  • Dec 5, 2024
    1 reply

    Thats enough evidence to get rid of the public education system!

    To be fair it’s been a stark decline since it was implemented

    Idk if getting rid of it is the answer but it definitely needs a significant overhaul

  • Dec 5, 2024
    2 replies

    Thats enough evidence to get rid of the public education system!

    the private christian school kids that come into my company are easily the kids that have been taught the least about mathematics in their time in school.

    they know nothing.

  • Dec 5, 2024
    Stanley Kiest

    To be fair it’s been a stark decline since it was implemented

    Idk if getting rid of it is the answer but it definitely needs a significant overhaul

    It needs major overhaul, I am joking about wanting it gone

  • Dec 5, 2024
    1 reply

    uh oh...

    Canada was the only country in North America to make the study's top 10 for mathematic scores.

  • rvi 🐸
    Dec 5, 2024

    Canada was the only country in North America to make the study's top 10 for mathematic scores.

    wait a few more years and youll be plummeting out of that top 10 along with us, buddy...

  • Dec 5, 2024
    1 reply

    math lowkey the easiest subject its just taught in a way to screen out those who arent naturally gifted at it

    a good teacher will explain why they do everything they do and why it works. as a math minor its weird to me that they teach long division so early, its actually a tricky formula and its irrelevant in actual mathematics since u always have a calculator. plus they never explain how it works

  • Dec 5, 2024
    1 reply
    Jim Halpert

    the private christian school kids that come into my company are easily the kids that have been taught the least about mathematics in their time in school.

    they know nothing.

    The fact two of you thought I was somehow serious with the exclamation point man come on

    I do a lot of in school observations and training sometimes, public education needs more funding and backing absolutely

    School psychologist job is basically to see how little support a school legally needs to provide a student

  • Dec 5, 2024
    1 reply

    The fact two of you thought I was somehow serious with the exclamation point man come on

    I do a lot of in school observations and training sometimes, public education needs more funding and backing absolutely

    School psychologist job is basically to see how little support a school legally needs to provide a student

    I think you misread my post, I didn’t think you were serious

    Was just giving a point as to why people seriously want it gone

  • Dec 5, 2024
    Jim Halpert

    that plus the way schools are funded is by attendance and graduation rate

    therefore there is really no consequence for students not learning, when they already dont want to learning or actively fight learning in the first place

    they just do not value the education they are getting and where it can take them.

    F*** that’s sad

  • Dec 5, 2024
    1 reply
    Stanley Kiest

    I think you misread my post, I didn’t think you were serious

    Was just giving a point as to why people seriously want it gone

    Oh agreed yes it's bizarre that people out there actually think private is any better

  • Educational performances are going down throughout the developed world. Even though the US educational system is especially s***, I think social media and s*** like tiktok that fries your brain definitely is playing a big part in it. And I also feel like the position of teachers has declined as authoritative figures.

  • plants 🌻
    Dec 5, 2024
    1 reply

    the education system been purposely sabotaged and defunded to create a population that is more easily manipulated.

    couple that with social media driven brainrot and how parents actually having the time/money/energy to parent their children is now a privilege and well, you get school churning out these illiterate no manners having re t ards

  • Dec 5, 2024
    1 reply

    Oh agreed yes it's bizarre that people out there actually think private is any better

    Yep, s*** is gonna be a mess soon I fear

  • Dec 5, 2024
    2 replies

    math lowkey the easiest subject its just taught in a way to screen out those who arent naturally gifted at it

    a good teacher will explain why they do everything they do and why it works. as a math minor its weird to me that they teach long division so early, its actually a tricky formula and its irrelevant in actual mathematics since u always have a calculator. plus they never explain how it works

    "he said he cant do normal payment apps so he sent me a mobile check for like 1k which is 800 more than the beats cost

    he then ran me thru this long ass ordeal of trying to get me to pay him the rest back, which i actually did, it took all night cus apparently this dude is a f***ing terrorist or something and he is banned from like every payment app

    anyways, after we sorted that out, he said we could run it back and id get to keep 200 after he sends me 1800 so i can transfer it to some other dude for him

    this dumbass sent me 1800 then i sent him back like 1000 today, then sent the last 600 thru some vanilla visa cards"

    What's the math looking like for this?

  • Dec 5, 2024
    1 reply

    like damn man if yall dont use arithmetic sequences to budget for a big vacation trip or logarithms to calculate stock options then of course you "hate math"

  • Dec 5, 2024
    Stanley Kiest

    Yep, s*** is gonna be a mess soon I fear

    makes absolutely no sense for the super rich to have any use for an educated populace.

  • Dec 5, 2024
    2 replies
    Jim Halpert

    like damn man if yall dont use arithmetic sequences to budget for a big vacation trip or logarithms to calculate stock options then of course you "hate math"

    ‘arithmetic sequences to budget for a big vacation trip’

    Isn’t this just adding up the costs?

  • Dec 5, 2024
    · edited

    "he said he cant do normal payment apps so he sent me a mobile check for like 1k which is 800 more than the beats cost

    he then ran me thru this long ass ordeal of trying to get me to pay him the rest back, which i actually did, it took all night cus apparently this dude is a f***ing terrorist or something and he is banned from like every payment app

    anyways, after we sorted that out, he said we could run it back and id get to keep 200 after he sends me 1800 so i can transfer it to some other dude for him

    this dumbass sent me 1800 then i sent him back like 1000 today, then sent the last 600 thru some vanilla visa cards"

    What's the math looking like for this?


  • Billions of tax payer dollars going to private school tuitions every year btw

    Make the rich richer, make the kids dumber

  • Dec 5, 2024
    this is not an alt

    ‘arithmetic sequences to budget for a big vacation trip’

    Isn’t this just adding up the costs?

  • Dec 5, 2024

  • Dec 5, 2024
    1 reply


  • Dec 5, 2024
    1 reply

    notice how its the US 🤭

    england had lower literacy rates

  • Dec 5, 2024

    england had lower literacy rates


  • Dec 5, 2024
    this is not an alt

    ‘arithmetic sequences to budget for a big vacation trip’

    Isn’t this just adding up the costs?

    id just use it for quickly figuring out how much im gonna have left for longer stays, how many big meals i wanna eat based on price, ect. but yeah really basic example