  • Jun 5, 2020
    2 replies

    Enlighten me lol. Racism doesn't magically disappear because you abolished police. What stops a supremacist from beating a black person to death? Therapy?

    How long does it take for your magical therapeutic solution to eliminate racism ... decades? How many lives would be lost in the interim? Now apply that to every other crime rooted in passion, prejudice, etc.

    The basics of white supremacy comes from the fact that minorities, mainly black people are thought of as lesser than them, agreed? This comes from decades of minorities being segregated into disadvantaged communities and told to survive without any resources and thus forced to commit crimes to even simply live and then in these white supremacy communities the minorities are seen as criminals and lesser humans. If you advance people in disadvantaged communities and give them resources and opportunities to become better people they will in time and this line of thinking may change. Have faith in humanity

  • Jun 5, 2020
    1 reply

    You think Jeff bezos gonna be out here committing armed robbery just because hes no longer worth 150 billion?

    Your comment is proving my point. The implication you're going for is "why would an old techie like bezos do something as tough and dangerous as armed robbery?"

    It's only tough and dangerous because the law exists. Take that away, and physical robbery is no more difficult than exploitation mediated through a massive company.

  • Jun 5, 2020
    The Man

    The basics of white supremacy comes from the fact that minorities, mainly black people are thought of as lesser than them, agreed? This comes from decades of minorities being segregated into disadvantaged communities and told to survive without any resources and thus forced to commit crimes to even simply live and then in these white supremacy communities the minorities are seen as criminals and lesser humans. If you advance people in disadvantaged communities and give them resources and opportunities to become better people they will in time and this line of thinking may change. Have faith in humanity

    Again, I already talked this through with Synopsis. I (maybe) agree that, given enough time, white supremacy could be "unlearned" by society.

    The issue is- how many lynchings happen in the interim? How many people die while we wait for a****** racists to educate themselves and stop being a****** racists?

  • Jun 5, 2020
    1 reply

    At this point I would say you should maybe read the literature on such topics

  • Jun 5, 2020
    1 reply
    The Man

    The basics of white supremacy comes from the fact that minorities, mainly black people are thought of as lesser than them, agreed? This comes from decades of minorities being segregated into disadvantaged communities and told to survive without any resources and thus forced to commit crimes to even simply live and then in these white supremacy communities the minorities are seen as criminals and lesser humans. If you advance people in disadvantaged communities and give them resources and opportunities to become better people they will in time and this line of thinking may change. Have faith in humanity

    Yeah, if poorer communities got the funding they needed, crime would go down significantly. But accounting for every variable like that, there are still some people that enjoy victimizing others. So why not give the poorer communities the funding they need, while reforming the police force to be more in tune with the communities they serve, rather than relying on people to defend themselves from strangers

  • Jun 5, 2020
    2 replies

    At this point I would say you should maybe read the literature on such topics

    My friend, if you don't have answers to intuitive, obvious issues like "how do I stop a racist from lynching me" .. no amount of literature can save you.

    I'm not saying you don't have an answer, I'm just saying it's not clear to me what it is.

  • Jun 5, 2020
    1 reply

    Your comment is proving my point. The implication you're going for is "why would an old techie like bezos do something as tough and dangerous as armed robbery?"

    It's only tough and dangerous because the law exists. Take that away, and physical robbery is no more difficult than exploitation mediated through a massive company.

    If you got rid of police tomorrow do you think a bunch of middle class ppl are gonna be going around committing armed robbery

  • Jun 5, 2020
    1 reply

    My friend, if you don't have answers to intuitive, obvious issues like "how do I stop a racist from lynching me" .. no amount of literature can save you.

    I'm not saying you don't have an answer, I'm just saying it's not clear to me what it is.

    There's no point in arguing with him lol

  • Jun 5, 2020
    1 reply

    If you got rid of police tomorrow do you think a bunch of middle class ppl are gonna be going around committing armed robbery

    Let's drop this thread of conversation for now because it's going nowhere. Talk to me about the more pressing issue of crimes motivated by the violent hierarchies/oppression that exists in society rn.

  • Jun 5, 2020
    1 reply

    My friend, if you don't have answers to intuitive, obvious issues like "how do I stop a racist from lynching me" .. no amount of literature can save you.

    I'm not saying you don't have an answer, I'm just saying it's not clear to me what it is.

    How would you stop a racist from lynching you rn

  • Jun 5, 2020
    1 reply

    There's no point in arguing with him lol

    Nah he's a smart guy, I'll wait this one out

  • Jun 5, 2020
    1 reply

    Nah he's a smart guy, I'll wait this one out

    No he's not, but that's just me

  • Jun 5, 2020
    1 reply

    How would you stop a racist from lynching you rn

    The threat of prison. I agreed with you already that some people go through with it regardless.

    But that brought me to my second point which you didn't answer. If crimes like lynchings are inevitable in both worlds (a world of lawlessness for white people and a world without it) ... why is your system better than anyone else's?

    Cool, the cops go away. If the result is random racists taking their place, I'm not sure what you've accomplished.

  • Jun 5, 2020

    In fact, the usual yarn Synopsis et al spin about how the KKK, slave patrols, etc. --> police is pretty much an admission of this.

  • Jun 5, 2020

    No he's not, but that's just me

  • Akame Ga Trill

    The main reason you need to dismantle the system is to get rid of the toxic culture of the police force. They defend one another and allow each other to commit brutality. There are officers who will get dozens of cases against them but will not be fired. A new system should be rebuilt and it doesn’t even have to be super radically different to make change.

    Require a college education (that focuses on criminology and psychology)
    Disarm ordinary patrolmen
    Force officers to engage in community based activities such as food drives
    Create a board that reviews all body cam footage to ensure that that cameras are never turned off
    Any case of force must be documented and reviewed with body cam footage from all officers on site
    Make body cam footage publicly available

    I’m not an activist or well read on the subject so I’m not expert but I’m sure there are plenty of proposals out there that can be effective. A removal of the current system is necessary so that the police culture is dismantled.

    Yep this right here.
    Most of Europe has these requirements.
    I don't think a college degree is necessary in EU but there are a bunch of tests that you need to pass.
    Not everyone can become a police officer.

  • Jun 5, 2020
    1 reply

    you could just like, give everyone food.

    I cant get over how you are always stirring s*** in political threads and tell people to read theory and then you just drop "give everyone food" as a serious policy solution without batting an eye. Like damn why aint anyone thought of that idea in the last 50000 years

  • Jun 5, 2020
    2 replies

    Where is the correlation

    How do you expect people to police themselves when they've allowed this government to run the way it has?

    Bribing yourself out of crimes would be at an all time high.

    You must have a lot of faith in your fellow man if you trust us to police ourselves. I bet you don't even trust people to vote for the right candidate. Why would you rely on them to police a community?

  • Jun 5, 2020

    Cops should be forced to take coursework in history, anthropology, social work, and humanitarian and racial studies. If you're serving the people, you should learn a thing or two about them.

    Prospective teachers have that content embedded into their coursework so their lesson plans will be on point. If you're carrying a gun, you shouldn't be ignorant.

  • Jun 5, 2020
    1 reply

    The threat of prison. I agreed with you already that some people go through with it regardless.

    But that brought me to my second point which you didn't answer. If crimes like lynchings are inevitable in both worlds (a world of lawlessness for white people and a world without it) ... why is your system better than anyone else's?

    Cool, the cops go away. If the result is random racists taking their place, I'm not sure what you've accomplished.

    I'll assume you're meaning lynchings as any racially motivated crime.

    First, you have to restructure the value system of society. And you talk about "how long will this take?" I dont know but I do know there has been stories of kkk members renouncing their views because a black man befriended them. If we don't live in a society that normalizes white supremacy at every turn then who knows what results we might see. My system is better because it eliminates the institutions that do that.

  • Jun 5, 2020
    1 reply
    Pusha P

    How do you expect people to police themselves when they've allowed this government to run the way it has?

    Bribing yourself out of crimes would be at an all time high.

    You must have a lot of faith in your fellow man if you trust us to police ourselves. I bet you don't even trust people to vote for the right candidate. Why would you rely on them to police a community?

    Do you think I believe ppl aren't influenced by systemic factors

  • Jun 5, 2020
    1 reply
    The Man

    The current system of government where candidates are elected by rich people who expect them to create/keep/replace policies that benefit them only and then that candidates time in office is spent appeasing those donors and not the people who voted for them? That system?

    Yup. Now imagine that with the local 'community watch' aka the new non-police. Some smart ass will surely find a way to loophole and abuse it, just like what happens now in the gov't.

  • This is a Synopsis thread now 💯😎

  • Jun 5, 2020

    I cant get over how you are always stirring s*** in political threads and tell people to read theory and then you just drop "give everyone food" as a serious policy solution without batting an eye. Like damn why aint anyone thought of that idea in the last 50000 years

    Oh no they certainly have thought of it

    So maybe now we should question why haven't they done it

  • Jun 5, 2020
    1 reply

    also unless you want to abolish policing we aren't in agreement.

    again, read the stuff here.

    fam come on you can't ask people to base their arguments in research and theory and then link '' to back your incredibly utopian (to put it nicely) arguments?

    like how do we possibly construct "communities who have resourced themselves both materially and psychologically and are well equipped to care for each other and themselves, such that what police purport to offer isn’t needed" under existing class hierarchies?
