if you guys do plan on getting yt premium make sure you sign up for it directly on youtube.com ($13.99 a month) and not through your iphone app ($18.99 a month).. it costs 5$ more if you sign up for it using your iphone for some reason
Mostly cause of the cut apple takes.
Crazy to me that yall are crying like this over ads
the trade off is paying and yall don't want to do that so
The overall media landscape would be a lot healthier if we didn't get such a hard on for ad-free tiers
all gucci till s*** end up like that episode of black mirror where it can tell when you aren’t watching / listening to the ads and you’re forced to consume
all gucci till s*** end up like that episode of black mirror where it can tell when you aren’t watching / listening to the ads and you’re forced to consume
If you live in fear of this list go
buy a lot of dvds and books while you still can because they already have most of that data and that technology already exist
https://twitter.com/dexerto/status/1836795042456870917This s*** affecting Adblock too?
looking into this
Crazy to me that yall are crying like this over ads
the trade off is paying and yall don't want to do that so
The overall media landscape would be a lot healthier if we didn't get such a hard on for ad-free tiers
All the anti corp rhetoric bullshit aside $13 a month for what I get out of youtube is a steal lol so, whatever. I'll pay it.
RIP 10+ years of adblock it was a good run
I’m getting back on premium tbh, student discount makes it 8 bucks a month and it probably saves you more than an hour in watching ads in that time + background play and being able to queue and download is also great. Only problem is that I only use it in browser and not the app
YouTube can do this because they have no real competitors. So they can keep plastering ads until we're blue in the face to pressure people to subscribing for Premium.
what's worse is how YouTube ads are mimicking TV with full blown ads that are unskippable. a whole 60 seconds
A lot of people are watching YT though TV screens now, so they're making TV-style ads to adjust.
they wanted to raise my premium subscription like $2 every month so i cancelled that s***. i was watching too much youtube anyways
youtube premium boyz like
Me. I put 3 of my homies on and they said it's no going back. Youtube needs to pay me to be a spokesperson tbh.
There's f***ing unskippable ads on every single video now. And its not like before where you could use an adblock because it doesn't work.
Adblock works on my laptop still and I just got a new laptop last month. Guess I’ll ride the high while it lasts
Me. I put 3 of my homies on and they said it's no going back. Youtube needs to pay me to be a spokesperson tbh.
that’s what’s up i’ll put in a good word for you
I don’t mind ads when I’m watching on tv because it’s usually background noise for me to sleep but yeah s***s getting bad