a lot of people underrate how important math education is for kids IMO
math is a great way to learn logic and problem solving
the education system been purposely sabotaged and defunded to create a population that is more easily manipulated.
couple that with social media driven brainrot and how parents actually having the time/money/energy to parent their children is now a privilege and well, you get school churning out these illiterate no manners having re t ards
a lot of disdain for regular people in this post, stop thinking everyones a rеtard just because people dont wanna grow their own veggies or something
math is a great way to learn logic and problem solving
and how to push through something that may take longer than 30 seconds
and how to push through something that may take longer than 30 seconds
exactly i get wanting something now but the process is a necessary evil
exactly i get wanting something now but the process is a necessary evil
process is everything
outcome is fleeting
"he said he cant do normal payment apps so he sent me a mobile check for like 1k which is 800 more than the beats cost
he then ran me thru this long ass ordeal of trying to get me to pay him the rest back, which i actually did, it took all night cus apparently this dude is a f***ing terrorist or something and he is banned from like every payment app
anyways, after we sorted that out, he said we could run it back and id get to keep 200 after he sends me 1800 so i can transfer it to some other dude for him
this dumbass sent me 1800 then i sent him back like 1000 today, then sent the last 600 thru some vanilla visa cards"
What's the math looking like for this?
whats ur point
i always felt like physics is a better subject to have a good grasp on for regular life. chemistry is pretty cool but not very useful and id prob rank it below math. biology somewhere around chemistry
a lot of disdain for regular people in this post, stop thinking everyones a rеtard just because people dont wanna grow their own veggies or something
bro what? im literally saying the regular person is being beat the f*** down by the system and thats why we are in this situation. your average parent is spending so much of their time, energy, and money just surviving and providing the absolute basics for their kids that they don't have the time/energy to teach them, help with homework, support them emotionally, etc. its not a failure of the parent its a failure of the surrounding system
just coz im called em re t ards at the end doesnt mean i dont have sympathy for them
bro what? im literally saying the regular person is being beat the f*** down by the system and thats why we are in this situation. your average parent is spending so much of their time, energy, and money just surviving and providing the absolute basics for their kids that they don't have the time/energy to teach them, help with homework, support them emotionally, etc. its not a failure of the parent its a failure of the surrounding system
just coz im called em re t ards at the end doesnt mean i dont have sympathy for them
thanks for clarifying i agree with this
i always felt like physics is a better subject to have a good grasp on for regular life. chemistry is pretty cool but not very useful and id prob rank it below math. biology somewhere around chemistry
bingo. physics is where its at. learning math is like learning to code from a book, whereas learning physics is like learning to code on the job. the latter is a much better approach
statistics is also great
bingo. physics is where its at. learning math is like learning to code from a book, whereas learning physics is like learning to code on the job. the latter is a much better approach
statistics is also great
the point of a lot of math is to be able to eventually do physics and calculus with it
i had a math minor at a pretty high ranked college even tho i sucked at math in hs and i eventually realized math isn’t numbers it’s logic and reasoning it’s not a kid with an accent calculating the square root of 69 quickly on a game show it’s legit slowing the process down and understanding that given ABC it means XYZ i really wish more kids would be receptive to that
i always felt like physics is a better subject to have a good grasp on for regular life. chemistry is pretty cool but not very useful and id prob rank it below math. biology somewhere around chemistry
My physics class was the hardest class I ever took in college
i always felt like physics is a better subject to have a good grasp on for regular life. chemistry is pretty cool but not very useful and id prob rank it below math. biology somewhere around chemistry
physicists are the most powerful people that’s like the OG application of mathematics outside of basic add, subtract, multiply, divide
the point of a lot of math is to be able to eventually do physics and calculus with it
calculus is basic af i mean if i were an employer and the most math u took was calc3 i wouldnt hire that person unless it was something really easy. like obviously getting to calc 3 means ur good at math but its not enough to do anything interesting, thats like first year s*** for a math major
calculus is basic af i mean if i were an employer and the most math u took was calc3 i wouldnt hire that person unless it was something really easy. like obviously getting to calc 3 means ur good at math but its not enough to do anything interesting, thats like first year s*** for a math major
u crack me up dawg
We are beyond Idiocracy and I wish people would realize that
That movie was about low IQ/other relevant evolutionary traits leading to a population that just wasn't very bright or smart because dumb people f*** a lot and are too dumb to use birth control
What we are seeing here is the government purposefully tanking the populations expectations of the publicly funded school system so it's easier to cut it out of the budget completely
We aren't being governed by idiots, but by people who want to give massive handouts to businesses for the money of it, not due to naivety
bingo. physics is where its at. learning math is like learning to code from a book, whereas learning physics is like learning to code on the job. the latter is a much better approach
statistics is also great
i need to catch up on physics and i wanted to for a good while. i didnt care for it in high school but as i grow older i realize theres a ton of stuff from physics that could be useful in my life. my dad is a monster physicist and he can explain our entire apartment's circuit network like a walk in the park
u crack me up dawg
tbh unless u go to a top tier school those classes are just an introduction to more advanced math.
in my field its mostly statistics thats useful, which does use a ton of calculus, but it also uses a ton of linear algebra that is like 1000000000x times harder than anything youll see in calculus
We are beyond Idiocracy and I wish people would realize that
That movie was about low IQ/other relevant evolutionary traits leading to a population that just wasn't very bright or smart because dumb people f*** a lot and are too dumb to use birth control
What we are seeing here is the government purposefully tanking the populations expectations of the publicly funded school system so it's easier to cut it out of the budget completely
We aren't being governed by idiots, but by people who want to give massive handouts to businesses for the money of it, not due to naivety
Additionally funnel more money to private schools who are backdooring support via lobbyists
My physics class was the hardest class I ever took in college
yeah my physics teacher back in school always kicked my back for not being good at it. funny enough she knew my dad and that he eats that physics s*** for breakfast so she was especially surprised seeing that im terrible at it lmao
tbh unless u go to a top tier school those classes are just an introduction to more advanced math.
in my field its mostly statistics thats useful, which does use a ton of calculus, but it also uses a ton of linear algebra that is like 1000000000x times harder than anything youll see in calculus
Dawg I loved linear algebra. Weirdly I hated calc 2 so much.
i need to catch up on physics and i wanted to for a good while. i didnt care for it in high school but as i grow older i realize theres a ton of stuff from physics that could be useful in my life. my dad is a monster physicist and he can explain our entire apartment's circuit network like a walk in the park
thats dope, yea i had a phase where i was learning a lot of physics on youtube, jus basic s*** mainly but i almost understood how classical mechanics works with like euler lagrange and the hamiltonian s***
tbh unless u go to a top tier school those classes are just an introduction to more advanced math.
in my field its mostly statistics thats useful, which does use a ton of calculus, but it also uses a ton of linear algebra that is like 1000000000x times harder than anything youll see in calculus
whats the math on you getting scammed every 4-6mos