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  • May 15, 2024

    I hear you. Its not.

    But please answer my question - If I see my 5-6 year old son playing with a Barbie doll and/or wanting to wear a dress, I'm not supposed to say anything and just let him be?

    Why do you feel that needs to be corrected?

  • May 15, 2024
    1 reply

    reminder OP is a proud Kappa member

  • plants ๐ŸŒป
    May 15, 2024
    Big Tobacco

    reminder OP is a proud Kappa member

    what does this mean bro

  • May 15, 2024

    Why does the behavior of playing with a Barbie need correcting in your opinion?

    Because I feel at that age, that children need guidance. Some kind of steering.

    For example, say it starts with a Barbie. What if then the son likes the clothes that the Barbie wears and wants to dress like her. What if he likes the make up and wants to wear that too. (I know you want to respond with, "JUST BECAUSE YOUR SON PLAYS WITH A BARBIE DOESN'T MEAN HE'S GONNA BE TRANS/GAY") I'm just using this an an example.

    At what point does the parent step in to provide some sort of guidance/steering.

    It would be different if the kid was 16-18 and was able to make sound decisions and had a pretty good grasp on what they like and who they were. But to leave that decision up to a 5-6 year old just seems wrong to me. Sorry.

  • May 15, 2024

    lol you're incorrect about everything. parents can not 'turn' their child trans. trust me. what a ridiculous post.

    When did I ever say that parents could turn their kids trans?

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