  • Jun 6, 2020
    5 replies

    How about we just get rid of the guns for f***s sake

  • Jun 6, 2020

    And a world without poverty cannot be accomplished

    well. it could be, but it won't

  • Jun 6, 2020
    1 reply

    How about we just get rid of the guns for f***s sake

    Guns don't kill people. But tbh it's a start.

    Idk about getting rid of guns completely tho especially in America.

    Maybe military personnel only but then any cop is gonna get lit up, keeping it 100.

  • Jun 6, 2020

    educate and reform them

  • Jun 6, 2020
    1 reply

    People talking about community run police forget that the most famous "community police officer" in the country is George Zimmerman...

  • Jun 6, 2020
    1 reply

    How about we just get rid of the guns for f***s sake

    This is stupid.

  • Jun 6, 2020
  • Jun 6, 2020

    Crazy how every police law expert prescribes genuine reform and bes just scream abolish police and say youre dumb if you disagree

  • Ok hear me out let's abolish police then replace them with police but we call em something different because I'm afraid of actual reform and want something to be radical about

  • What are the actual plans of reform and how would we make sure that they are effective?

  • Jun 6, 2020

    I'm not sure about abolishing the police but radical reform is at least necessary right now. Cops should not have weapons on them while on patrol. Only special designated units should have weapons and I would even go as far as saying it should be "non-lethal" weapons that shoot rubber bullets and should only be sent out for violent crimes.

    Massive cuts to the budget is absolutely necessary though. Allocate the extra funds into poor communities/public education and maybe violent crime will go down.

  • Jun 6, 2020
    The Man

    Read this. It lists some good points but does fail to mention how we rid the world of rapists and pedophiles since that’s more of a psychological issue than a need to survive issue. We would still need somebody contact in case of a violent crime imo.

    Advancing people with education and employment should rid the world of crimes like theft, robbery and hopefully gang shootings in general thus lessening the need for police. But do we want to get rid of them completely?

    What I think is that we dramatically defund, demilitarize and change their roles and basically only use them on a necessity basis rather than the first people we call. I do not agree with eliminating prisons in this scenario since we will need them for the violent criminals.

    Some perspective as well:

    Chicago in 2018 alone spent 118 million taxpayer dollars on police misconduct lawsuits, where else could that money have gone?

    I will listen and respect all different viewpoints and won’t insult people that disagree with my main point like other users in this section. If there’s already a thread with this topic please merge ty.

    Its a difficult question to answer tbh, and I agree that their needs to be some sort of state organisation in place to at least monitor violent and s***crimes.

    One question - you mentioned having a system in place where the police no longer function as the automatic first port of call for crime (or at least non-violent crime). In practice what would be the alternative solution to say, a non violent burglary?

    You could potentially replace material goods through insurance, although these fees would obviously sky rocket if it was accepted that burglary wasn’t pursued as a crime. But what if a family pet is taken during the incident?

  • Jun 6, 2020
    The Retiring Mane

    This is stupid.

    It's really not though

  • Jun 6, 2020

    Yea man s*** like this will absolutely never happen if it interests you to see a world without police read/write a utopian novel or something

  • Gojira 🦖
    Jun 6, 2020
    1 reply

    How about we just get rid of the guns for f***s sake

    there would still be murders and crime lol, but yes that is a step for america

  • Jun 6, 2020

    Abolish capitalism first

  • Jun 6, 2020

    there would still be murders and crime lol, but yes that is a step for america

    Of course there would still be crimes. But the guns are obviously a huge problem

  • Jun 6, 2020

    Should be like how Watchmen (HBO) had it. Where the police have their guns locked in place, and have to message dispatch for them to unlock it depending on the situation.

  • Jun 6, 2020

    How about we just get rid of the guns for f***s sake

  • Jun 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Guns don't kill people. But tbh it's a start.

    Idk about getting rid of guns completely tho especially in America.

    Maybe military personnel only but then any cop is gonna get lit up, keeping it 100.

    Guns don't kill people

    Bombs don't kill people

  • shane

    Guns don't kill people

    Bombs don't kill people

    Im saying we live in a hyper violent society already. Remember the cold war. Just the threat of our violence calmed everybody down to look towards a different means of competition.
    if we get rid of guns we gotta get rid of everything else above guns as well and make sure they never come back into existence.
    that's tough.

  • CarbideAndCarbon

    People talking about community run police forget that the most famous "community police officer" in the country is George Zimmerman...

    OP was tryna instill hope for a better future here.

  • Jun 6, 2020

    Defund & reform

  • Jun 6, 2020
    1 reply

    ban op tbh
