Youtube premium the most underrated sub. Id trade every subscription i have for yt premium ngl. Imo its worth the money if you use it alot. I use youtube more than i watch tv so the price is fair to me ngll
I miss the old YouTube man
Rating videos out of 5 stars
No corporate factory farmed content
No identical clickbait thumbnails
No ads
I only watch yt on mobile and they haven't blown up yt vanced yet somehow.
once they do tho im off yt, ass platform
Youtube premium the most underrated sub. Id trade every subscription i have for yt premium ngl. Imo its worth the money if you use it alot. I use youtube more than i watch tv so the price is fair to me ngll
they offering 2 months free bout to grab that s***
Also remember, if every single person used an adblock, the site as it is currently wouldnt be able to exist.
Unless youd prefer to start paying personally for the hosting/streaming costs of every video you watch
but are people really missing out on YT premium tho? it seems like one of those things i'll never pay for like winrar
There will always be a way to watch for free, or rip the videos. But that process gets more complicated and takes more effort over time.
premium an easy fix to avoid all of that and still not get ads.
If you have the spare cash and want to avoid the effort it makes sense.
I miss the old YouTube man
Rating videos out of 5 stars
No corporate factory farmed content
No identical clickbait thumbnails
No ads
I remember back in the day, late 00's youtube, i was a teen, there was a video called "guy commits suicide" in my recommended tab and i clicked it, thinking it was a joke. Was a man in front of a webcam. watched the whole video waiting for the punchline and wondering how he did it. There was no punchline. Then I looked at the recommendations on that and I kid you not, the whole thing was filled with videos like that. Not the same guy, all different people. Thats when i realized it was real. Couldnt close it fast enough
We were too harsh on Susan RIP
I remember back in the day, late 00's youtube, i was a teen, there was a video called "guy commits suicide" in my recommended tab and i clicked it, thinking it was a joke. Was a man in front of a webcam. watched the whole video waiting for the punchline and wondering how he did it. There was no punchline. Then I looked at the recommendations on that and I kid you not, the whole thing was filled with videos like that. Not the same guy, all different people. Thats when i realized it was real. Couldnt close it fast enough
I never saw any s*** like that on YouTube. Worst I can think of was clicking on a video that was titled “sexy girls naked” or something and it blasted audio of a guy saying “this person is watching p***”
There's f***ing unskippable ads on every single video now. And its not like before where you could use an adblock because it doesn't work.
i can understand not wanting to pay for an extra sub if you already have apple or spotify..
but if you don’t have either of those and you use youtube frequently then might as well just pay for youtube premium which also comes w youtube music.
deadass sat through 3 ads totaling 60 sec I couldn't skip
Lmaoo no f***ing way. 3 at the start of a clip!?!?!?
Lmaoo no f***ing way. 3 at the start of a clip!?!?!?
on TV youtube you can even get a 2 minute one
Lmaoo no f***ing way. 3 at the start of a clip!?!?!?
Nah, not at the start.. in the middle.
The search feature is horrible now too
Most of the results have nothing to do with what you searched up