuted for time served = the 2.5 he was in for is enough and he can go home
wtf is wrong with the judicial system numbers don’t even mean numbers no more
for some reason this makes me think the hammer is gonna come down harder on Durk now
The only way Durk is getting any leniency in this case is if he tells the Feds about every murder he knows about. State vs Fed is a different ball game
wtf is wrong with the judicial system numbers don’t even mean numbers no more
ya this is why its stupid to try to defend yourself--law terms are so obscure and hard to understand its never just clear
So it was technically 5 years
But they decided the 2.5 years was enough
What was even the point of the 5 years then that's wacky
If commuted time served was denied he would have gone to jail for 2.5 years = 5 years with what he’s already served
i'm not, but i find it hard to see him staying out of trouble for the next 15 years considering all the s*** hes already been involved in.
Genuinely asking. How hard is it to not break probation?
If commuted time served was denied he would have gone to jail for 2.5 years = 5 years with what he’s already served
Then like if they didn't want him to go to jail why didn't they just sentence him for 2.5 years and then count the time served
Why would they call it 5 years and then he like well the time served was enough and it wasn't actually 5 years
Genuinely asking. How hard is it to not break probation?
He would have to change a LOT about his lifestyle.
Which I hope he does because it would be 100 times worth it to stay out of prison, be a positive influence on young people, be with his kids and family, and live a new sort of life away from the violence
He would have to change a LOT about his lifestyle.
Which I hope he does because it would be 100 times worth it to stay out of prison, be a positive influence on young people, be with his kids and family, and live a new sort of life away from the violence
So basically live a civilian life with no d**** or hookers?