  • Jun 5, 2020
    1 reply

    someone killing their spouse isn't necessarily a crime of passion.

    Again, I think we need to look at the fact we have a society that to a certain degree treats women as and teaches men that women are second class citizens and subversive. We also have structures in place that trap women in abusive relationships. Gender roles play a factor in gendered violence

    I don't disagree with you on that. The notion that we can rapidly unlearn the consequences of those structures is where y'all lose me.

    Sure, given literal generations of teaching, we could maybe eliminate the vast majority of IPV. Society can't really run on these maybes though ... that's why suddenly removing police in a world that's filled with violent representations and structures would be disastrous.

  • Jun 5, 2020
    1 reply

    some of u have a weird understanding of history lol

    maybe its you

  • Jun 5, 2020
    1 reply

    I'm not understanding this, can you rephrase.

    I agree that the kinds of crimes prevented by deterrence are usually crimes where the person has zero "material reason" to do so.

    I don't think it's an absolute mechanism though, rather people weigh the costs and benefits.

    For example, I have a "material reason" to rob Sergrei Brin of millions of dollars in hard cash. However, deterrence STILL comes into play ... I'd risk losing my own property + life in jail, so I don't bother.

    Person A lives in a typical middle class neighborhood, has a steady income and employment.

    They have no material reason rob anybody, even those wealthier than them, because their material conditions are met by society already. Sure, they might get jealous of the richer person, but it doesn't get to anything besides that. These people might cite potential punishment as a deterrent, in my opinion, because as you said, they have something to lose. property, their lives.

  • Jun 5, 2020
    Chris M

    maybe its you


    the fact that some dude is talking about s*** centuries ago and trying to apply it here as if the material conditions and structures of society were the same, the amount of resources was the same, and that the infrastructure to allocate those resources was the same is as asinine as anything i've ever seen.

  • Jun 5, 2020
    2 replies

    Ironic that synopsis has so much faith in people to police themselves but he has no faith in the current system of government and the people that vote for it

  • Jun 5, 2020
    1 reply
    Pusha P
    · edited

    Ironic that synopsis has so much faith in people to police themselves but he has no faith in the current system of government and the people that vote for it

    Where is the correlation

  • Jun 5, 2020
    1 reply

    Person A lives in a typical middle class neighborhood, has a steady income and employment.

    They have no material reason rob anybody, even those wealthier than them, because their material conditions are met by society already. Sure, they might get jealous of the richer person, but it doesn't get to anything besides that. These people might cite potential punishment as a deterrent, in my opinion, because as you said, they have something to lose. property, their lives.

    Sure. I think it's easy to say that a world where everyone's needs are met would more or less eliminate crimes like robbery (then again, like nas said "some people have everything they ever wanted in life and never have enough" ... idk if you can get rid of greed with therapy).

    The other stuff is where you lose me. See the last post I made.

  • Jun 5, 2020
    1 reply

    I don't disagree with you on that. The notion that we can rapidly unlearn the consequences of those structures is where y'all lose me.

    Sure, given literal generations of teaching, we could maybe eliminate the vast majority of IPV. Society can't really run on these maybes though ... that's why suddenly removing police in a world that's filled with violent representations and structures would be disastrous.

    not once you move beyond a superficial and punitive understanding of what justice is.

  • Jun 5, 2020

    Remove, reform and replace

  • Jun 5, 2020

    Defund & reform

  • Jun 5, 2020
    1 reply

    Sure. I think it's easy to say that a world where everyone's needs are met would more or less eliminate crimes like robbery (then again, like nas said "some people have everything they ever wanted in life and never have enough" ... idk if you can get rid of greed with therapy).

    The other stuff is where you lose me. See the last post I made.

    eh but are those greedy people out here committing armed robbery?

    they might be committing another kind of theft but that's a whole other conversation

  • Jun 5, 2020

    I think we should all be able to agree that if you have someone muted/blocked but continue to respond to them going against points they didn’t even make, them you’re automatically a hoe

  • Jun 5, 2020
    good boy

    Raise the requirements to become one

    that will not work

  • Jun 5, 2020
    2 replies

    not once you move beyond a superficial and punitive understanding of what justice is.

    Enlighten me lol. Racism doesn't magically disappear because you abolished police. What stops a supremacist from beating a black person to death? Therapy?

    How long does it take for your magical therapeutic solution to eliminate racism ... decades? How many lives would be lost in the interim? Now apply that to every other crime rooted in passion, prejudice, etc.

  • Jun 5, 2020
    1 reply

    eh but are those greedy people out here committing armed robbery?

    they might be committing another kind of theft but that's a whole other conversation

    There are mechanisms in place for them to legally rob you, at least that's your perspective. In an egalitarian society they would resort to physical robbery to get an edge, no? Who would be there to stop them?

  • Jun 5, 2020
    1 reply

    Enlighten me lol. Racism doesn't magically disappear because you abolished police. What stops a supremacist from beating a black person to death? Therapy?

    How long does it take for your magical therapeutic solution to eliminate racism ... decades? How many lives would be lost in the interim? Now apply that to every other crime rooted in passion, prejudice, etc.

    What stops a white supremacist from beating a black person to death now

  • Jun 5, 2020
    1 reply
    Pusha P

    Ironic that synopsis has so much faith in people to police themselves but he has no faith in the current system of government and the people that vote for it

    The current system of government where candidates are elected by rich people who expect them to create/keep/replace policies that benefit them only and then that candidates time in office is spent appeasing those donors and not the people who voted for them? That system?

  • Jun 5, 2020
    1 reply

    There are mechanisms in place for them to legally rob you, at least that's your perspective. In an egalitarian society they would resort to physical robbery to get an edge, no? Who would be there to stop them?

    Get an edge over who?

  • Jun 5, 2020

    Even if that little scenario played out, if they were caught they'd still have to give the possessions back lol

  • Jun 5, 2020

    pdf in op was a good read. I think it's easier said than done...but with proper resources and execution, it could be done.

    lot of cops be on the street for the most useless s***. white people who take advantage of their white privilege (like that girl Amy Cooper who called cops on the bird watcher) will lose their minds if they abolish police.

    if it ever happened, just know those unemployed cops will protest and go apeshit like some ppl r doing now during these protests.

  • Jun 5, 2020
    1 reply

    You think Jeff bezos gonna be out here committing armed robbery just because hes no longer worth 150 billion?

  • Jun 5, 2020

    What stops a white supremacist from beating a black person to death now

    The threat of jail time. Yes, I'm aware some don't care ... but it's indisputable that lynchings have massively gone down in number.

    You could argue that police shootings are a modern equivalent of lynching but

    1. the numbers are lower if you account for population growth and

    2. if racism = black deaths whether punishment exists or not ... how is your system any better than the current one?

  • Jun 5, 2020

    Get an edge over who?

    An edge over the rest of society.

  • Jun 5, 2020

    Man some real f***ing stupid posts in this thread. Some of y'all really live in a different world. F***ing delusional
