  • Jun 5, 2020
    2 replies

    What is my core argument

    the police should be abolished and replaced with "mental health and trauma experts and things of that nature"

  • Synopsis

    So how did they get to this point

    Lmao youre about to say some dumb s*** like america made sure all these countries had no police so now they have a lot of crime arent you

  • Jun 5, 2020
    The Man

    Obviously this would have to be supplemented with major changes in many forms of our lives.

    1. Term limits for congress. 8 years with elections every 4, that’s it.

    2. Elimination of donors, lobbyists and super pacs. Voters only influence elections.

    3. Universal basic income helped by the value added tax and eliminating of some military spending and now little needed handouts like ebt, welfare and food stamps. This along with the money Invested into struggling communities would further deter crime and would help make a just and financially stable society.

    i absolutely agree, police abolition without poverty abolition (and the political reform that makes that possible) just generates new and potentially more devastating conditions of oppression.

  • Jun 5, 2020
    1 reply

    pay them more probably

  • Jun 5, 2020
    1 reply

    pay them more probably


  • Jun 5, 2020
    1 reply

    So how did they get to this point

    Wym? Incompetent/corrupt governments.

    People can't do anything about it because they're either outnumbered or outgunned or both.

    I mean, if you really think about it, the US/western influence perpetuated and got the violent ball rolling in most of these places.

    Same thing would happen here except it might not be violence, it'd be some sort of racketeering or something.

  • Jun 5, 2020
    1 reply
    The Man



  • Jun 5, 2020

    the police should be abolished and replaced with "mental health and trauma experts and things of that nature"

    Right, as they should be.

    As I've told the same user before, I have no misconceptions that police abolition would not reach its ideal outcome under the existing structure of society

  • Jun 5, 2020
    2 replies
    Pusha P

    Wym? Incompetent/corrupt governments.

    People can't do anything about it because they're either outnumbered or outgunned or both.

    I mean, if you really think about it, the US/western influence perpetuated and got the violent ball rolling in most of these places.

    Same thing would happen here except it might not be violence, it'd be some sort of racketeering or something.

    So is your argument that because poor countries with no police aren't doing well, america wouldn't do well either? I dont think that's a logical argument

  • Jun 5, 2020
    1 reply


    You really think more pay will stop them from killing unarmed minorities?

  • Jun 5, 2020
    1 reply

    So is your argument that because poor countries with no police aren't doing well, america wouldn't do well either? I dont think that's a logical argument

    Pretty much.

    Having no police certainly isn't helping lift their society out of the situation they're in.

    I think it's at least worth noting due to the fact that it's the only modern day example of what you propose.

    And the thing about America is that it's less about violence and more about smoke and mirrors, so really, here they would f*** you, but you won't even realize it.

  • Jun 5, 2020
    1 reply
    The Man

    You really think more pay will stop them from killing unarmed minorities?

    increased education screening and training can only happen if they get more money.

  • Jun 5, 2020
    1 reply

    the police should be abolished and replaced with "mental health and trauma experts and things of that nature"

    Like when you ask me "why would the state give up its monopoly on violence"

    Of course they aren't going to do that lol. That doesn't mean we shouldn't abolish police. That is the ideal scenario. No one should be confused into thinking that this is going to happen without radically transforming society to begin with

  • Jun 5, 2020
    Pusha P

    Pretty much.

    Having no police certainly isn't helping lift their society out of the situation they're in.

    I think it's at least worth noting due to the fact that it's the only modern day example of what you propose.

    And the thing about America is that it's less about violence and more about smoke and mirrors, so really, here they would f*** you, but you won't even realize it.

    You can remove the things that lead to the outcomes in your last sentence lol

  • Jun 5, 2020

    It doesn't matter if you dont have police if your country has been starved of resources and whatnot

  • Jun 5, 2020
    1 reply

    So is your argument that because poor countries with no police aren't doing well, america wouldn't do well either? I dont think that's a logical argument

    The argument he's making is that every country with an effective government/economic prosperity/democracy has law enforcement, and the only countries that lack some sort of police presence are those that are heavily impoverished or dysfunctional.

  • Jun 5, 2020

    Like when you ask me "why would the state give up its monopoly on violence"

    Of course they aren't going to do that lol. That doesn't mean we shouldn't abolish police. That is the ideal scenario. No one should be confused into thinking that this is going to happen without radically transforming society to begin with

    i mean this is like saying 'poverty should not exist', 'racism should not exist', 'no one should go hungry', etc.

    like yes if your point is basically 'if I could reconfigure everything about society I would implement this universally great idea that would only be possible in my idealization' that's fantastic but it doesn't leave much room for discussion and obviously isn't grounded in the types of theory/literature you ask others to read before engaging in conversation with you.

  • Jun 5, 2020

    The argument he's making is that every country with an effective government/economic prosperity/democracy has law enforcement, and the only countries that lack some sort of police presence are those that are heavily impoverished or dysfunctional.

    Not exactly

    Because those countries been dysfunctional due to outside political intervention over the course of decades.

    Them becoming lawless is a biproduct of the greed and incompetence of the local gov.

    My main point is that greed will certainly find a way to rule in an unchecked institution. Whether by force or by influence.

  • Jun 5, 2020

    increased education screening and training can only happen if they get more money.

    Not necessarily. Use your smaller budget more effectively.

  • Jun 5, 2020

    how does Synopsis manage to be constantly aggressive on here? maybe its time to admit you dont enjoy this website and log off. maybe spend this time doing something more productive or being an agent for some of the more radical social reform ideas he proposes on a kanye west forum.

  • Jun 5, 2020

    I'm not a fan of the police but it's hilarious people want them abolished and still want guns banned. This insane stupidity from the left must be purged from society.

  • Jun 5, 2020
    1 reply

    Yes what they have done can not be forgiven.
    I don't live in the USA so I can't speak on it
    But after WW2 in my country, we executed the war criminals from our own country whom had committed unforgivable crimes against humanity (the politicians washed their own hands as always though)

  • Jun 5, 2020

    Defund & reform

  • Jun 5, 2020
    1 reply

    I thought you were aussie. Ive seen you in way too many of these threads bro. We have other s*** to worry about that you should put your head to

    Our cops are far from perfect (esp in nt) but theres more pressing concerns than a “police state”

    yes the police brutality isn’t as bad but the systemic racism and overall justice system is f***ed. The same issues talked about itt relate to ones our indigenous community faces and the same abolishing police/economic reforms that were brought up in the aforementioned article would help in soothing those issues

    the massive overrepresentation of Aborigonals in our prison system as a result of similar socioeconomic factors to America:

    Although poverty in Australia is evident among all ethnic groups, it is Indigenous Australians who appear most profoundly affected by poverty. Research has shown, over the past thirty years since the Henderson Inquiry into poverty, that Indigenous Australians are significantly worse off than non-Indigenous Australians, according to all social indicators...Not only is poverty deeply entrenched, the causes are complex.

    432 members of the indigenous community have died in pig custody since 1991:

    the distrust the aboriginal community has with the current police force:

    and why do you think I am not concerned with other issues as well? It just so happens that we're on a form mostly dominated by American's, I've consistently been outspoken about issues pertaining to our country in other outlets

  • Jun 5, 2020

    bro never hit me with the links or answered my comment
