Some people have record players and still buy solely to resell, some people don’t have record players but are saving up to get a good set-up (like me) or are trying to contribute to the preservation and appreciation of physical media like @sunroofsurfer said
We are talking 50% of an overall consumer base ain’t no way that didn’t include a large enough reseller population
One of yall non-record playing nerds better run me your copy of Endless
Almost feel bad for how much I sold it for
Thankfully never got into vinyl collecting. S***s mad expensive and if I did it, it would be mostly for the aesthetic… posters do the same thing
Nigga ain’t got no type of pride 😂
Ego death is where you find happiness
That's the only place you find happiness
We are talking 50% of an overall consumer base ain’t no way that didn’t include a large enough reseller population
Obviously there are people who don’t own a record player and just buy to resell, I’m not talking about those people
lmao me
im just not sure what player to actually get
The AT-LP60XBT is a pretty good starter record player if you are ever interested in getting one. Whatever you do, just don't get one of those briefcase record players
Could've told you this years ago when vinyls started becoming trendy again
Thankfully never got into vinyl collecting. S***s mad expensive and if I did it, it would be mostly for the aesthetic… posters do the same thing
Its really only expensive if you exclusively buy overhyped promo vinyls of new albums or reissues by huge artists.
If you're mostly into music made after like 1999, then yeah you're probably gonna spend a lot of money on vinyls for those albums.
If you're into most most made in the past 70 years, then vinyl collecting can be very cheap and plentiful with the amount of secondhand stores, thrift shops, estate/garage sales, flea markets, and local online auctions being filled with vinyl lots pretty regularly. Even ebay vinyl hunting can be pretty cheap if you're not searching for some ultra rare or sealed album/release version thats also quite well known among collectors.